ITT: post records that are kept from being 10/10 by a single moment, not a whole song...

ITT: post records that are kept from being 10/10 by a single moment, not a whole song, but just one little thing about the album.

I'll start

>"To find suddenly, he is jaaack, the ripperrrrr"

Attached: Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam .jpg (640x640, 146K)

what dont you like about that part :( that's one of my fave lines

It doesn't really fit imo and the way it's delivered is quite cheesy. like the song has so much interesting lyricism and then out of nowhere he just throws in some annoying nonsense.

But however it's more about the deliver that i really dont like. There's some interpretations with the actual lyric, but the way he says "rippperrrrr" just sounds so out of place to me.


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Cool idea for a thread derailed by literally the worst possible opening example

that one bit on Siberian Khatru where it's like a choir of Jon Andersons

Attached: WIgzyVU.jpg (1000x1000, 165K)


Jay-Z's verse on Monster.

when it sounds barely endurable

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It's a great example, your self absorption doesn't change that.

It's better if you imagine a comma between "I love you," and, "Jesus Christ."

Its held back by the Panda songs in general. If it was a short album of the Avey songs plus Safer it'd be 10/10.

What bit do you mean? For me it's the part near the end where the riff stops for a minute for him to go,

Is that not what other people do? He says Jesus Christ I love you right afterward?

>year 2019
>not believing in god and jesus christ as your lord and savior

I've listened to this record hundreds of times and I have to say this is easily one of the best moments on the record IMO. Absolutely perfect for the setting.

But that's not even a part of the album, user.

Literally the best part of that song you stupid cunt.

>some annoying nonsense
No. You are so fucking retarded it's painful. The entire song is about the effort one puts forth into raising their child, the investment of the parent. The song culminates in the effort and investment having been for naught because the child grows up from its innocence and loving naivete into something despicable, like a murderer. This reflects the anxieties and uncertainty of the parent in raising the child. He wants to provide the child with the best guidance and upbringing he can, but he can never be sure he's doing a good job and that the child won't grow to become something he despises. It's an excellent piece of storytelling and lyricism, and if you didn't get that then you literally don't understand the meaning of either the song or the album.

Yeah that's the part I meant lmao sorry I havent listened to it in a long time😂

that violin melody at 30:38 of Long Season. it completely ruins the immersion; the melody itself isn't THAT terrible, but it literally is never played before that part and has no connection to any other motif in the track

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