But they're just another bunch of white men with guitars

>But they're just another bunch of white men with guitars

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Richard D James thread?

Why would you hang around people who would even say shit like this?

Whenever someone brings up race when discussing musical opinions it’s a red flag that they’re unbearable, don’t even listen to these types OP

But you SJW shitheads are equally retarded and unbearable, and don't bring that horseshoe theory bullshit because I'm going to ignore you.

Lol racists have terrible taste. You've got mumble rap at one end and fashwave at the other

I don't hang around people who say shit like this.

However, I have seen countless articles and forum posts by people who say it.

racist with good taste here AMA

Can I ask you to leave?

>But you SJW shitheads are equally retarded and unbearable
I’m not an SJW by any means, and normally people who bring up race when talking about music are SJWs whining about cultural appropriation or a band being too white or some gay shit. Did you think I was talking about alt-righters who only listen to classical & avant-garde music?

Nah, but you can ask me for recs. I manage a record store and 100% know more about music and add more to this board than you do.

Most peopl are like that now, and he probably doesn’t like being alone. He has no other choice

Lol what liberal shithole do you live in?

Anything that includes the word ‘fash’ is made up by leftists and doesn’t actually have anything to do with fascism

nobody says this

Denmark, Swedens little brother

>most people are like that now
Not a single person. Not ONE single person who genuinely cares about music thinks like that. If they do, its a 100% guarantee that they don't really enjoy music. They just want to look cool by parroting the opinions of journalists and probably haven't ventured any deeper into music than the Yea Forumscore chart, which is supposed to be ENTRY-LEVEL, not a comprehensive list of every good album. Nobody, and I repeat NOBODY who cares about music as a form of art would say this.

they make good post-industrial stuff though

So how did American racial politics infect fucking Europe so bad?
Of course all the bands are going to be white, its fucking Europe

People generally don’t care about things beyond surface level, that’s why you have so many folks hyper-focused on skin color and race in the first place

karltural imperialism no joke

Funny how you guys and the SJWs have a mutually extreme disdain for any mention of horseshoe theory. The more you deny any sort of overlap in rhetoric or tactics, the more similarities emerge.

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Scandinavia wants to be progressive America soooooo bad. Everytime some American feminist invents a new term, it’s here a few months later. It’s in vogue to be a metropolitan progressive activist lgbt ally.

>classical & avant-garde
In my own experience, all the alt-right faggots I've known listen to a mixture of dadrock and vidya/anime soundtracks. Not that there's anything wrong with those, but it tends to be very select and narrow.

So the average Euro is actually unhappy that their country and therefore music scene is majority native?
I dont think self extermination has ever happened before in human history so congrats on that

""""""Progressive"""""""""" America is pretty much totally defeated politically so hopefully you'll rebound some day

Are you man enough to go extinct?

>he is using horseshoe theory unironically
user I have another theory for you the "Fish Hook Theory"

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I believe it
I went from centrist to far-right National Socialist, then back to a centrist with a great disdain for Zionism

That's b8

Leftists will call anything far-right, so that means fucking nothing.

I am a whore to the white man

the average euro is unhappy that they can't form an identity so they turn to american garbage media and counterintelligence political stances as a rationalization of getting bred out by arabs that their overlords can pay 30% of their current wages to

people don't actually feel bad about colonization or imperialism it's mostly a clout thing or a coping mechanism among the social enforcers. they were mistreated in their privileged background so they spend their adult life feebly railing against it. pure ressentiment

This. Absolutely defeated. The rest of the world will follow.

>the average euro is unhappy that they can't form an identity
Nothing is really stopping you, you're just too browbeaten by the media to try
Identity Europa and Sons of Odin are still legal as far as I know

eventually yes it's got no momentum left, been completely recuperated. zoomers are nazbol

thanks for the confirmation good sir


not even that. their own cultural institutions are mostly defunct. they have nothing left to identify with. the silly skinhead groups are a cope

Nazbol or full blown Nazi depending on who you ask

>the average euro is unhappy that they can't form an identity
funniest shit i've read all day thanks user

Neither of those groups are neo-Nazi groups retard
Not all white identarians want to gas the kikes, they just want nations of their own

Again, leftists will call anything far-right. It might as well say neo-fascist

And how would you go about it, may I ask?

Deportation and removal of Zionists from the governments of the west

Delete Yea Forums


>just want nations of their own
therein lies the problem
what will you have left
and how will you survive under autarky
were one of those groups to actually gain power the rest of the world would turn on them immediately
might as well be goosestepping and pozzing about grandiose absolution fantasies, it's about as realistic

>were one of those groups to actually gain power the rest of the world would turn on them immediately
If they gain power in a nuclear armed state then that becomes irrelevant

>Not ONE single person who genuinely cares about music thinks like that

>When critics like David Turner assess the decline of indie rock, they often link musical blandness to the notion that straight white dudes with guitars don’t exactly have the most urgent and compelling stories to tell (Turner: “For most of its history, indie rock has been largely driven by the travails of the dejected white bro”).


Completely unethical, you can’t just remove people from their home because they’re not white or are Jews.

Sounds like he doesn't care about music. Most critics are fucking plebs.

It's not their home, that's the point, rat born in a stable etc.
>i-its unethical
Says who or what?

lmao look how you are shouting right wing shit rn
what the fuck is your point?

"urgency" is a white rationalization in response to political alarmism and their imperial core falling apart. this is something projected onto their various special interests
anybody who uses "bro" as some kind of theoretical abstraction gets their ideological framework piecemeal from blogs and social media. they shouldn't be taken seriously

Bands and guitars are microaggressions. People of color tend to be excluded from making music with real instruments, since they don't have the money to buy the instruments nor the time to practice. Sampling has been music's greatest democratizing force!

You have to go back

Don't @ me


Nothing wrong with this statement. White men with guitars is boring as fuck from an artistic perspective and done to death. New ideas aren't coming through at all from this end. If you're still excited for such music and you call yourself a music fan, you should be embarrassed. You're probably instead an introvert who's uncomfortable with their environment so they look back to "glory days" music of outdated rock garbage, making you just as out of touch as any dipshit grandpa ass old person.

Why is Yea Forums so eager to discuss politics? I’m so tired of it, I just want normal shitpostigback. Remember when death grips posters were the ones shitting up the board? Now I’d gladly take dg meme spammers than the constant potical discussion

Blame that Moot faggit for inventing /pol/

Go dilate your wound


So what’s your favorite smiths song? Mines This Charming Man?

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/pol/ is a symptom. Not a cause.

The black hip hop dude is also lame as fuck. Where are the all black indie rock bands? White guys have expanded into the hip hop territory.

I like to think about people who don’t exist too user.

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Fuck off Christgau.

why are you racist

I really like this one

Anyone who isn’t a centrist is an idiot

LOLno. Hip-hop is stagnant and boring as fuck.

..I've never heard anyone say that.