Guys, she's being exposed by /leftypol/

Guys, she's being exposed by /leftypol/.


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I think she's been exposed without the gay infinity board's input.

based trannies

lol why do i need to join them? let them have their own fun discovering the industry plant

wtf I love starving and snitching on my family now

/leftypol/ is all MtFs?

Fuck Billie Niggerfucker and fuck these stalinist trannies

spot on
based adornofag

More like, leftcomm trannies. There are very few "stalinists" on that board anymore.

To be honest I think Adorno would like Billie just because she isn't degenerate nor does she promote degeneracy in her music.

>someone is made famous by someone else
>someone has song written for them
she's an industry plant
big whoop
can we stop pretending that the industry isn't full of people who are workshopped to produce the most entertaining thing?
What are you going to be mad that Big Bang Theory isn't real life and someone wrote the line "Bazinga"

Are you seriously mad that a bunch of teenagers like the thing the music industry told them to like "a teenager"

Her music sucks and that's the main problem.

>she isn't degenerate
She literally fucks niggers

i had just assumed

How is that degenerate?

Not him, but kys

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Name her fuck buddies.

the her fucking niggers part is what's degenrate, make sense?

I don't understand. There's literally nothing wrong with a white girl having black boyfriends.

>she isn't degenerate nor does she promote degeneracy in her music
yeah okay buddy

She's anti-drug and doesn't write about fucking. She also doesn't show off her ass to get attention. Seems very anti-degenerate to me.

Fuck you and the shills that spam her ugly face every single day here. She sucks, her music sucks, and you suck.

user are you... being racist outside of Yea Forums?

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good post
>t-the entertainment industry is insincere and unjust!!
like stop the fucking presses

If Adorno didn't see anything to like in Jazz he sure as hell wouldn't like trap pop