>Claims to be a music fan
>He can't into jazz and classical
Why do people do this?
Claims to be a music fan
are you claiming I need to enjoy every popular genre?
I like jazz and classical and have some background in basic music theory but I feel that I'm not educated enough to talk about them intelligently
Because classical is hundreds of years old music made by old dead white people. I mean have you listened to Opera? Who seriously listens to that but old pretentiously rich white people?
Jazz? Jazz? Jazz is wankery for people that can’t write a real song. “Let’s hide behind improvisation.” Plus it has no balls. The original soi music.
A music fan would find value in every genre, not dismiss one all together.
Jazz is gay, I hate music
I think you mean a tourist
Real shit I was at a beach in Ft Lauderdale today and some bright red sunburnt old fart sitting on a bench was blasting opera over a really shitty bluetooth speaker. He literally epitomized the pretentious old fart litening to opera stereotype
every genre doesn't have value
>Because classical is hundreds of years old music made by old dead white people
But that's wrong.
Bad mindset to have user.
Shoegaze isn’t as important as you think bro
it's the correct mindset. if there's good music and bad music then why wouldn't there be good genres and bad genres?
Neither does any genre if you carry around the mindset that none of it has any value user.
The only way to even mildly tolerate jazz is by listening to the one instrument that isn’t austically spazzing out all over the place
a good upright bass player or a decent drummer in jazz makes me cream
>old dead white people
aka the greatest musicians and composers of all time
Because they are nu-niggers
>soundcloud rap
>lo-fi hiphop
Oh yeah lot of value in these genres user
Yeah, there is.
By whose markers? Yours? Some music historian or some music theory douche? Blanket statements like that are just not true.
dies iræ, dies illa
solvet sæclum in favill
Counterpoint: No
>lumping jazz and classical as if theyre the same tier
>quotes metal as a genre
good lord