Guess dream careers and partners
give recs
you will work at a desk or in a field
you will be married by 30 to someone who works a night shift somewhere
hey! I gave kudos to you before for those Angelic Process albums
if you like Street Sects, you might find the band Flux Information Sciences interesting
(I'm OP btw)
Fuck yea touche definitely gets too much hate, try casey
will check out, thanks
A bunch of old Yea Forumscore then tricot
You’re probably young and have loads of options available
ONLY post your chart if you are a teen pseud
ONLY give snark comments/remarks to plebs
ONLY give recommendations to fellow teen pseuds
poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas
dm me for recs no plebs allowed
you really like this question huh,
I mean i do as well
you wanna do a philosophy major but your worried about the career options.
your ideal partner is probably a kinda cute edgy girl
you secretly fancy the idea of becoming an internet personality
your ideal partner would probably be someone who you would feel like you were on equal standing with
yikies af cringelets
based and redpilled
i dont remember now/ I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT
blue skies
stuck in the swamp
etc. sleep sleep sleep go to sleep
kill yourself man! the shows done it's over
henrik ibsen
bibibibiii ibibibib
"raised in a black environment. Have you maybe considered thinking that your race doesn't make you a special snowflake?"
if you see me at joji please talk to me i'm probably about to kill myself
God you are projecting hard
Reminder to report this stupid piece of shit
i like you
little ho little bitch
suck my 5.3 inch dick
admit that you just got pounded
i'd say take the L if you could pronounce it
based as fuck reminds me i need to make a bigger chart to accommodate for some of the albums on your chart
>haha so le unique taste XD
>rearranged Yea Forumscore really cool taste LOL
someone needs to bash your heads with a rock
Are you the "Teen Pseud?" Please fuck off with the personal attacks.
You'd take anyone because you're really really lonely these days, You'd love an office job.
You want another teenager to talk music with, preferably an attractive girl. dark hair/features
You'll graduate college and dive right into some bullshit HR type position
You want an asian in your life, and you'll be a wagie
Are you me? Or maybe you're my ex but no points for the Tickley Feather and Connan, als having Ariel's second-best album up there. No wait you're not my ex or me but you do want to be a part of what you feel is a hip, creative community where you can be hip and create. You'll graduate from your liberal arts school in a couple years then get some money from your family to travel abroad for a bit.
Good taste, you're a very sad person who wants a motherly/caretaker type partner. Even if you don't think so. You'll be a wagie and than go to school
Idk man too mature for us plebs but no you've already got a job you like that pays decent and you want a nice guy with a big dick
>You'd take anyone because you're really really lonely these days, You'd love an office job.
No. I'd hate an office job.
you always this spiteful or just when you're alone on a sunday night?
he has albums on there that i hold dear to my heart shut up faggot
based duster
check'd, but are ya lonely user?
Yeah, but I'm also picky.
I dunno why everyone thinks I want a more motherly partner, and desu I've always been a little embarrassed with the idea, I've always been sheltered and I kinda wanna feel what it's like to take care of someone else, and to prove myself, but i dunno, maybe my insecurities hide what I really want.
sorry but i kinda wanted to get that out
please fuck off with your shitty existence
>he has albums on there that i hold dear to my heart
really fucking cringe taste virgin
I wasn't even projecting idk why I gleaned the caretaker thing from your chart. No need to apologize catharsis is good. You're more than capable of stepping outside of your insecurities shadow. Go get someone and take good care of 'em user.
Same, do you want like a vocational/skill type job?
And fuck off kid
drink some bleach virgin
>look guiz I'm being mean on Yea Forums and no one can stop me!
Well, to get into it, I just finished grad school at a semi-prestigious university, with a dual degree in foreign policy and journalism. I moved to DC and figured I'd take a government or non-profit job. Worked for 2 days on government regulations and felt like I was slowly dying. Been sending out a lot of resumes, and a major magazine interviewed me. I actually wound up interviewing for two major magazines in one, but I'm not going to get them because I haven't been actively writing for the last couple months, and it sounds like that's kind of a deal breaker.
I want to do something creative, like journalism or magazine writing. I also spent about 3 years doing humanitarian aid in West Africa in volunteer positions, and I'd happily do something overseas in foreign policy. My dream would be doing something in foreign affairs and writing.
I can't really relate to my friends here anymore, who are boring paper pusher bureaucrat types who think I'm weird because we have completely different goals, so I've sort of cut them off while I try to get my life in order to do what I actually want. I think I'm figuring things out, but it's a little bit of a struggle getting good habits in place, figuring out my career and lifestyle, and killing bad habits (like posting on Yea Forums)
recs pls
Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand
Burmese / Пoтoп - Split LP
Space Streakings - 7-Toku
Six Finger Satellite - Severe Exposure
Daisy Chainsaw - Eleventeen
Hrsta - Ghosts Will Come And Kiss Our Eyes
Rodan - Rusty
Pram - The Stars Are So Big, the Earth Is So Small... Stay as You Are
kaiba rules
deadass go through this chart
sweet trip - you will never know why
fishmans - long season
dismemberment plan - emergency & i
extended version of yeezus
jai paul - jai paul
andrew bird - the mysterious production of eggs
the life of paul
Art Blakey - Drum Suite
you should've gone the extra mile and copied the altered chart from the previous thread though, that would've been truly dastardly
please post your chart
shotgun to the head broskis :)
I’ve seen it, it’s a whole bunch of obscure French stuff and also relapse by Eminem
It was honestly a pretty chill chart. I got Lindsay/Looney/Robair - Yellowcake off it and that album is sweet, I saw Looney with a trio a couple weeks ago and chatted with him afterward about it and ended up getting a signed CD of it so I honestly gotta give thanks to my man Bobby for that
You have serious psychological issues.
It sounds like you're in a hole you didn't know you were digging if that makes any sense. This might be kind of a shitty spot to be in right now for you personally in regards to sorting big shit out in isolation but like you touched on, once some good habits are fixed in place (and bad ones cut root and stem), you should have a foundation to spring from. Whether that be towards like a Vice-type creativish career path/environment or what have you. Meeting and estabilishing relationships with non paper-pusher types is also probably a pretty essential factor in you finding a satisfying lifestyle. Go abroad again maybe if you feel there's something to find in a volunteer position that might be conducive to inspiring or honing your writing in some way
makes sense, thanks for the feedback
really epic projection friendo :D
>Terror Twilight
you two should be friends
we should be friends
You probably are decent at an instrument and want to be in a band but can’t find people
Listen to fugazi
Righter just got out of college or close
Try vento de maio by Nara leao
You probably have mostly normie friends who you wish were into music
Listen to contact by pharmakon
40 and used to skate
Brigette Fontaine self titled
I'm You probably have my favorite chart ITT excellent excellent taste friend. You're 25,went to college, have no fucking clue what you want to do with your life still. You just got out of a relationship? Either that or you've never been intimate with anyone in your entire life. Oh and I'm 22 and I still skate. Damn The Magnetic Fields, The Caretaker, Grouper, Mingus, fucking great chart. Also I think you're either gay or a woman(not an insult)
Wow thanks friend :)
I’m actually a sophomore in college and hopefully have an idea of broad goal for a career
Not gay or a women either lol
Have you checked out Car Seat Headrest - Starving While Living? It has a few songs on there that are great.
I should add, btw, I love that Richard Hell album. Robert Quine's free jazz/proto-no wave guitar on it is great, and Hell is a great writer.
That’s my chart but it’s not me, I’m actually Sad that Bobby stole the only rec I got this thread lol
that album holds a pretty special place in my heart, and yeah tracks like the plan really emphasize Hell's understated writing ability. I hope that wasn't all drivel I shat out at you earlier aha
Any reccs?
seems like one of those records that's really good but is too long for more than one listen. i'll still give it a try regardless, thx for the rec.
based daniel johnston.
Starving While Living is only 5 songs though? Also thanks, Daniel Johnston is great.
There you go, perhaps a bit off on that last bit of speculation lol. I hope things work out for you friend and again, excellent taste.
If you like him, you'd probably find Jim Carroll interesting, though Carroll was a better writer than musician. Hell was also engaged to a no wave/world beat musician named Lizzy Mercier Descloux, who you might like. It might also be worth checking out John Cooper Clarke.
Loving Hell's ex-fiancee. I just dropped in with Press Color and it's great. Was actually familiar with Jim Carroll somewhat, will have to look into John Cooper Clarke. Thanks man, I appreciate it
o shit, nevermind, i was thinkin' about nervous young man whoops, my bad.
My best of 2019 so far. Listened to that new These New Puritans album earlier and that really impressed me. Also, that Elizabeth Colour Wheel record needs to be talked about more.
My most played, most fapped.
Rec Me something