>rym tranny replies to my thread
Rym tranny replies to my thread
mean post. stop
not based. transphobia belongs on Yea Forums and /pol/
Have sex.
>dabbing on tranni*s
>not based
Go back
> Yea Forums =/= Yea Forums
Go back, tourist
why is this board so obsessed with trans people
> Yea Forums =/= Yea Forums
Who are you quoting?
>quoting = greentext
Because it gets angry responses from people, how new are you?
hes a schizo ignore him
help me, im addicted again
You must be new
What do you have against trannies? did they ever do anything bad to you
babe..... cmon this is just weak now baka desu desu senpai
>trip tranny
Fuck off
I'm not a tranny but i have nothing against trannies.
In fact i think they can be cute sometimes, it really depends on the person.
That's sick, you're sick.
>tfw most of the fans of my music are commies and trans people when I’m secretly a right-leaning individual who doesn’t believe in gay marriage and considers transgenderism to be a result of mental illness
At least I get some money, but man, I can’t wait to get out of this industry, move to the countryside, and just spend time with my girlfriend (hopefully future wife) and start a family. We live in a complete clown world.
wheres my tsundere Yea Forums gf (male) hiding. ugh
I think you are sick user.
Your sickness is called not accepting opinions of others and judging others based on superficial things that should not matter
I don't care, because everything that comes from your mentally ill mind is shite.
Pic related is a trans woman. if you saw her in real life, you wouldn't think she is cute?
I think she's cute at least
sorry bro she got a picture of my dick not yours :/ jaja
hey gay israelite go back to your fucking cave
>a trans woman
You mean a man.
Biologically a man, no one is denying that. but calling a person a man when they clearly want to live their life as a woman is a dick move.
Tough shit.
whyd you even make the thread in the first place you fucking mongoloid
>Tough shit.
cope bitch
>cope bitch
I'm just saying, try to be nice and considerate. Call her a woman because that's how she wants to live, that's not too much to ask. it doesn't mean you deny the reality that she is biologically a male, she knows that as well, everyone knows that. but she doesn't want to live her life that way, so you should be respectful and refer to her as a woman
>86830081 (Fag)
Kys fag kike, go back to /polgb/
>but calling a person a man when they clearly want to live their life as a woman is a dick move
regardless of what you think about trans people, dont you think its dangerous to ignore science in favor of not hurting someone's feelings?
It's not ignoring science. its obvious to everyone she is biologically male. no one literally ever claimed trans people are biologically female in terms of their reproductive organs.
We live in an advanced society where you don't have to live in accordance with your biological gender, and few people choose to live as the opposite gender. helping them live life as the opposite gender is not denial of science because at no point the claim that they are biologically male/female i being made
Yeah, sorry, user but life is unfair.
Yha, i know. some people were born really stupid such as you. it's really unfortunate
>It's not ignoring science.
but that's exactly what youre doing
>its obvious to everyone she is biologically male. no one literally ever claimed trans people are biologically female in terms of their reproductive organs.
yes people do and it has an effect on lawmaking in some places.
>thinks men are women because they want to be
>others are stupid
Good posts, Thanks! :)
At least I'll never be stupid to think I'm actually a woman then proceed to chop my penis off
But it is not. it is obvious to both you and her that she is biologically a male, she just want to live her lifestyle as a female.
At no point science was ignored. her biological gender cannot change, but the gender-role she lives at in society can be changed.
not based
transwomen are women
Exactly. they are woman in terms of their gender-role, but not biologically. which is what right wingers seem to not understand.
I legit think right wingers here don't understand the concept of gender-role
they can't make babies so they're pretty much worthless as women
v pretty :) almost as pretty as -----
>infertile women are worthless
>they can't make babies
>they can't make babies
>they can't make babies
>never need condom
>never need to worry about them lying about birth control
woiiiiiiiii *gunfingers uncontrollably* esketiiiiiiit
honestly, what are reactionaries doing on a music board?
Yeah they should go back to lefty /pol/
I would definitely date a trans woman if she's cute. i'm bi aniway so...
nevermind, you obviously are not interested in having a rational conversation
Holy shit, I haven’t seen this trip in years
>do stereotypically female activites
>become female
Guess everyone on /ck/ is trans
I am having a rational conversation.
Biological gender cannot be changed, but gender role can be changed.
When a person changes their gender role, it doesn't make sense to refer to them as their biological gender when they clearly want to live their life as the opposite gender
No-one would date you cunt
i like how you guys retained the silly assed tripfags after all these years and got rid of sharethreads along the way
god this board is so fucking useless dude
transwomen are incels
blanchard is correct
>it doesn't make sense to refer to them as their biological gender when they clearly want to live their life as the opposite gender
but they aren't the biological gender they want to be so it does make sense to use their correct gender, unless like I said you are willing to ignore science
You sure?
They are not the biological gender they want to be, but gender identity is a social construct which can be changed.
If you want to be super specific, you can refer to them as a biologically male but female in terms of gender identity, but idk why you would do that and not just refer to them as a female
>but idk why you would do that and not just refer to them as a female
because they arent females.
who cares
shut up
What if I don't identify them as the gender they identify as? Why is my identification of them less meaningful of their own?
They are objectively females in terms of gender role and gender identity.
Not the guy you’re replying to, but it depends how much effort they’ve put in. I’m not going to refer to a transvestite as a female. How ever if a significant amount of effort has been put into the transition and they are without question passable, then sure. I’ll use the gender that makes sense.
gender roles and identity have nothing to do with if someone is a he or she, someones biology does
hey crazygaga how many "cis women" have you harassed for sex you fucking faggot
It absolutely has something to do with it. Gender identity has everything to do on whether you should refer to someone as a he or she.
There is no law that says you must refer to a person by their biological gender and not their gender identity.
Seriously, what the fuck is this guy's problem?
>81 replies
see, no interest in having a rational conversation
You’re a heterosexual in denial. The only non-heterosexuals that truly exist are homosexual men (bisexuals don’t exist and all women are heterosexual - no exceptions) and even among supposed “homosexuals”, there are a select few that are truly gay. Assuming you’re a man, you obviously have a very natural attraction to femininity. You’re attracted to women (as nearly all men are). Being attracted to men as well is nothing but your heterosexuality being warped. Are you into traps and/or twinks? That’s a huge sign that you’re simply a heterosexual (albeit confused one). Unless you’ve only been attracted to bears or men of that sort for your whole life, you’re not gay/bi/whatever. You’re straight. And that’s okay.
seething tranny
"i don't have a good response, therefore ill ignore your argument entirely and say you are not interested in a real discussion"
shut up
okay retard
im seething @ craziegaga actually
Don't talk to me.
I missed this meme desu
shut up
>You’re a heterosexual in denial
Oh, ok. thanks for telling me what i like. i guess all the times i was turned on by both males and females just didn't really happen
>Are you into traps and/or twinks? hat’s a huge sign that you’re simply a heterosexual
good job you clearly hit a nerve with this obnoxious fag
your arguments are non sense and ignore science. i cant argue with someone who just makes up his arguments
There was a sharethread like this week you lameo
be the change you want to see in this world user-kun
Looks like he hit the nail on the head.
What science was being ignored? show me the study that proves you should refer to someone only as their biological gender and not as their gender identity
Whether biological sex or someone's gender identity is more important in deciding to call someone he or she is subjective. You can reject the concept of gender identity all together. You have no real argument of why I should call someone she if they are biologically a he.
>he deleted it
you want me to explain to you how we determine what is a male and female?
No, its just fucking stupid to think a man who is attracted to twinks is heterosexual.
Besides, even tho i really like Twinks, i also like manlier men as well but it really depends on the individual, it needs to be a handsome man
Male and Female mean different things depending on whether we discuss biological gender or gender identity.
We determine male or female based on biology when it comes to biological gender. we determine male or female based on gender identity when it comes to gender identity.
It's really not that complicated
I have a very good argument for you
if you are mean to people for no good reason, they will not like you
having multiple people not like you makes you have zero friends
while that may not be a large departure from who you are today, it is perhaps something to think about after therapy
>calling a man "he" is mean
>We determine male or female based on biology when it comes to biological gender.
when you determines someones biological gender you identify their gender
someone deciding they want to be or feeling like they are female or male doesnt make it so
>I have a very good argument for you
Ooh, where is it?
well I could repeatedly call you a loser
and yeah it's biologically correct it's not really a nice thing to say to you now is it
Nice job ignore everything i said about gender identity on purpose.
Really shows who is actually the one here who wants to avoid honest discussion
Right below the rest of the words silly feel free to read all of them!
yes, i ignored your made up concept that gender identity is separate from your biological gender
This guy completely ignores the arguments of others and then says they are not interested in having a discussion.
its actually kinda funny to see how this guy operates.
>yeah it's biologically correct
No, it's literally not. You're too retarded to participate in this conversation.
>Made up concept
"Gender identity is the personal sense of one's own gender. Gender identity can correlate with assigned sex at birth or can differ from it."
>these lexicon changes in a few humanities fields that were politically forced in academia about one generation ago are really not that complicated, so Be Better Humans and mindlessly agree with me
No argument? Okay.
Others can understand you better than yourself sometimes. It’s the same for me, you, and everyone.
>even tho i really like Twinks
You REALLY like them. Would you say that of all types of men out there you most prefer the twinky types? There’s a reason for that, which is what I’m getting at. (The fact that you happen to also like “manlier” men is irrelevant in your case.)
wow a wiki article, no made up concept could ever find its way on there :/
>"I prefer She/her pronouns"
>Sure, whatever
It's not that hard, man. Arguing would be a waste of time.
FUCK trannies and FUCK jannies. Thanks for your attention
real crazyaga? I thought that trip leaked. If not glad you're still alive bro
you're biologically a loser
instead of a Y chromosome you just have a big L, with one gene on it which codes for "baby brain" protein
you can't figure them out? phsshshs hahahahaha
he 's such a silly clever boy, too bad he can't read :'( one day!
Gender identity is someone's subjective view of themselves, biological sex is an objective, undeniable truth. Guess which one I hold in higher regard.
Gender identity is merely the personal sense of one's own gender. how the existence of gender identity is even controversial?
Saying gender identity does not exist is like saying you don't sense that you are a male, its stupid.
I thought we had finally gotten rid of you
To be honest though, I'll take an obnoxious tripfag from the past over nu-Yea Forums kids who make shit threads like this
when you determine someones biological gender are you not identifying their gender?
>You REALLY like them. Would you say that of all types of men out there you most prefer the twinky types? There’s a reason for that
There is a reason for that, it's my taste in men. it doesn't make me heterosexual.
very interesting viewpoint what is your view on your own gender what are you
I don't need to sense that I'm male when I'm objectively biologically male. All I have to do is look down and see my 16 inch mega dong. I don't have to "sense" or "feel" that I am a man, I simply am one.
You are identifying their biological gender, you do not identify their gender identity.
This entire thread is silly and underage. Fuck off back to whatever board you came in from.
hey look the fat tranny's trying to act like a hollywood meangirl
i identify as a gay vampire
>I don't need to sense that I'm male when I'm objectively biologically male
And no one is arguing that, but you do have a sense that you are a male and living your life as a male right? that is gender identity.
okay thats all i needed. you are so dug into your position that you would say 2+2 = 5 if it were in line with the same rhetoric
What do you mean trans "people"?
Go back to your discord you demented tranny.
No, I don't have that sense. I don't even know what that means. I'm just me. I happen to be a man.
wow, dude, you're so cool
I identify as a fem vegan superhuman
Absolutely not. you are just confusing two things.
You think calling a trans woman a woman is ignoring her biological gender when it is actually not. it is obvious to both you and her its her gender identity and not her biological gender
Of course trips would be tranny apologists, and there's actually faggots defending tripfags in this thread how pathetic. Yea Forums is just liberal central
only on this website would someone call you straight as an insult
this man has problems with his own bisexuality
I assume you wander through both the mens and the women's departments picking your favorite items of clothing from each department, trying on heels and such because you don't see gender right
being a fat hollywood meangirl fat tranny sounds like a lot of fun
>You think calling a trans woman a woman is ignoring her biological gender when it is actually not.
except it is, you are ignoring the fact that they are male
Alright, so if you call them a male you ignore the fact their gender identity is female.
try again
I didn't say calling me heterosexual is an insult, i'm just not heterosexual.
I like vaginas.
I like penises.
Therefore i'm bi
Ya seethe
talking about the other guy, ur fine
Their gender identity isn't important to me.
Fuck you and your fucking abomination of a kind
>Big Bibles AJ Styles
lmao, you're a christcuck
Put away your hate man.
that's ok that just means you're an asshole looking to be mean on purpose
very fun crusade GL
so triggered! Lol
Why is it mean? Why is their subjective view of themselves more relevant than the objective truth of their nature?
theres no malice intended by believing in science
the ratio is so refreshingly low. makes me feel better about Yea Forums
it's called treating people with respect. not everything is about objective truth there's a lot more to proper social etiquette than that.
Trans people are fine in their own right, I have no reason to get angry over them and neither should you, especially if it doesn't directly affect you. It's not just transphobes and homophobes and whatnot that are hateful, the entire human race is genetically wired to dislike people who differ to them in one way or another. If you're that paranoid wordfilters exist.
shouldnt science be respected?
a lot of the discussion in this thread has not been hateful in the slightest
People who refer to trannis as the gender they identify believe in science. they just don't believe in being dicks
i agree we should stick to the science
it's just that the overwhelming majority of science disagrees with you
would you just shut the fuck up
dumb honky
>hey you're fat and ugly
>what?? how am I being mean it's just the objective truth of your nature
you realize how retarded this is right?
Why don't they respect my desire to refer to them by their biological sex? Respect is a 2 way street.
brainlet can only speak in fucking pictures. toddler lmfao
not even worth the you. stupid fuck lol
so people who disagree with you are dicks? intelligent position
what exactly does the "majority of science" disagree with me?
I don't see calling someone "he" similar to calling them fat and ugly so I will have to label your response as a false analogy. Try not to approach me with fallacies in the future, thanks.
Full autism
>what is being mean
look if your mom can't teach you I can't either
holy shit they're all like stupid robots. Interchangeable parts haha
apples and oranges
brainlet fuck
It's your subjective view that it's mean. I don't think it's mean.
>so people who disagree with you are dicks
nah senpai you're just wrong and dumb as fuck. Haha
Nah you're just dumb and clueless. Haha
It's not a false analogy it's the logical continuation of your own argument.
>he is scientifically accurate
>fat is scientifically accurate
>neither are things the listener wants you to say to them and is readily apparent to you
>saying either is rude
I'd rather not make someone feel bad about themselves than be 100% scientifically correct but hey I'm not autistic.
epic meme
No, it's false a analogy because you don't regularly refer to people by their fatness, but you do according to their sex.
This mother fucker is the kind of guy that refuses to call his friend Jimmy because James Arthur Smith is written on his birth certificate and he wants to be as accurate as possible at all times
Neither do drug addicts think theres anything wrong with addiction, with that same rhetoric. See the flaw in logic here?
So if the situation came up where you would refer to someone by their fatness, you'd be happy to throw that around and expect them not to get offended, right?
I take it you don't do nicknames because those aren't official either right
dudes still trying. pathetic haha
yes because we all know how well things turn out for society when we ignore science
If I needed to refer to someone by their fatness then I would. If they really hated being fat then they should lose some weight.
>mfw this thread just made it past the 200 post mark
i wonder if an actual srs would be possible how many seemingly transphobic dudes itt would do it
One person doing something that is wrong in the eyes of others yet feels it isn't destructive in his eyes. Need me to dumb it down any further before resorting to food analogies?
This board has gone to shit after Jannies stopped doing their jobs.
bc everyone wants a gf (male)
>fag projecting
Kill all trannies and tranny enablers
Where I'm from you'd be stranger to call someone that's a woman a man than not calling them that.
I won't go out of my way to call someone fat but I wont act like a fat person is skinny
trannies will inherit the world.
what is so hard for you to understand about being kind to people? It's just addressing people how they want to be addressed. You can think whatever you want but you should still be polite to someone if they're being polite to you. You dont have to associate with trannies obviously but if you cant grit your teeth and put your biases aside to be kind and humor someone for just one small exchange of words youre honestly a shitty person.
>projecting this hard
I guess I'm just not a gay faggot little push over that does what anyone wants me to do. Sorry.
>I guess I'm just not a gay faggot little push over that does what anyone wants me to do. Sorry.
>selfiefag still at it
stop spamming your dumb selfies
>everyone wants to suck my widdle shriveled up penis ooh woo
oof af 2bh bb yikes
you sound like an angry person. treat others how you wanna be treated user always remember that
everyone itt
anger is good
i don't get transgenderism
don't bother
what exactly you do not "get"
my bl33p gf a cute
Go to reddit for a safe space you freak
holy shit all these seething trannies, delicious
grimoire is a girl (female)
the point of it. its ok to be a man with feminine interests/personality or vice versa. doesn't mean you need to actually try and turn into a woman.
You aren’t normal. It’s only natural no one subscribes to your mental disorders.
they don't want to acknowledge that they're subjecting themselves to it
ok incel
i'm cis
just have respect for people
>its ok to be a man with feminine interests/personality or vice versa
that's correct
>doesn't mean you need to actually try and turn into a woman
that's correct too
but that's not what gender dysphoria is about
Fully automated luxury gay space communism will win and we’ll all be having glorious homo weed orgies after we shoot the liberals into the sun
oh i bet
one can dream
historical materialism is a false prophecy
you'll die face-down in the mud with your empire like every other person that can access this website
Good post