How do we fix Yea Forums?
How do we fix Yea Forums?
You can’t because it’s a free country and you can post whatever you want
Stop responding to obvious bait threads
We should obviously bring attention to the greatest album of all time.
Turn those threads into endurance chart threads
shitposts are part of Yea Forums
they keep this place interesting and can sometimes spark meaningful discussion
shitposts do more good than bad
/pop/ = rap, top 40 pop, k-pop, indie rock
Yea Forums = classical, jazz, progressive rock, art rock, post-rock, post-punk, metal, etc.
you don't. the internet culture as a whole has changed for the worse and it's not getting better anytime soon, you can kiss the old Yea Forums goodbye now
As somebody who first used Yea Forums in 2015, but didn't first hear of it through Gamergate or the 2016 election, how has it changed?
shoot more rappers & those threads stay on top duh
underrated goat
Just ban /pol/ IPs on blue boards
lmfao no
Yea Forums - art music
/pop/ - pop music (rap, top 40 pop, k-pop, indie rock, jazz, progressive rock, art rock, post-rock, post-punk, metal, etc.
We used to talk about music on this board instead of posting shit threads like
>my black boyfriend broke up with me, music for this feel?
>I found out that my dad voted for drumpf, music for this feel?
>antifa beat me up and stole my video games, music for this feel?
And other shit like pewdiepie and having like 8 Billie eilish threads at once and whatever else
Yikes, you are way late to the party. Nothing left now but the memories.
Well, there are paid marketing shills also shitting up the board with all those Billie Elish and similar threads.
music is for total gaylords lmfao
by getting rid of mobile users
ban phoneposters
Mods do their jobs.
some forms of pop music like krautrock and prog transcend into art music
if mods would come down hard on those faggots the board, and site, would be much better.
Post more pics of MatPat’s wife Stephanie.
Yea Forums sucks and it's full of pretentious people :)
Listen, this board is a joke
A shamble. A disease
Why, you ask
Because it's full of utter hypocrisy and judgmental hipsters, the same people who ironically call other people hipster douchebags
When will you people grow up? Most of you are most likely 19 and younger and its quite sad you spend most of you're time judging someone else for their OPINION and taste in music and art
Just because you listen to edgy underground artists with strange genres I've never heard of doesn't make you a special snowflake. And when you brag to your friends about how cool and "refined" your music taste and knowledge is, just know on the inside they're cringing and laughing at you for actually listening to Neutral Milk Hotel, DeathGrips and Radiohead
Stop acting like a child. And stop using such immature terms. Grow up, you imbeciles
In 10 years, none of this trivial tomfoolery will matter. Music is not everything. So while you sit there and torrent the new Bjork album, just know you could've been outside interacting with an actual human being or done something invigorating... Yet you chose to listen to music ironically to fit in with neck beards on a music forum
How sad, how sad indeed
no they don't
no rock music is stored in score, almost all rock music is stored in recordings
You don't.
Based and sheet music pilled
> Neutral Milk Hotel, DeathGrips and Radiohead
Did you time travel in here from 8 years ago? That was when people still talked about music here at least.
by banning all ph*neposters such as yourself
Lol not anymore, look at the state of Yea Forums
Its nothing but nigger music and shitty industry plant waifus. For fuck sakes sharethreads are dead and long gone
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