Why was he assassinated?

Why was he assassinated?

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Great, now we have a new wave of shitposting to look forward to...greeeeeaaaatttt.....

>Wow, I’m gonna go check out the new nipsey hussle project?
How many people do you think have ever said this?

he was an underrated GOAT

Sold too much crack/heroin/molly/guns

circumstances of coming from certain poor areas or something

Trump curse


What did he know about Seth Rich?

>be in a gang
>get shot

something about dr. Sebi apparently

I'm of the understanding that he was working to improve his community through charities. Doubt he was doing anything illegal. That would be counter-productive user.

does anyone actually have like scenes of him getting shot, it was a meet and greet wheres the footage.

I bet that white supremacist used one of those assault rifle 9000 that was purchased using the gun show loophole. No one needs to own weapons made for war. This is definitely Trump's fault.

reminder that one of his biggest moments was being a feature in fdt
this was definitely an assassination

Live by the gun
Die by the gun

None. Because nobody cares about this nobody. I'm just here to discuss Elon Musk's new track.

because he said the n word


He was about to expose the whole fucked up system.

This. This wouldn't have happened with Hillary in office. Every country in the world acts quickly in response to terrorist attacks, with the only exception being the US, who in 2 decades has allowed these mass slaughters to continue.

YG's gon get his too. You'll see. This degeneracy needs to end.

Kek. Funny how every rapper has the exact same fake ass tough guy persona and everyone is surprised when that rapper gets killed and calls them a legend. This deserves to happen to every tough guy.

>wh*te “humour”

It’s a shame he got away with it for so long. Never forget 9/11

Yikes yourself.

/pol/ is a plague to this fucking website I swear

he's been working on a documentary about Dr. Sebi

we get it, heres your (You) weak bait

Newfag, /pol/ was created to siphon racist discussion from other parts of the website.

yea but they're a cancer worse than bronies and furries combined. At least they stay in their containment sites and boards

Donald Trump ordered his assassination. This will be what gets Donald Trump impeached for his corruption. Trump got too confident after the Mueller Report suggested no collusion, but corruption always leaves a trail.

Bronies and furries get banned for bringing their cancer out of their containment boards, /pol/ is allowed to run free.

nigga you know zero rap fans. dude is beloved and his last project and his upcoming documentary are talked about ALL the time.


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>making a living by living "dat life"
>surprised when dies by "dat life"

idk brossss

please link these tweets

Literally just gang violence, shit happens every day

Is there a vid of the killing

Lmao. Rap is literally the most popular genre at the moment and not one person I have met in my life gives a single fuck about him. Maybe ancient black men who pretend that 90s rap isn't total trash.

>90s rap isn't total trash.
Pfff the 90s was the last time rap was even worth a shit.

It's part of their culture. It's what they do, they make some loop music and talk over it and then shoot each other.


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Literally millions you retard

Where r the pics of him shot in the head

10 year in prison if they are posted

Why is the government taking out rappers?

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You zommer cucks set us back 1000 years.

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NVM found em

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The WHITEY killed him conspiracies are going strong on twitter right now.

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his beard looks gross

underrated post

god bless america
let freedom ring

good post

he was a sick rapper too fuck why do people like him gotta die young.

Literally who

Literally based trips

This was the first thing that went through my mind when I heard the news.

>he doesn’t like Thugger

Yooooooo the lil nigga got st8 yeeeeet on bruh damnnn baka

Found the Blueface fan.

Bust down thotiana, i said bust down thotiana

Blueface, baby
Yeah, aight, bust down, Thotiana
Yeah, aight, I wanna see you bust down
Bust down, Thotiana (bust down, Thotiana)
I wanna see you bust down (over)
Pick it up, now break that shit down (break it down)
Speed it up, then slow that shit down, on the gang (slow it down)
Bust it (bust down), bust down, bust it, bust it
Bust down on the gang (over)
Bust down, Thotiana (bust down, Thotiana)
I wanna see you bust down (over)
Pick it up, now break that shit down (break it down)
Speed it up, now slow that shit down, on the gang (slow it down)
Bust it (bust down), bust down, bust it, bust it
Bust down on the gang (over)
Blueface, baby
Yeah, aight, I'm every woman's fantasy (Blueface, baby)
Mama always told me I was gon' break hearts
I guess it's her fault, stupid, don't be mad at me (don't be mad at me)
I wanna see you bust down (bust down)
Bend that shit over, on the gang (yeah, ayy)
Make that shit clap
She threw it back so I had to double back on the gang (on the gang)
Smacking high off them drugs
I tried tell myself, two times was 'nough (was enough)
Then a nigga relapsed on the dead locs
Ain't no running, Thotiana, you gon' take these damn strokes (Thotiana)
I beat the pussy up, now it's a murder scene
Keep shit player Thotiana like you ain't never even heard of me (Blueface, baby)
Bust down, Thotiana, I wanna see you bust down (bust down)
Bend that shit over, yeah, aight (bend it over)
Now make that shit clap on the gang (make it clap)
Now toot that thing up (toot it up), throw that shit back (throw it back)
I need my extras on the dead locs
Bust down, Thotiana (bust down, Thotiana)
I wanna see you bust down (over)
Pick it up, now break that shit down (break it down)
Speed it up, then slow that shit down, on the gang (slow it down)
Bust it (bust down), bust down, bust it, bust it
Bust down on the gang (over)
Bust down, Thotiana (bust down, Thotiana)
I wanna see you bust down (over)
Pick it up, now break that shit down (break it down)
Speed it up, n

He wasn't. Killing each other is how blacks greet each other.

Is this an in-season April Fools joke?

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Unironically listen to Victory Lap. It is a solid rap album with great production.


he pooepeed on the wrong block and the niggesr got shot shot shot

I mean. It was weird how 21 Savage made a reference to the Immigration Crisis and a week later ICE was knocking at this door.

he's a crip and apparently dissed some bloods

He cut ties with gang activity before he started music. His entire platform was about helping people in the community and to get out of that lifestyle

Praise kek

April Fools!

April fools user

guys i dont think death grips is immune to the trump curse

>not just anticipating all the rage when the documentary is released and black twitter goes insane

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I don’t get it
Ppl are telling me this guy had the cure for aids. So why isn’t he the holy saint of the gay community?

because he was a quack. He didnt actually have the cure for anything. Its just a bunch of afrocentric garbage that uneducated black people eat up because its another way the whyt mayn gives them opreshun.

because big pharma had him taken out before he could get it finished

You're for sure definitely not from Cali if you don't think Nipsey was one of the greats, and he still definitely got play around the country. Maybe not always a hot radio single but he was a pillar of the community.

oh we became reddit
goodbye niggers

He knew the secret of dino

never liked this arab guy anyway

Dr Sebi is a dumbass and said all plants have unorganic starch like 5-10 times lol

Niggas need to alkaline dey bodies n shiet. Government b tryin to hide that shit man

he was about to expose an elite pedophile ring

Because he liked to lick the taints of retarded baboons.

Lol clearly not a hip hop head

Nipseys been around doing moves moving lowkey and still gets respect for what he does for the community


>moving lowkey
>the community

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REALLY makes you THINK

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>judge triple white but he hate your blackness

perhaps if that evil white judge hated blackness a little more your assailants would have gotten harsher sentences for their previous offenses and you'd still be alive :)

100% chance it was some right wing nut


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the fuck kinda name is nipsey hussle

It is just a elaborate April fools joke

Someone's dog probably did it for a belt

This is why Drake is garbage

niggers kill

why do blacks like using buzz words yet say so little

theres a live video of a nog admitting to it on his way out of LA

Please stay on twitter where you belong

That's just a clout chaser.

fuck off conservacuck

>a literal who
>"man i always listened to his shit, his last album was one of the best albums of the year"

Because talk shit get hit

Ya diiiiiiiiiiig???

>part of a gang
>get shot
t-this was a government hit on our black leaders, stay woke, he was about to expose big pharmaceuticals bruh real eyes realize real lies fr

>he was about to expose big pharmaceuticals
My sides


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his whole career is the source

>Join a gang
>Get shot

Really Jimmies the Neutrons

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he's a known crip

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Calm down guys jeez louise why get in the thread if you're gonna complain about nothing

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fuck off kikes💯


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>Why was he assassinated?

I keep hearing what a nice guy he was, but also that he was affiliated with a gang.

Those seem to be at odds with one another.

Who cares rap is an inferior genre




Why are niggers so dumb and believe so much in shit like that?
It was obviously a gang related shooting because he always gang banged and its LA for fuck sake. LA!!!!

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It hurts bros

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Lmao what a crock of shit.
So he was able to argue in a court of law that he cured aids, but for some reason that cure got lost somewhere?


welcome to Yea Forums

same reason you white americans blame the jews for everything

I know Yea Forums doesn't actually listen to music but
>his latest album was grammy nominated
>literal who

he's well known overseas too among people who listen to hip hop, he had a show in milan and other european cities

Literal meme rapper. No one knows anything about him other than f-trump, some conspiracy movie, and a few social media posts. Notice no one in the thread has mentioned a song of his.

His videos have millions of streams. Its just that white people dont fuck with him cause hes too gagsta for them.
Same as Roddy Rich. You barely see white nerdy people talk about him but hes famous as fuck rn.



That song was terrible


Thats the hardest a celebritys death hit me

Im really sad desu

stfu u pussy boy

This board is about music not nigger illuminati faggots clout chasing. Kill yourself

Literal Who


hes only known by people who listen to rap really but he was rising up late last year

I like that quote really nice ring to it, would be a good rap album title.

Dude's been releasing albums for almost 10 years, and this is first time someone has posted a song by him. West coast really needs to get their shit together.


He was one of those "rappers" who used a process called sampling, which is a hood word for stealing. Not a big loss for music.

And Pablo Escobar helped poor people while blowing up passenger planes. Virtue signaling criminals and social media users make terrible music.

nipsey blew up planes?

You are retarded.

Sadly this is probably true.

he was another nigger who hated white people. Why the fuck should i care? Im glad hes dead

You can tell this user is pale as fuck talking about white people and what he thinks is "gangsta."
Pro tip: the black people who come on Yea Forums don't put massive amounts of effort into appearing black.

yes im pale as fuck but im also latino and can say the n word around gangbangers and they dont even bat an eye lmao
u just mad cuz U KNOW im right

Oh, it's just a caucasian, suburban normalfag who thinks he's tough online. Nothing to worry about guys.

Holy fucking zoomer

He didn't blow up the charts:(