Bands with one very scared, bizarre, weird, deformed band member.

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geto boys

Best answer possible


Life Sex & Death

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toad the wet sprocket

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Man at Work

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Poison Idea

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The Leaving Trains

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which one?

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Lol this got me, based frog poster

Bradford Cox is based though

Not deformed just jewish

Was going to post this.

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>Joey was born with a parasitic twin, which was a malformed Siamese twin growing out of his back. The twin was incomplete and thus it was surgically removed.

That guy that dances for The Kottonmouth Kings

deformed and also a killer

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Nocturnal Depression

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Metallica when they still had Cliff Burton

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All of them look weird in some way

but cliff was the most normal and most talented member of the band
>wasn't an alcoholic
>wasn't a manlet with an inferiority complex
>didn't have a wooden plank for a personality

Bloodhound gang

she's pretty cute. Who is that?

He wasn't the most talented that meme needs to stop

the against me dude

Tom Gable

Reinventing Axl Rose is still my favorite drinking album.

no, its Greenwood with his perfectly parallelepidedular head

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Marc Ribot's Ceramic Dog

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lol, its like two deformed guys found an even more deformed guy to take the heat off of them.

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the big fatty from bowling for soup

Jonny is sexy and aesthetic as fuck, bruh

He looks like a fucking robot. Good thing he's the best film composer, so he has that going for him.

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has he been wearing those headphones since birth?


I love this album.
I wish they had stayed together.