Negroes did not invent Jazz

On Jazz and race, Nick LaRocca had this to say :
>"Our music is strictly white man’s music" Nick LaRocca wrote to Tempo magazine in 1936. "My contention is that the Negroes learned to play this rhythm and music from the whites. … The Negro did not play any kind of music equal to white men at any time."
Why do the zionist medias tell us that Niggers invented Jazz when it's nothing but a blatant lie that you can deconstruct by simply reading the musical literature and documentation?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dixie is horribly horribly white
Real jazz is not

Real Jazz is White.

>horribly white
>we need more POC music!

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they weren’t the first jazz band

>Bill Evans, Chet Baker and Keith Jarret are black

Ever listen to Dixieland?
It’s pretty fucking white

thats like saying blues or rock n roll was invented by white people
>whitewashing jazz
>fuck outta here

>My contention is that the Negroes learned to play this rhythm and music from the whites.
the Europeans never had such exotic rhythmic syncopation in their music, ever.

>White man from the 30s claims blacks are thiefs and dumb and can’t create their own art
Imagine my shock

>I conflate the form with the musicians so I can cling to my rapidly dissolving point

Talk shit, get hit.

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slave songs and traditional African music are some of the roots of jazz
neither have anything to do with eurofucks

>Debussy and Beethoven aren't white

There really was no “invention” of jazz. The style came about from the blending of European and African music styles in New Orleans. The style of music played by the ODJB was already around in New Orleans years prior. They were just the ones to spread it around the country.

Bill Evans is the only good one there.

this fag tried to make everyone believe he invented jazz but he didn't. his self aggrandizing honestly hurt his legacy

Jazz, rock and blues use European octal notation, chord structures and rhythmic notation. If you're not a dumb nignog or a cuck who think mumbling over a repetitive sample is great music, you should know this.

I cant remember the source, but theres a story about how after the first world war and before the second, black American jazz musicians went to France to play with them and teach. Apparently the French musicians thought the black musicians were using special instruments, they couldn't fathom how the fuck the Americans were playing from a technical standpoint. There's a quote that goes something like "they feel the music in their negro spirit"

white music is objectively worse than black music

Dixie is objectively shit compared to hard bop

They were the first jazz band ever recorded, not the first band to create jazz. Research Buddy Bolden and go back to

>who is Jelly Roll

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that's romantic music rhythms a la late beethoven with slightly more emphasized notes in triple meter, nothing exotic here.

This is a backhand /pol thread. Nice!

your moms pussy is exotic with all that hair and fungal growth, its like the fucking rainforest down there.

It's actually a very Americanesque style of music and I'll defend the notion of Americanesque because the elements for it are such a huge blend of things that happened primarily in America and America only.

>huge use of modality, drifting away from notions of major and minor, taken from English ballads and Anglican (and its many subdenominations, notably the Metodists) hymns - in American folk music, the line between major and minor is blurred to an extreme

>pentatonicism as a melodic building root, from the folk music of Celtic peoples; rhythms also in the vein of the scotch snap because that's how the English language works

>crossrhythms derived from West African folk music, also call-and-response structure

>instrumentation derived from a mixture of West African folk music (percussion, string instruments such as the guitar and the banjo); European marching bands (the specific types of percussion; woodwinds and brass); and the home instruments of the period (primarily the piano)

Those are the main characteristics of American folk music, with certain things more salient in certain cases than others (Fife and Drum Blues is a lot closer to the music of West Africa with Germanic instrumentation while Bluegrass draws more from Irish and Scottish folk music with a good amount of West African influence). It's not one thing or another.

How would that statement even be considered proof of anything?

She ded user...

Jazz mainly comes from american and european classical music (pretty white) and ragtime (created by blacks) but ragtime came from marching music (created by whites) so it's origins aren't that black and white (no pun intended)
pretty much all evidence points to blacks being the originators of jazz though. while the Original Dixieland Jazz Band were the first to record jazz music

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who tf cares who invented it, it's still good shit regardless

no wonder her snatch is so fucking gross then

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You're so fucking stupid

I invented jazz, ama

lol racist uses racist history to justify racism
if idiots can be based
even your history is BLACKED lol

fun fact, they were originally called Original Dixieland Jass Band but changed the Jass to Jazz band because kids would cover up the J on their posters for laughs
>not caring about history

don't get jealous because you aren't allowed to discuss race on your reddit

So Jazz is classy white man music? wtf I love jazz now

Jazz is nothing but the White man's music. Negroes just stole it from us(as usual)

Both good posts. No one discovers music. It develops in history, and history is complicated.

They actually did not write down jazz to start with
They purposely learned by ear so that the white man could not copy them without also being a skilled player

just how insecure do you have to be, christ

Is this what r*dditors say when they do not have any arguments?

Are you rich?

based historical revisionism

jazz to me just sounds like ducks quacking and cars in traffic honking. meh!

dixieland is the original form of jazz

Dominic James "Nick" LaRocca [1] (April 11, 1889 – February 22, 1961), was an early jazz cornetist and trumpeter and the leader of the Original Dixieland Jass Band.
>Original Dixieland Jass Band.
THE pleb early jazz band. His opinion is instantly discarded. Really, just listen how uninspired and boring their music is when compared to King Oliver.

Habanera is Spanish but when you go back that far, and taking into consideration the transformation it took, it gets really silly to try to claim ancestry and imply possession and reflected greatness.

>muh chet baker bad
Why does this meme exist?

even if it's true (it isn't) this thread reeks of nothing but trying to throw off the blacks from the canonized art pedestal, but I guess whatever fills your need of recognizing the worth of the white race, junior

Of sorry, do you hear that a lot?

While its true that African music is more rhythmically complex, the point is moot because the sort of complexity found in African tribal music (complex polymeter) is only found in Jazz from the 50s and later.

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nigga you just mad because you can't play jazz
no excuses, git gud

The fact is early blues and early jazz were built under the blue note influence.
And the fact the blue note is only found in the songs of black american community.

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>Habanera is Spanish
Afro-Cuban. What's next, you are going to claim that claves/timelines are Spanish too?

No wikipedia disagrees
inb4 >wikipedia

Why do whites want to get credit to every positive achievement to mankind? why do they feel entitled to everything?

Are you retarded? B flat is just a note, there's literally nothing special about it and if your point is about chromaticism or pentatonics those are certainly not exclusive to blacks at any point in history.

chet baker was actually a decent trumpeter and definitely the best artist of those 3 even if he played by the rules and wasn't too inventive to say the least, the rest of music that he did was shit though
bill evans was probably one of the worst offenders of jazz that was created solely so that it wouldn't upset anyone's emotions too much, because jazz was clearly created as music that's supposed to be played at someone's dinner table and nothing else, right? pure anti-music at his worst, but playing with some of the respectable names like tony oxley unearthed some of his hidden creative abilities
keith jarrett is mostly just laughable. pure momcore. the same thing to jazz that gas is to techno. recommended if you actually hate music and are looking for some background easy listening

>he doesn't know what is a blue note.

Based. Chet was a musical genius.
I read somewhere that he was borderline retarded and all the drugs he took made him even worse, but musically he had a stream of consciousness immediacy originating straight from the heart.

Well, I wouldn't use it as a source most of the time but they agree with me, this is literally from Wikipedia :
>>The Cuban contradanza, known outside of Cuba as the habanera, was the first written music to be rhythmically based on an African motif (tresillo and its variants).

The Habanera(Cuban contradanza) as most of us know is Afro-Cuban

It's just tresillo over 2. If you understand French I recommend this paper that talks a bit about its history :

Also, the use of tresillo in the USA predates any kind of Latin influences. You can literally find tresillo in one of the oldest musical tradition of Black America, the ring shout.

I’m not crazy about baker singing, but he’s a great player
If you can deal with big band, Evans has done some cool shit.
Jarret is decent when playing with Haden /Motian /Redman, but he needs someone to control his wanking

>AD 2019
>posting le funny soya man meme

It seems a lot of people here are very confused and think that Negroes invented Jazz, so let me explain the history of Jazz real quick.

From the mid-17th century, North American white settlers strongly encouraged or enslaved their slaves with their religious and cultural values (the first slave baptism took place in 1641). The owners strongly urge or oblige their Negro slaves to attend religious services in churches where whites, gathered in choirs, practice psalms, sermons and hymns which, by their simplicity and authenticity, serve as tools for mass evangelization of Negro slaves, this evangelization meeting an important success among the nigger population

From there, the whites taught the Negroes to sing English, and later to dance and play musical instruments.

The Negroes adapted the religious melodies of the whites with their animalistic instinct and made use of them in the plantation fields to give themselves courage; Here is the true origin of the religious songs called "Negro spirituals" then "gospels", terms invented by the Jews to hide those of Psalm, sermon, hymns etc...


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Another characteristic example; the world's first new orleans-style jazz recording where dixieland first appeared in Chicago (USA) on February 26, 1917, thanks to the band "The Original Dixieland Jass Band" which will soon become "The Original Dixieland Jazz Band", with the title "Livery Stable Blues". The word "jass" is one of the least flattering expressions of jazz in the early 20th century, literally meaning ass music. This is why the creators of jazz abandoned this very prosaic term for the time. This immense formation founded in 1916 in New Orleans, whose original members were Larry Shields (clarinet), Eddie Edwards (trombone), Henry Ragas (piano), Tony Sbarbaro (drums), and Nick La Rocca (trumpet) practiced the jazz for many years in different orchestras such as the "Jack Laine Daddy Brass Reliance Reliance" with a wide range of musicians who will be the pioneers of jazz called new orleans or dixieland. We owe to this formation the greatest jazz standards such as the greatest of the greatest "Tiger Rag" recorded on August 17, 1917 (back of the disc was Dixie Band Jass One Step), written by Nick La Rocca. It is one of the most recorded compositions of all time so much that this recording was put on the US Congress Library in 2003. Another version of "Tiger Rag" recorded on February 9, 1936.

Specialists from the city of Lyon in France, say that this music was actually born in Europe and especially in Britain in a bandstand for fanfares. No less than 2300 orchestras existed in this country.


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How redpilled are you? White jazz barely even exists, and the white jazz that does exist is shit and talentless garbage.

George Vetiala (1873-1966) aka George Vital Laine, was a conductor and drummer, one of the pioneers of jazz; he was not technically a jazz musician himself but he was a discoverer of master talent. His career dates back to his teens as he formed his first band in 1888 at the age of 15, and a few years later he founded and directed the Brass Band Reliance in New Orleans, a band that lasted more than four decades.

Similarly, the funeral jazz, musical funeral processions of the city of New Orleans, attributed again and again arbitrarily to the Negro while we know that the origin of funeral jazz is Italian for ages with the brass bands (brass, wind and percussions) who escorted the dead; the city of New Orleans had the highest concentration of Sicilians of all the United States which explains the funeral jazz in this city. See also the work of Hertor Berlioz (1803-1869), "The Great Symphony Funeral and Triumphal", for a funeral ceremony that took place on July 28, 1840 in France in Paris with a large brass band of 200 musicians, funeral procession through the Concorde, the Madeleine and the Grands Boulevards.

In addition, almost all musical instruments are of European origin which proves undeniably that the whites did not wait for the Negroes to use it!


Initially, in order to imitate the whites, the blacks set up orchestras with heteroclite instruments made of odds and ends that produced sounds of horns and animals... Much later, like any exception that proves the rule, there will be songs written by North American blacks and then taken up by whites such as "Saint Louis Blues" wrongly attributed to the Black Louis Armstrong (1901-1971) but composed (? ) by the Black man Williams Christopher Handy (1873-1958) which remains to prove that it was not inspired by an old forgotten white song, the blacks being customary of the fact. The group "The Original Dixieland Jazz Band" made a great standard of jazz in 1921 while Louis Armstrong (notorious plagiarist) recorded it on the design of that famous white group that existed 1929, and did not hesitate to draw heavily on the rich repertoire of this extraordinary legendary orchestra

In 1950, Dominic James Nick The Rocca or Nick LaRocca (1889-1961), disgusted and scandalized by the fake news of the Jewish medias, declared loud and clear that he was the inventor of jazz, and that Negro origins were part of a communist conspiracy. This immense creator, composer and musician, was already very close to the Truth, as the Negro origin of Jazz is nothing but a part of the massive Judeo-Masonic propaganda at the service of Zionism and Israel. Nick La Rocca formed his first orchestra in 1908. From 1910 to 1916, Nick La Rocca played in various bands such as the Jack Laine's Reliance Band. He will compose other great jazz songs like The Jazz Band Ball, Fidgety Feet, Original Dixieland One Step, Clarinet Marmalade, Sensation Rag, etc ...


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the blue note is so African

>revisionist history
That’s a lot of words just to say that you are a faggot

you have to be trolling

1. who cares
2. kill yourself

That's a lot of word to admit that you have no rebuttal to my facts

Sorry that was too many for ya

>kill yourself

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Learn to read and make a rebuttal instead of using left-wing tactics of goal post moving

I’m just asking for citation on your “facts”
Sorry that upsets you

does your historical revisionism and mental gymnastics give you a headache?

>exotic rhythmic syncopation
IThat's a rather funny euphemism for rhythms designed to facilitate sexual activity.

>muh revisionist boogey man
>"my IQ is too low to understand what OP wrote so he must be doing a lot of mental gymnastics"

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Still working on those citations champ?

does your historical revisionism and mental gymnastics give you a headache?

Jazz didn't originate as a white music or as a black music, but as a creole music. Dumbass.

>I can't refute the central point so let's keep moving the goal post like a true libshit

does your historical revisionism and mental gymnastics give you a headache?

The one drop rule only when it's convenient, ain't it so, white boi?

Ad hominem, but no citation yet

>Doesn't refute the central point
>Ask for something that is already provided

Why are right wingers so devoid of musical taste? Every single white jazz band played insipid uninspired music.

>they don't let me talk about race in my favorite subreddit so no one should!

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>Tfw you are so low IQ you can't appreciate Bill Evans or The Original Dixieland

And Whiteos didn’t invent rock

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You provided citation? Where?

>imagine being so wrong
Coincidentally, I was just listening to this album but it's kind of unrelated. You're implying right wingers don't listen to nigger jazz or that if you're right wing you must only like right wing musicians (of which there's plenty and many are musickino), both of which are, well, very wrong and you should feel bad for being so stupid. Kill yourself.

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jazz comes from a meeting of black and white culture, only people with agendas claim otherwise

you're wrong, there are many (mostly) white bands with extraordinary amounts of brilliance like
peter brotzmann and his ensembles
barry guy new orchestra/london jazz composers orchestra
willem breuker kollektief
any mary halvorson project
vandermark 5
schlippenbach trio/globe unity orchestra
pretty much any white dixieland band
die anarchistische abendunterhaltung

please actually listen to music

bill evans is shit, don't kid yourself

The origins of the blue note are very interesting. There are many theories, some linking it to the neutral mode of Appalachian music, and others to interactions with the tonal systems of West-Sudanic Africa. As for now there is not really any consensus and it's still open to debate,.

Here is a part of the Oxford Grove Music Online talking about the theories surrounding its origins, if you are interested :

The only correct post in this thread.

>bill evans is shit

Now it's confirmed, you have no authority to talk about Jazz. Literally the most retarded post on Yea Forums right now.


You know what a quote is right? And you know when I say "Specialists from the city of Lyon" that it's a citation? Or are you that retarded?

if you say otherwise you have no business ever speaking about music in general, go back to Yea Forums, /pol/, /r9k/, reddit. wherever really, you cretinous asswipes from Yea Forums have all those other options bookmarked anyway

does your historical revisionism and mental gymnastics give you a headache?

Jazz wasn't even created by white people, it was created by the Jews

Bill Evans the sax player is a bit of a hack

yeah now that I think of it I should actually praise the bill evans for not being that other bill evans at the very least, good god

too long didn't read
Here's a jazz band that predates literally every band in your pictures, the brass bands don't count

also saying reddit is not an argument

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Does it really matter? Every white boy and white girl listens to rap now. No matter who invented it, white people mostly listen to black artists nowadays.

does your historical revisionism and mental gymnastics give you a headache?

not a bad thing

You don’t know what citation means
Got it

Goddamn, take this stupid shit to you mutts.

but it's music related, user, just because it mentions race doesn't mean it belongs in /pol/ :^)

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Everybody already knows that, OP. This is from Theodor Adorno.

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Hey kid, how’s first year treating you?

Hey, mongrel, how's seething treating you?

I’m laughing at you retard
If I was seething my eyes would be wider

Why do the first year Adornofags always hate being called out?

Most things that are 'unique' to black music were present in some classical compositions. All of the syncopations, polyrhythms, 'blue note' scales, etc. You can find examples of all of them.

Imagine actually believing Original Dixieland Jazz Band is good.

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This it's pointless to argue this about American folk and popular music. Regardless of what you think of multiculturalism, in this case it really was a successful collaboration between many cultures.