Reminder that this album is still fucking fantastic. Seriously. Tune after tune...

Reminder that this album is still fucking fantastic. Seriously. Tune after tune. I've probably listened to this album at least once a week since it was released. AOTY 2018 and one of the best pop records of the decade.

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MGMT’s worst

This but OP still applies

what is it with all you fucking underage kids around here hopping on MGMT's dick for the last year, it's like there was a collective realization that Congratulations is incredible and MGMT has always been fantastic

Fuckin disgusting
Yeah im the one guy who always talks about how much he hates this album
But what the fuuuuuuck has this album got that any other synthpop album doesnt
Any of the snappy production is done way better on shit like Buggles or OMD or Human League or... This could go on

I've been a fan of MGMT before they were even called MGMT, faggot.

I ride and died with MGMT their whole career, it’s just now people are giving them attention because they made a poppier album that normies can like

Yeah, because normies absolutely hated Oracular Spectacular.

They didn’t like Congratulations or Self Titled and acted like they were dead to them.

Whoa dude you liked The Management before they were Management spelled differently!?
You're pretty fucking cool and also not full of shit, hot love drama and honey bunny are great tho

It's funny how their career has waned as the cultural attitude in the music community shifted. They were too poppy for old pitchfork and not poppy enough for the Conde Naste owned poptimist pitchfork

Old school management is comfy asf

great track, haven't heard this in years.

Reminder that you are a shallow music shill for a mediocre release that everyone except you (the paid MGMT shills) has forgotten about and moved on from. Now, please do FUCK OFF. Thanks.

im wearing an mgmt shirt right now ama

I wish I got paid to be a mgmt shill, I do it for free


I Meme In Stereo, The Stereo Sounds Strange

They're trend-dodgers man, Ben and Andrew don't play that shit.


Attached: 1550686220548.png (1830x1984, 1.39M)

what size


Yeah, I honestly think a big part of why it got so big is how surface level dark and depressing a lot of it is, like in the age of doomer playlists filled with the Smiths LDA fits so snuggly into the "depressed pop music fan" zeitgeist it's not even funny. The songwriting itself is actually pretty weak, yeah the production is good, great even but the actual songs themselves aren't anything above mediocre pop fare. And I don't say that as a slight to pop music, I love lots of pop music, but compare to the songwriting of an artist like Prince, or even Carly Rae Jepsen, aside from "James" none of the songs on LDA have that really yearning melancholy quality to them that makes most great depressive pop tick, "When You Die" and the title track get shitposted about a lot but I find them shockingly limp tracks, even "Me and Michael," supposedly the big pop hit, is kind of a weak chorus, like the vocals stay pretty impassioned throughout and idk it just doesn't take me anywhere emotionally, like I feel like pop is supposed to hit you somewhere very emotional and this album NEVER gets that for me, except for, like I said, on "James."


Shut up nerd

kill yourself pseud

The seniors at my public high school used to blast "Time to Pretend" in the cafeteria in 2008.

Do artists really pay shills to praise them on Yea Forums?

MGMT's production/video budget has been super high despite their popularity waning considerably the past 10 years. Remember them making several high-budget videos for Congratulations -- and working with directors who've done ads for Apple, etc. Don't know how they afford it.

>shilling on a board visited by 30 people

They are on a major label contract for 5 albums. It’s a miracle they were able to even release their third album.