holy fuckin BASED
Holy fuckin BASED
Other urls found in this thread:
Italy is the boot, etc...
cringe and bluepilled
Mussolini's family members defend him or something?
WHY DOES HE HAVE TO ALWAYS INSERT HIS STUPID WORDS IN EVERYTHING Jesus FUCKING Christ Fantano nobody cares what you have to say, you’re a music fucking reviewer you aren’t owed a platform to talk about anything else because nobody has any FUCKING need to hear what you think about X because just because you have an opinion doesn’t automatically mean anyone fucking cares or is interested in hearing it
I'm pretty sure the Sicilian immigration wave came pre WW1 from what I remember. It's possible, but I doubt he's telling the truth knowing melon.
Mussolinni was a cuck and hilter was too
bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao
>Italian music reviewer mentions Italian heritage to granddaughter of most notorious Italian war criminal in history
Could you be any less transparent, user?
Why is Bruce Almighty, Nico, and internetmusicfaggotfruit arguing
Yeah he isn't swarthy enough to be Sicilian. It's as though, his family are something (((other)))
>Mussolinni was a cuck and hilter was too
>bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao
You're only mad about it because you have to come on Yea Forums and see some dipshit make a thread about it. Every time Fantano does literally anything this happens.
Yeah, because a family can't leave its country of origin outside of these specific periods in history. Fucking moron.
Wow you really get set off easily.
>fascism bad
>communists good
Is Jim literally retarded?
Joke's on you, that link doesn't lead anywhere.
Stay there.
So, here? Gotcha.
Looks like he deleted it. What a coward that man is.
if they were so good then why the lost WW2?
losing wars is good, actually,
Jesus Christ is Fantano mentally handicapped?
fascism seemed to work pretty well for germany until hitler decided to go to war with the entire world.
it wasn't his fault, just because he declared war and invaded them didn't mean they had to respond
This isn't fucking based, faggot. This is embarrassing.
*white people in Germany
Because the country that is literally the paragon of capitalism came in and saved Russia's sorry asses. In hindsight, the US picked the wrong side. We should've let Hitler keep blitzing Moscow into ashes.
Stop fucking strawmanning me the point is that Fantano goes out of his way to insert his two cents on everything he can get his hands on and it muddies his integrity as a music reviewer because it just makes everything he does about HIM. It’s his opinion with the music but the show is not about him it’s about what his opinion is about, and when he goes out of his way to make his opinions on other things so forcefully apparent he just makes everything about him and his opinion and his identity, it distracts. He might not be the only person that does this (and admittably his opinions are generally less retarded than most known names that do this stuff online) but he tries so fucking hard to have the RIGHT opinion and then to SHOW everyone how right his opinion is that it’s obnoxious.
Sometimes yes, because borders and history. Fucking moron.
Wait wait wait...why are they angry? Aren't these the same people that approve of punching fascists? I don't get it.
It worked for rich corporations and memebers of the nazi party everyone else got cucked hard.
who's angry? everybody in the world who defends mussolini is in this thread right now
does she always defend her gramps...?
and we needed to hear this shit?
sit down, man
>Burguer education
Plenty of non-white German citizens. Just as German as any white person unless you're a nationalist who believes in fictional myths about the genetic origin of your race, in which case you aren't even worth having a conversation with.
I don’t use twitter or follow him but I would imagine he does this stuff all the time, and I’ve seen some threads on Yea Forums about this from time to time. I don’t really like what he represents though and this is an example of why, but the only significance of the dipshit making this very thread as far as I’m concerned is just that I saw this one example
>foreign revisionist
Musso did nothing wrong, Hitler was a retard autist that forced him into failure.
>muh Russians won the war meme
Hello, Vlad. Has your country settled on an official death toll yet? 25 million? 26 million? Yeah, I'd tell myself I was a winner too.
He's engaged in a a form of performative leftism ever since the fader article. It's kind of sad.
>Plenty of non-white German citizens
This is a legal term
She had a shitty Grandfather. How is that her fault and how is Anthony a victim in all of this? Fucking stupid melon.
fantano is literally the basedboy wojak archetype incarnate
There’s a difference between defending what your grandfather stood for and taking offense in a drawing of a well-known photograph of your dead grandfather’s mutilated body. She didn’t even allude to supporting fascism.
You’re just as bad a brainletTano
>this thread
Adorno was right. Crypto-fascists are truly everywhere.
To believe that America saved Russia is the revisionism here. Germany failed to invade Russia three years before America even touched down in Europe. Operation Barbarossa ended in less than a year in 1941, D-Day wasn't until 1944. Stop spreading nonsense.
It's the only status that matters. Race doesn't exist in the way the Nazis desired it to exist, as a factor in the behavioral patterns of different ethnic groups upon which they could justify the conspiracy theory that Jews and Black people desired, on a genetic level, to undermine the structure of their society, and attempted to steer their research outcomes toward. Of course their genetic science was all a bunch of bullshit and didn't go anywhere.
But she does support fascism.
Nazy Germany was flourishing, why wouldn't Germans want to be a part of it? The country went from being in post-war shambles to a superpower in 20 years. It was probably incredibly invigorating and empowering for German citizens so it's not really shocking that so many jumped on the Nazi train.
The death toll tells you the real action happen in the eastern front between the Nazis and the Soviet Union. The key battles that eventually rolled back the Nazi advance such as the siege of Stalingrad or the clash of thousands of armored vehicles at Kursk had no parallel on the western wront, where the Nazis committed fewer military assets. Britain was the Italy of the allies >but muh intel and America like the good capitalist pigs they are sold natural sources to both sides until Pearl Harbor.
Adorno was a racist reactionary.
it's almost as if in-group preferences and the desire to kill outside threats are human nature or something
>muh dialectics frankfurt marxist intellectual
Right, 'crypto-facist' are the problem today.
If that’s true then I guess I misread it. Still though, fuck Fantano for trying to play victim here
It "flourished" because the whites stole all of the non-whites' assets. It "flourished" because the government provided all kinds of economic incentives to whites. This "flourish" would have ended as soon as it began, and the Nazis knew it because they wanted to invade the whole world and plunder the rest of its valuables to keep it going.
>wanting to legally regulate marriage
>wanting poor people to die in the streets because they don't "help themselves"
>believing capital punishment is effective at reducing crime
>believing in foreign regime change as an effective bludgeon to whip foreign economies into your own vision of an idea economy
They are.
They are when the only media you expose yourself to is media that encourages this kind of thinking. It's all advertising. Human nature isn't really like that.
what non-white people were in germany in the early 20th century? ashkenazi jews? poles? that's debatable. i'd consider both of those groups white. they may have been considered untermensch by the nazis but they were still white.
Jim Carrey is a strange dude, he trolls to the point it’s just uncomfortable
The only thing that flourished was the pockets of the military industry. Hitler kept invading countries because his Keynesian policies were unsustainble and he had no choice but to loot other countries such as Russia but he got BTFO by based Stalin.
As opposed to what? A practically ineffective collection of resentful academic psuedo-revolutionaries? As it is I'd prefer the conservatives.
These are surreal times we're living in.
>It "flourished" because the whites stole all of the non-whites' assets.
Name one asset that was stolen by whites from non-whites.
>Keynesian policies
LOL The biggest country with Keynesian policies at the time, America, literally beat Germany, with the help of other countries with Keynesian policies. They were called the Allied Forces.
white people except women, old people, kids, people with disabilities, homosexuals etc. It's easy to achieve full employment when you murder your own population.
This thread is making capitalism and Americans look pretty good
t. China man
The left gains its power by telling people that fascists and Joe McCarthy live under their bed.
Fun fact: Keynes actually admired Hitler.
Yes, normally I would have said white able-bodied, able-minded heterosexual, non-Jewish males, but I had to piss really bad so I was a little rushed.
Based mussollini almost saving us from fagtano
Human nature is significantly more tribalistic than you realize.
This. You can't take two steps without hearing about le nazi boogeyman.
Yeah, we don't just naturally appeal to people because we don't want their lives to be pure domestic squalor and financial struggles day in and day out. Right.
You can just say not faggots and would be the same.
I care about his political opinions. Now what?
And we'll never rest again...
Until every Nazi dies...
What's the difference?
Nazis don't exist anymore, tardo.
Fantano's politics are awful.
Nazi sympathizers clearly do. Just read through this thread and see for yourself
>y-yeah buh!
I'm really dumb and don't understand. Can someone explain?
based retard
lmfao why is carrey so fuckin edgy
"Tribe" can refer to any group of people that gets together over commonalities. "Tribe" can refer to a group of humanists who get together based on their shared humanity. Your version of human nature is pseudoscience as humans are born as a tabula rasa, shaped by their positive and negative experiences during their upbringing, adolescence and adulthood.
>It "flourished" because the government provided all kinds of economic incentives to whites
The German government provided incentives to the German people!? *gasp*
What did he mean by this?
>And we'll never rest again... Until every Nazi dies...
lol way to ignore the rest of his post
Fantano is playing the victim card for something that might happened in WWII
Yikes, people better stop watching MSNBC and CNN then. They paint conservatives in a pretty bad light. Might inspire some people like you said! Maybe write them and tell them what you told us.
>I have no idea how people relate to others and the world around them, but they should just listen to me even though am supported by an academic system that is partially responsible for their suffering.
I know you confuse theory for empathy, but if you don't have any interest in gaining the trust of the working class, don't act like you care about them.
And because of massive self-righteousness. My issue is not with their policy (I don't think very many people inherently want poor things for people and unjust inequality) but the constant hubris that one's insight is absolutely correct and one's material reform can solve every human issue and certain people can lead revolutionary massively centralized systems perfectly. To me it's tends to be another, more deceptive side of authoritarianism.
Yes, with pilfered money gained by selling the valuables they stole from families they murdered on the international black market. Have you seen the photos of all of the piles of gold, jewelry and other precious metals they stole just from the corpses of dead Jews in the gas chambers?
Explain this then. Ashkenazi Jews have a significantly higher risk of developing schizophrenia, but surely this is just a result of their upbringing, right?
I gain trust of working class people by being one of them, you fool.
He basically killed his gf with his super aids
Oy vey! The disturbing tales of books bound in human skin make my stomach churn!
Really? I'm more disturbed by the vivisections of pregnant women and forced castrations.
He also kidnapped aryan looking kids from foreing countries. The manlet was a loonie. en.wikipedia.org
But Nazis disregard this facts as "jewish propaganda"
Of course, how could anyone deny that the great German war machine was financed with the pocket change of dead jews? And the lamps made from skin and bone? The torture chambers? Oy vey! We will never forget.
>jewish "facts"
you’re on Yea Forums though, i wouldn’t consider this a representative sample
your prayers for death will not be answered
People with high IQ are more likely to develop schizophrenia.
Maybe in the most tangential sense, but the difference between the labor elite and the academic class is vastly different from the working class that experiences any suffering from capitalism. To them, you're just another group trying to take control.
Ok I see, so that's why schizophrenia among blacks is so rare
>mussolini was bad!!!
epic söy thread
gen y thinks it's going to reenact world war 2 over "saying nigger on the computer" and tokenism
it's never going to happen
no absolution
>Human nature isn't really like that.
this, Mussolini was a fascinating man,Hitler fucked himself,mussolini's own people fucked him
Not as based as MatPat’s wife Stephanie.
Scott thread?
jew girls are hot
The self-righteousness stems from feelings of inferiority. It's the master/slave dichotomy. The Left values good intentions over good outcomes. It's a subversive ideology that only exists in relation to what is considered "good" in the classical sense, meaning something that is strong and powerful. Leftist ideology is an inversion of "good" and seeks to bring power to the weak by deeming them more noble than the masters.
I am not of the "academic class" whatsoever. I'm just a worker with class consciousness and an understanding of how to better run workplaces. It's common sense, really. Treat people like they matter, because they do.
Yeah you didn't read any of those. You just googled a phrase and selected the smartest-sounding research papers you could find.
I believe she’s actually Italian-American, but I agree that she’s hot.
Sounds like you didn't read them either.
you post the same pictures of her
nobody involved in this reads anything
I don't understand him, does he want to be an accomplished artist or cartoonist? If cartoonist why not a funny one? Not some grotesque freak who writes fever dreams out of his demon possessed soul?
it's funny because he is using nazi weapons
these are all very well known studies in pro-nationalist circles, lad
might want to get used to them, especially the uni of copenhagen one as that was done as a response to putnam's results which further confirmed them. every similar study has revealed the same patterns.
check the conclusion of the copenhagen one too for some liberal cope, the guy tries to argue that it's not a big deal that diversity has measured negative effects (with no positives) because other aspects of society can improve them. which is essentially like arguing that you should put sandbags in your car's trunk and then tweak your engine to get better mileage than you got without sandbags. it doesn't even challenge the data, instead skirting around it entirely. pretty funny.
She doesn’t post a lot of new selfies of herself on Instagram anymore. What’s a guy supposed to do?
Speak for yourself, faggot
>fantano admits his grandparents were literal fascists
he's cancelled sisters
Pretty sure they fled because they were not fascists. Of course some hater on Yea Forums would do anything to trash Fantano.
you don't appeal to people because your ideology and political praxis was recuperated by liberalism 50 some odd years ago and you've got nothing fresh or relevant to offer them
the sooner you own up to that the sooner you and your brethren can strategize and move forward. until then you'll be of tertiary relevance in the imperial core, second only to retarded skinhead groups full of police officers and federal agents
good reads
thanks lad
Sicilians are not Italians. They're niggers.
They were probably mobsters or, like most Italian Americans, they were just poor.
try and stop me
More like liberals tried to co-opt our ideas and have so far failed horribly because they tried to incorporate and apply socialistic empathy to capitalism's inherent lust for growth, expansion and domination. Can't be done. Capitalism consistently subjugates one under the other and no number of reforms or laws will stop this inherent attribute of the system. The liberal experiment has plainly failed and the liberals who remain attached to it are sadly delusional.
And you don't see the confirmation bias? Please, summarize, in your own words, all of the studies and similar studies that you definitely haven't read.
read debord
make your friends read debord
I stan Debord. Very aware of the spectacle, very aware of situationism.
>our ideas
the Putnam study is the main one as it was the most thorough, summary is that the more ethnic diversity within a community or political sphere the less people trust each other. this goes for both people of their own race and other races. high trust is linked with all kinds of positive outcomes, particularly humanist type stuff as people seem to care more about others who are genetically similar to them. people vote more, do more charitable work, socialize more, etc. when living in a high trust community.
if you're really such an intellectually lazy leftie at least skim through the conclusions. nationalism is rising for a reason, might as well get in the know.
here are some other spicy keychains for you
“Diverse schools do not make White British students more inclusive in their attitudes on immigrants”…”Diverse schools reduce trust in people of one’s own age”-docdro.id
“Increasing diversity undermines attitudes among stayers. Individuals who move from a diverse to a homogeneous community report improved attitudes. However, there is no effect among individuals who move from a homogeneous to a diverse community.”-docdro.id
“trust is an integral part of a tight syndrome of social, political and economic conditions,”…“High trust countries are characterized by ethnic homogeneity, Protestant religious traditions, good government, wealth (gross domestic product per capita), and income equality,”-docdro.id
also i guarantee 100% you have never even read any climate studies but you're probably completely on board with it all anyway while criticizing others who have actually read relevant material on a subject
lmao faggot
>laissez-faire capitalism is the only kind of capitalism
And your conclusion is that that is because it's just how people are, and not because of their upbringing? Sounds like pseudoscience, but okay. Nationalists were never ones to really understand social sciences very well, or even believe them in general unless the conclusions align with their own beliefs.
The spectacle is at it's peak right now
It was a surprise that Germany even went that far in the first place. Soviet forces were demotivated to fight for the Union and commanding officers of the Red Army were drastically incompetent.
And daily reminder that both World Wars were instigated by Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews (as in confrontation of Grand Capitals of the US and the UK) to fight for control over new colonial regimes and break the back bone of Europe by killing as much people as possible and ensuring the new World Order when you can't have a white nationalism. And like that they pave a way to a complete world domination.
damn I'm literally shaking and crying and pissing my pants rn..... please don't hurt her anthony
so all these large groups of people had the same "upbringing" whatever that nebulous term means? isn't that something YOU have to show?
Mussolini unironically should have destroyed Fantano's bloodline before he was born.
and he's not even good at what he's supposed to be doing at that
Unfortunately, Americans treat family life as a "private" matter, and parents are considered to "own" their children, meaning they can abuse their minds or bodies in almost any way they want.
>go to hell
shouldn't he be telling her grandpa to go to hell?
[citation severely needed]
Not sure I understand why Fantano is so mad. He wouldn't have a fraction of the success or fame he has now had his family stuck living in Sicily. It was because of Mussolini and Hitler that Anthony is where he is today: making money listening to music and ripping off Sam Hyde's sensibility. The dude acts like his family was genocided.
>infant circumcision still extremely prevalent
>US leads the developed world in child abuse deaths
>private Christian schools without science curriculum allowed to exist
Pretty much the only good thing the US does is not force parental involvement in abortion for underage pregnant people, which is already prevalent in the rest of the developed world.
What's the alternative? Family life as a "public" matter?
Abolition of the family. Allow people to leave the family and join the world when they feel like it. Obviously this will require a post scarcity world where people can acquire their needed necessities freely, without labor, but it is necessary and most likely inevitable.
I agree but
>Pretty much the only good thing the US does is not force parental involvement in abortion for underage pregnant people
This is certainly among the wrong things being done.
>not abuse
Holy fuck
Imagine being one of these two people. I can't imagine they have a very high level of consciousness. Life for them must be like a waking dream, where real things aren't actually real.
communal child rearing
saloth sar shit
there's no good answer for some of these things
>Obviously this will require a post scarcity
Yes of course it will, thank you for your practical input. Maybe this will happen haha.
Circumcision has no place in the 21st century. It's genital mutilation.
You scared, bro?
Pretty based. By the way how is she in any relevancy? I thought usually descendants are casted out forever when their fucking parents are torn out of office. The fuck? It's like if Hitlers grandson somehow was PM of germany
Because I think there should be more discretion for youths getting abortions? You think I believe this because I'm some reactionary tyrant or something?
no theoretical abstraction is an inevitability
you need to bring it into existence
It literally will. It is an inevitability.
Same can be said about colonialism and the cold war, faggot
I miss when Yea Forums was libertarian. What happened?
You drank the Marxist Kool-Aid. The abolition of the family is the first step in subverting societies with sexual degeneracy and vice.
lmao get a load of this autistic nerd holy shit
historical materialism is a false prophecy
Kill yourself you subverting commie cunt. Yes you want the family to be owned by the state 1984 style so the kids can be used for the governments will. Fuck you, I'm gonna be sticking on Yea Forums for a while I keep seeing you pathetic cucks trying to brainwash people.
Yes, precisely.
when did he imply communism was good?
>It is an inevitability.
objectively prove it so that there is no room for doubt.
Please see , I am about as anarchistic as they come.
I was one of those right-wing libertarians. Outgrew that phase years ago.
>tfw anti capitalist and anti authoritarian but pro nationalism and anti mass immigration
>nazis, liberals, conservatives, and commies all hate me
What do bros
Commies are fags
>reeee they're calling me out on my stupidity, so I'm going to call them delusional instead of actually providing logical reasons for my beliefs
certain people resent their privileged upbringing so they turn to extreme authoritarian ideologies as some kind of coping mechanism
domestic counterintelligence astroturfs neo nazism and reactionary politics among other things
Mussolini was based. Hitler was an absolute faggot and nazism is cringe.
You people like talking politics too much. You’re all literally dying to give your take on shit
>join the world
What the fuck is that even mean?
Was he a söyboy?
You need to support the most anti-immigration candidate possible because demographics are everything. I cannot emphasize this enough. Demographics are everything.
just dip
wait 1.5-3 years
you're a natsoc who doesn't get you need authoritarianism to keep people in line yet
I think he may just be LARPing.
fascism was conceived as a gay art movement
Can you feel it?
Pursue their own desires as humans. Cultivate their interests, which is not typically possible in a forced nuclear family environment.
so if someone is screwing up raising their kid they just turn them out on the streets and it's "society's" problem or some shit? I'm not responsible for other people's bad decisions.
HA. You will never take Moomin from us.
>socialistic empathy
I think the term "empathy" has been overused to the point of being meaningless.
This is why Arabs and Africans going to replace you. Your women will get a slap in the face, will take on wearing a hijab and will start happily popping out Mohammeds, because this is what they want: a strong hand that rapes 'em into submission.
Yeah they had a huge boner for "male virility", male aesthetics and shit like that. Just look at the Nazi artwork and sculptures.
>which is not typically possible in a forced nuclear family environment.
This is absurd. With the Internet, you can cultivate whatever the hell interests you want.
No, because the children will have everything they need in post-scarcity conditions. People can take care of themselves at this point. Children at this stage of societal development would no longer need to rely on parents to feed or house them. This is a period in which everyone IS responsible for their own decisions.
There's nothing gay about neo classicism. Having sex with feminine men was part of normal heterosexual life in ancient Rome.
Nazis corrupted it with german pagan autism.
You actually approached the point with that one. The internet is the first stage of this evolution. Marx was one of the people who predicted it, actually, along with the anarcho-communist thinkers of the day.
Oh, I see. As long as it was truly post-scarcity and people potentially pumping out children left and right didn't create scarcity, I suppose that wouldn't hypothetically be a problem.
Those sculptures are objectively beautiful. They recognized how much discipline and willpower was required to achieve such an aesthetically pleasing physique.
it really has
very bothersome
they confuse it with sympathy too
such a bizarre obscurantist vernacular
>anarcho communism
O that's a laugh
You don't even have your own desires. If there's no society/markets/cults in place to parade things in front of you so you might get ENTHUSED about some shit and build your whole fucking persona around the fact that you liked doing or stuffing something in your ass. Fucking prick. Most people like what their biology tells 'em to like: taking a shit, eating and sleeping. World is not some rich fucking journey that will broaden your fucking horizons. There's mostly NOTHING. And some shit that might fucking eat you. Or you froze to death. Get lost.
We need automation to free the people from the shackles of forced wage labor for survival and allow them to fully develop as human beings. We have the ability to make it happen for many economic sectors already, we just don't because we don't currently have enough investment in the social state.
white ethnostate when?
Never as long as women have the vote. They'll always vote to let in barbaric darkies and spread the welfare state
This thread is a fucking mess. Radical Centrism is the only correct option for everything.
You don't understand Marx. Marxism is the polished colonialism that can transform any country into a colony. Kill the old elites, stole their money, send this money to Britain.
Israel exists.
Ever watch Star Trek? Ever notice that the children are mostly doing rather advanced things on their own, without constant adult supervision and instead with a kind of supportive attention from adults when needed? It's really something similar to that. Adults should help children become emotionally mature and prepared for life's stressors, not forcefully shape their outlooks on life. The lack of these practices in America over the past century really goes a long way to explain how messed up a lot of older adults are. So does lead poisoning, but I think the lack of emotional maturity really explains it a lot better. Younger kids today are honestly some of the most emotionally mature people I have ever interacted with, so props to new parenting styles for cultivating decent, tolarant human beings.
I fucking you trolling fucks so fucking much I wish you had mosques so I can fucking spray you in hundreds. Communist fucking pricks.
politics are a spook
Eastern Europe basically is
>th-there's nothing gay about it
>Ever watch Star Trek?
Have you?
shouldnt he be thankful? he is a successful dude, and had his grandparents not "hightailed it", he might have been leading a different life
Jews aren't white
Socialism was born precisely to liberate the working man from every tendency to subordinate the interest of the individual to a pretended superior interest. The socialist revolution degenerates when it loses sight of this purpose and attempts to force the individual worker to become a slave of an omnipotent leadership. The experience of the Soviet Union showed this very degeneration. We need a socialist system that gives every honest working citizen the means to fully liberate himself and fight for his own interests above any sort of institution or authority while also emphasizing the importance of civic duty and community responsibility.
Where’s the music?
>thread not about music in the slightest has no problem hitting 200+ posts within hours
Only The Next Generation but comparing a science fiction television show with real life is dumb.
So what are they? Middle eastern?
>We need a socialist system that gives every honest working citizen the means to fully liberate himself and fight for his own interests above any sort of institution or authority while also emphasizing the importance of civic duty and community responsibility.
This is only achievable in an ethnically homogeneous society where there are no minorities. What is in the best interest of the majority can never be the same as what is in the best interest of the minority.
Empathy is pretty much a meme emotion anyway.
turks from anatolia
some migrated into europe and lightened up
>The socialist revolution degenerates when it loses sight of this purpose and attempts to force the individual worker to become a slave of an omnipotent leadership.
This will always happen no matter what.
>We need a socialist system that...
fantasyland bullshit.
>Individual rights
>When commies and socialists are speaking
Hahahahaha no, here's your personal toothbrush, comrade. A centralized authority knows what's best for you. Central planning always works. I just can't cite many examples right now.
Heh. You are exactly what they always wanted you to be. Bred by advertising to be a mindless consumer. Here's a nice little Chomsky clip to tell you a bit about yourself. I even skipped the loud annoying intro with a little timestamp for you. Please, enjoy.
Whites need to regain some sort of cohesive tribal self-interest and identity right now just like everybody else has or in fifty years this country is going to be like Brazil (the bad parts, not the sexy babes and beaches and rich dudes in white linen suits). It's possible to have compassion for Third-Worlders, goodwill towards all mankind, respectful conversations with and attitudes towards people who don't look like you, and at the same time not want your own country to become a cesspit :)
Nazi art and Soviet Realism to an extent had much more "gay" overtones than Italian art.
Fascist Italian art included futurism as well as the realist neo classicism.
Fascism in Italy has it's roots in larping as the Romans which has much more of a base to stand on than German pretending to be the master race.
>turks from anatolia
turks are from central asia retard
The funny part is I guarantee a lot of these posters are the same posters who will bitch about how rapfags, waifufags, shills, newfags, and a billion other things are ruining Yea Forums, while they continue to suck the like out of any music discussion just so they can spew their take on shit
Define sexual degeneracy. Define vice. "They didn't have it when I was a kid" is not an acceptable answer.
They’re Jews, dude. They’re a distinct ethnic group. Not white.
I agree, this thread is off-topic and should be deleted, but as long as it exists, I do feel like talking to the right-wingers on this board about why they are wrong.
Sodomy is sexual degeneracy. Transsexualism is sexual degeneracy. Opiates are a vice. Alcohol is a vice. Nicotine is a vice.
Yea Forums have been dead since 2011
The way I see it the fight is between globalism and nationalism. Globalism is the logical goal for most corporatists as it allows for cheap labor and larger, more dumbed down consumer bases. Globalism also requires forms of social welfare state to sustain all these brown people coming into first world countries. Brown people don't care about Enlightement Western values the same way a lot of white people do, so you bring them into your country and see a fundamental change.
all 4 of them look white jews are white
Why are they degenerate? Why are those vices?
>why yes I am a national anarchist, how could you tell?
You can't talk to them because all of your points are not based on reality and been refuted a while ago. All you can do is spit the same old shit from the cult pamphlets that you currently belong to.
bald fag
"White" is just a bunch of different ethnic groups that interbreed and look mostly the same. Most people can't tell a Jew from a Polak.
Kill the left. Kill the right. Kill the center. argue and circlejerk your shitty retarded political philosophies in hell you faggots.
They are anti natalist behaviors which lower birth rates. They also statistically spread more STDs and tend to promote promiscuity over monogamy. Vices are harmful to body and mind and are used as escapism.
t. incel
>using eugenics propaganda that was used to appeal to the lumpen working class of Nazi Germany to simplify the concept of race
How many white people do you think suspected other white people of being Jewish because they looked a little "Jewish"? How many people do you think were reported to the Gestapo for being Jews and weren't Jews at all? I guess maybe that's what you were doing here, because Jews are a distinct ethnic group, and you were describing this to him in terms an idiot could understand. But gosh, why use that image?
Getting fucked in the ass by a tranny is pretty degenerate, especially if you have a heroin needle sticking out of your arm.
Define sodomy, first of all.
It's not globalism. It's the crisis of the concept of a State as a whole. They keep shoving down our throats fear and panic, playing dividing politics and solving problems they invented in the first place so that people would remain believers that the State is the only source of Security.
based melon
Why are high birth rates good? Why is monogamy good? Why is escapism bad?
Aaaahahahaha, it's not gonna be that easy, my little fascicle.
Have sex.
Like and subscribe for more hot JWOKE takes
Oh god why the hell would anyone want to fuck that user.
I picked this image because it's a real-life caricature of a young Jew.
Oh suck my cock, you love talking politics faggot and you know it. If this thread shouldn’t exist, don’t fuel it you twat
upvoted ur post le ebik troll xDD
liek me in return plox
And fascists are the most spiritually in-tune people of all. That has to be the biggest joke of an idea that I have ever heard. I guess "spiritual" in the context of the narrow ultranationalistic myth that this "spirituality" arises from, but it's bullshit spirituality and it involves harming others, so how about no?
High birth rates are good because you can lower your dependence on immigrants and foreign workers. Monogamy is good because it provides men with an incentive to participate in society. Name one great civilization that didn't have some sort of concept of marriage.
How do I even know that person is a Jew? Can we verify this information?
Good. The Enlightenment has ruined Western Civilization. Demographics are always changing but hopefully with this they're changing for the better.
1 like = 1 dead kike
This is not white
I agree. We should have encouraged whites to breed like crazy so we wouldn't have needed Irish, Italian and Chinese labor here in the Americas. Those strange aliens would never assimilate.
It's the Jewish phenotype
Yeah I'm not doing that. Guess Yea Forums has a "like" function now. But you don't get one. Suck a dick.
I really agree with you. I wish my parents raised me like that but they didn't, I was an emotional fucking wreck until i was about 21. Then after a 3 year relationship failed that same year I finally put real work into bettering myself, been pretty great since then. Many people still aren't there though. I would say the majority aren't.
why do YOU have to always insert your stupid opinions in everything? how is what you're saying not hypocritical?
So it's pseudoscience? Because I have some "Jewish" features, but I am not Jewish at all and my DNA test says so.
Great blog post!
The Italians never assimilated and we banned the Chinese.
People have been bitching about helicopter parents before your dad shot you into your mom, you faggot. People are fucked up. They're not characters from your super idealistic cheap ass science fantasy show.
Holy shit this nigga is retarded.
>and parents are considered to "own" their children
Way better than socialism where their children is property of the government.
Jews are an ethno-religious group of people
No that’s actually the opposite. Lower IQ develop it more
Fuck you, I appreciate this person telling me something real about themselves.
Very relatable. Ever taken shrooms?
You're not clever for trying to make sex sound gross. You're just a freaky weirdo. Kinda sound like Tucker Carlson. I could imagine him saying that, actually. You a fan?
Just because your dad used to get drunk and fuck you in the ass while your mother was shooting heroin doesn't mean that all family sucks.
>this thread🙁
And abuse in your paracosm means teach them values other than your wishywashy feel good horseshit.
How the fuck is it pseudoscience to recognize that Jews have big noses?
I wasn't trying to make sex sound gross, I was reducing sexual reproduction to its bare elements. Maybe you have a learning disability, or difficulties understanding people. And no, Tucker Carlson can get burned alive, same as all the rest of the fuckers who get paid to say garbage propaganda in front of a camera
I agree. If children wish to stay with their parents, that's just fine by me. However, if it does suck, should those children not be allowed to leave? Of course they should, and you can't deny it. However, they shouldn't go right into a "forced family" foster care environment. They should be allowed to go to group residences voluntarily. They should be allowed to forge their own paths if they so desire. I am calling for freedom from every domination here, from labor to social to familial, and nothing else will do.
>The were right about the problem but their solution to it was even more retarded
We're all doomed.
Then you get situations where little Timmy wants to leave because mommy and daddy won't buy him a new video game. And they can't forge their own paths just yet. A fucking 7 year old doesn't know what to do with their lives. And human being naturally crave organization and structure, no matter what your contrarian little anarchists jerk around to. We're only free when we're dead.
So do Italians. The "Jewish nose" is old school white supremacist propaganda from the 19th century that generally accompanies the idea that Jews are ugly. Modern science obviously doesn't discuss this nonsense because modern science doesn't discuss nonsense.
>buy video games
>buy anything
That shit will be free by this point in time, dummy. This is post-capitalism we're talking about.
Nope. Wanted to with my buddies but never happened, they have before.
this but completely unironically
And also, where the fuck do you get off saying a 7 year old doesn't know what to do with their lives? How do you know? How the fuck do you know that about another person who has nothing to do with you, and whose conscious experience of life you are entirely unaware of? See this subconscious obsession with control that you have?
>Oy vey! Modern science says Jews don't have big noses! You're wrong!
Next you're going to try to convince me that niggers don't have big lips, and chinks don't have slanty eyes.
Actually, those examples present a far bigger morphological difference between genetic backgrounds than the imaginary "Jewish nose". Of course, the only reason the Jewish nose stereotype exists is to say Jews are ugly, which usually follows the claim that they are responsible for most of the bad things that happen in the world.
Are you baiting? Pretty much everyone will agree they were retarded before 18. Even at 18 people are still retarded. People need mentors, nothing can replace that.
not him, but Asians don't have slanty eyes. it's not that hard to find Asians with fish eyes, cat eyes, or even European-esque eyes
>The Jewish nose stereotype is a myth, goy!
I mean we're talking pseudoscience from when phrenology was still considered valid.
Wow, what a sick website. Plastic surgeons really do advertise themselves in awful ways.
>Asians don't have slanty eyes
Most Jews do have big noses, just like Arabs and some southern Europeans (namely Italians). Nothing antisemitic about that
Exactly. Lots of groups have big noses. It's not a Jewish thing, but people make it a Jewish thing. That's why it's called a Jewish nose specifically.
People make it a Jewish thing because nobody likes Jews
Right, and that's racist, meaning they should be smashed.
>Asians do, in fact, have slanty eyes
Do you find it interesting how all these expulsions took place despite it never being the Jews' fault?
No. People's racism is wholly uninteresting and primarily arises from mass hysteria. That is the more interesting component. Group psychology is fascinating.
I think the group psychology of Jews is much more fascinating.
>posting le meme book
Hoo boy, it's one of those nights. I'm gonna go get a burger. You have a good one.