Are you part of a band, Yea Forums?

Are you part of a band, Yea Forums?
What style do you play?

*******er beats and all that stuff /prod/ posts about doesnt apply, im talking real bands here

Attached: the-kicks-wedding-band-high-energy-london.jpg (1068x712, 496K)

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I play bass guitar and we play heavy metal.

I play bass. We play alt-rock. Kind of, it's hard to describe

Hello fellow bassist

Really really really fast Power Pop with metal-influenced soloing (sweep picking, tapping, etc.)

Sounds fun post a song if you have anything recorded.

I play keyboards in an alt-pop band, and in an 80's cover band

Here. One of our songs just passed 100k plays on Spotify

Lead vocals in an atmospheric black metal band. I also write most of our drum parts for our drummer.

No, I won't post any of our music. Sorry, guys. I would prefer to stay anonymous.

Bassist and vocalist in a Jazz-Rock band (we’re basically Chicago but experimental)

You play atmoshit so there’s a good chance you’ll succeed at staying anonymous then

for reference its punk indie rock, think Car Seat Headrest + Strokes

We opened for Enfold Darkness once. That was pretty cool. I've also been on local radio a couple times.

I play bass and we rip off Shellac

That's okay. Shellac is fucking fantastic and nobody talks about it enough... favorite album?

cooool. everything i do that involves guitars is a shellac ripoff.

post audio or something. there should be more shellac inspired bands.

>nobody talks about it enough
thats because its all music, theres not much paraphernalia, identity garbage, hype, or gossip to talk about, its just some dudes rocking out and thats it.

I sorta play bass in a prog/netalcore band my buddies are in but im not even sure if im an offical member yet

Hey that's actually pretty good! Good job you guys. I'll go and see you guys if you tour near Detroit or Cleveland.

I'm a bassist in a death metal band. I'm not allowed to write anything.

You're st. Marx aren't you?


no lol

>I'm not allowed to write anything.
lol why wtf

>all these bassists

drummer in a jazzy/groovy/psych pop band with an edge to it. we just relocated to seattle from a small Ohio town. Excited to start playing shows.

Bassist. It's a bit of a weird group; I could describe it as post-hardcore, I guess.
>songwriting is heavily influenced by classical music in the most technical terms possible with a heavy dose of Beatles worship; recently starting to incorporate elements of Mali folk music
>bass is basically a hybrid of Vern Rumsey and Paul McCartney worship, except it's all notated
>guitarist is a metalhead dude that also worships Johnny Marr
>drummer is this girl who basically plays like Moe Tucker
>singing is shared between me and the drummer (I do softer vocals; she can do loud shouts really well)
>we play this weird incongruent mix of things
I have no clue what we're up to. But it works.

i sit in my room all day writing chord progressions and basslines and sing to them, then do nothing and feel like shit. i wish i had a pc or a signifigant amount of money to record and produce, or a band,
this is the best i could do in 3 years of this thus far:

I play bass in an alt/grunge/shoegazy band, ppl say we sound like Alice in Chains.
I also play the violin with a pianist friend, no genre defined yet.

I'd love to look you up on spotify or bandcamp if you have AIC is one of my favorites so a Shoegaze spin sounds interesting

As for me OP I'm a drummer in an Alt-Rock that started out as a pretty cookie cutter Queens of the Stone Age/RHCP/Arctic Monkeys/whatever all our other random influences are plus the hip hop influence I guess since the rhythm guitarist was a rapper while trying to do cute Beatles group vocal stuff and the ep we got done for free came out like asscheeks especially for me since the producer had me on an electric drum kit the whole time which I played pretty garbage on but the album in the works with all our new stuff might be Yea Forums worthy with all the fun experimenting we're doing on it production wise and adding horns and shit, I'll love it no matter because the local NJ scene is pretty stagnant between shit pop punk, indie, metal and hip hop

Sorry for blog post tl;dr drums are fun in a rock band