Attached: HE HIM HIS MAN MALE XY.png (498x473, 401K)

lol that was funny :)

Have sex.

who else thinks OP is an egg?

i do

like this?

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Not this shit again

Why is today so bad for political threads?

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Stop being a tranny

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My chromosomes are triggered.

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tranny tranny is a manny

pretty sure anyone who goes out of their way to make threads like this is one
kinda sad, desu

You're a literal child.

fine if im not a dirty commie

>t. repressed

what the fuck
someone else can be commie =

>no u!
Literal child.

Imagine thinking you're superior to trans people and then getting this triggered


who hurt you


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can you please explain to me why you are so obsessed with trans people

get out of society's eyes and we'll stop obsessing

but why
also most western young people don't have anything against trans people

Oh boy. Yikes! Oof. Wow...just wow. Let that sink in. I literally can't even. You do realize how toxic this picture is user? Who hurt you? Maybe, just maybe stop the bigotry. It's called being a decent human being. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.

I guess you're right, I should stop obsessing and just block their agenda only when I see it, thanks.




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rolling for scabs

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nice burn dude

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Henry Rollins

Cosmic Wizard it is, since there's no Electric Wizard


trans are not people, these mentally ill retatrds should be isolated from the society

sophie is a woman

damn OP, you really got her good. she'll never be able to come back from this one! good one

you are a retard

why are you so hateful

Literal retard. That is a man.

gross incel aesthetic
blanchard is correct
suck my dick
big money no whammies

>gross incel aesthetic
wtf is that supposed to mean

what do you think idiot lmfao



op u a fag lol

so what's the best sophie song and why is it faceshopping?

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get with the times boomer

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cry harder

we need a 2nd holocaust for trannies >.

shes kinda cute

i would fuck her and i'm also bi so even if you consider it gay i'd still fuck her

like, c'mon, dude
she looks grotesque

she's like a 7 i would say, i mean she isn't stunning but still pretty cute

lol sophie got dick xd haha trans people are stupid

This but unironically

Stop posting now

sophie is a woman

they're dumb and privileged
quake voice excellent