What does she listen to?
What does she listen to?
>ywn seize the means of her pusy
are there any porn actresses that look like her???
This is a shop right? Her milkers arent that big in other pics
Trump speeches, while rubbing herself to climax
No my friend, this is not a shop
The Death Of Anna Karina
Wtf, Im a socdem now
okay, Manlet Shapiro, time for bed
I don't know but I find her oddly attractive.
me too, but mostly with her glasses on
my commie boo
She is pretty attractive desu, it's just the teeth that throws people off
THIS. It tones down her big ass eye balls and makes her face more....structured, I guess.
>i find an attractive girl attractive
>whoa this is so weirrrddd
I'd never been able to pinpoint it but you nailed it. it's the balance that comes with the glasses that gets me going.
She looks like a fucking horse.
Me never supporting her.
if shes a horse then im a horse
Where are the deepfakes
She looks like a female Ronaldinho. I guess you're gay as well as a horse then.
She looks nothing like him but ok
faceblindness is a sign of autism
Yea this doesnt look like her at all
>hey user, I've seen you come here a lot and just zone out with your headphones on. What do you usually listen to? It must be really good!
>Uh.. its this.. this band..... theyre kind of experimental hip hop with uh.. like a punk influence called... de..
>”what user? Sorry its a little loud in here”
>dea.... death grips... theyre called death grips
>Sounds really cool user, i gotta get back to work actually
What does MatPat’s wife Stephanie listen to?
what the fuck is your deal with that faggots wife? it's kind of disturbing.
do americans actually find spic mutts like this attractive? she was average 10 years ago and is well past hitting the wall now
I just think she’s neat.
Yeah so I’d advise getting checked
She’s pretty fucking neat.
she's ugly
If you told me that was a trap, I’d believe you
She's pretty, I like her politics, and I went to grad school at BU
2000s rap/pop
Hi Ben
She looks more like Suarez to me
jesus she's so fucking ugly
Qt with mommy milgs, pls giv