Yea Forums makes a "good" album pt 13

Another day another thread, Let's keep on chugging with this thing, do have in mind that we don't have much time left so we're probably moving onto the next stages soon.

>In the Concentration Camp over the Wall
>A combination of North and South
>Alright see you guys tomorrow, then.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Has anyone actually tried to make a cover?

Hi I rolled 00 in the second or third thread (so I’m the designated lead singer)
I’m almost done recording all the songs, just gonna go back and do some adlibs now.

Nope, anyone is welcome to have a try or give ideas
I was thinking it'd be cool if we took the cover from a postcard just as a little nudge for ITAOTS but let's be honest who tf has cool postcards
stale get some new material

>>Semen Stained Diary
>>She writes

It's sad that no one's working on these. This project showed promise but it seems to have trailed off.
I'd offer to help out, but I can't do much. Best of luck though.

People were working on them especially Semen Stained Diary user has been in every thread, they've just ran into complications, it's a shame.
I should've added She Writes to Unclaimed as user ahsn't updated in forever so if anyone reading wants to have a stab at this you still have time

>It's sad that no one's working on these
Don't remind me, the guy who was supposed to play it has been dead and now I have no drums

Attached: dead inside 3.jpg (633x758, 143K)

one suggestion, the outro song is basically just master/slave by pearl jam
don't ask me any questions

How are you user??

good, thank you very much

Fuck off im working on one of them

Your kind of shit is why I don’t go on Yea Forums anymore

Still at it. I know I’m sort of out on a limb but like you I’ve got a ton of academic work to deal with. It should be done by tonight.

That's great to hear user, don't worry about it I also had a lot of academic work so I was less active last week.
As long as you pop your head in here from time to time you can take your time.

Hey, sounds great. I'd like to help with the cover.

what are we naming this thing?

we haven't decided yet.

Great, if you have any ideas be sure to post them as we haven't decided anything
same for the name all ideas are welcome

didn't someone post an acoustic version of semen stained diary a few threads back? That was pretty good, why not use that?
your song was instrumental, right? why not save it for another album or something, hopefully we can get drums and bass in earlier. It usually helps incentivize people to play on your song if you have a backing track or something, not just sheet music. If you have that next time around, maybe it will go better (not blaming you but sometimes thats how these things work).

oh yeah they did but I can-t really remember which, it was good but it felt a bit too rough compared to what we have, if it comes to we can just cut the song.

I mean if you find it I could overdub some bass onto it (I'm not great otherwise I'd try the other user's instrumental song). Maybe some compression and magic and it would fit in?

found it this is really good I actually never saw thi I guess I just missed this post such a fucking shame.
Yeah this is great I feel bad for user for never hearing this

Woah, gonna give it a try, I completely missed that

what to you mean by give it a try?

Meant to say a listen, never mind the autism

Is this good for an album cover? I made it a month ago

Attached: never mind the faggotry.png (466x471, 141K)

It's not working

Attached: file.png (571x227, 22K)

same. OP, how did you hear it?

Can this random drawing be the cover?

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checked. How about we make it a collage kind of like Sgt. Pepper with a picture (of their choice, not necessarily a full body shot) of those who worked on the album?

idk it just worked fine for me, i-ll reupload it

Attached: thumbs up 6.gif (355x225, 1.5M)

Oh... it's that one... yeah, I heard it before, I don't even know why I worked on the song when she went ahead and did it all by herself without a second thought but sure

Attached: dead inside 10.jpg (1000x1144, 79K)

user show what you worked on

... the sheet... OP didn't post it but... I know it looks like little but, as I stated earlier, it's mostly experimental and requires improvisation for both the main instrument, whichever it is that will be playing the piece, and drums but now I have none so we'll probably have to go with the other version, oh well.

Attached: I am fine.jpg (601x508, 31K)

Don't be like that user I'm sure if things had worked out better you would've been able to make an amazing track, I'd love to have you on next projects realizing your ideas to their full potential!

Every time I refresh this fucking board I see your retarded ass complaining about drums, shut the fuck up

dude. It's an instrumental. Save it for a later project. I get being sad but it's a fucking Yea Forums album, not the end of the world. If it works on another album, great. If not, its just one thing that don't go right on Yea Forums of all places. Don't beat yourself up about it.

Dubs wasted in a retarded post, have a (you)
Yeah, it's no big deal, it just kind of sucks. Regardless, the album is looking great and I'm looking forwards to help in other not-so-musical ways.

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thanks a bunch, could you make it downloadable? I'm working on a bass part that might fit.

well thanks for the support man, I hope you stick around for the next one.

Made it downloadable also I was with the wrong trip lol

OP is Qanon confirmed?

Attached: it is a mistery.png (383x131, 2K)

yah lol mystery solved


btw OP gumanon doesn't seem to be getting drums, so I'm gona call it done. Shame, but whatever, this albums almost done I don't wanna be the one holding it back.

So... did we actually just finish an album?

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my take on overdubbing semen stained diary, I added bass after the first verse and some light lead guitar after the chorus (?). If anyone has suggestions/doesn't like it whatever, I'm happy to hear it, and I'll defer to the original user who wrote the song on any decisions if they come back.

Also, vocal harmony on last track? We still doing it? I'm down to record my part.

We seem to be almost done
there's still I'll upload my finished track when I get home
and apart form that we need to build on just a bit.
Apart form that we're almost done

I just did some overdubs on , check

This is great gumanon!
Yeah I'd love if you could start with the harmony on farewell, if you do I'll add onto it when I ge home

i heared better tracks on regular mu creates an album threads

its about the comradery, not necessarily how one random user "hearded" the songs

it sucks

comradery never sucks user, neither does friendship. lighten up a little!

>"Take the 'A(uschwitz)' Train"

Attached: you are more likely to read my post with this image.png (1483x863, 58K)

I wanna help with the cover, What would you like op?

I actually like "take the A train as an album name"

Go nuts man if it relates even slightly to the theme "anne frank saves us" or even just reminds you to the mood of the songs.

Leaving it just as "Take the 'A' Train" is also good but more subtle although the nazi theme is so obvious I doubt someone won't notice, maybe I'd leave it at 'Take the 'Au' Train" as it works for both autism and Auschwitz.

I don't even know if the theme is particularly obvious at this point, virtually none of the songs reference it.

I guess you aren't wrong, then I'd leave it at 'Take the 'Au' Train". Also, posting my favorite version of the jazz standard:

I have in mind a collage of the things that make me feel the songs, maybe it sounds faggot, what do you think op?

Go for it man, this is a democratic process so if people in general like it it's good!

why are you making the album nazi themed

It's not nazi themed the theme is "Anne Frank Saves Us" the nazi stuff isn't actually mentioned anywhere yet I think

it isn't it was supposed to be ITAOTS themed but that didn't really happen and now its sorta themeless

I mean the heme "Anne Frank saves us" was just supposed to be a light starting point for our ideas, it's just nice for everyone to have the same thing in the back of our mind and it made the song naming process much less chaotic.

so how many songs are left now? 1?

Yeah one that's really "missing" and a few other need embelishments.

which track is missing?

She writes is the only one that doesn't have any results

why not?



big dick reply

Hey just wanted to bump and thank everyone that's worked on this, you're all cool as shit

Hey OP, it's the drummer guy, packsy. Sorry I dropped out earlier in the project.

Thank you too.
No I won't stop posting reaction images any time soon

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happy to have worked on it, and looking forward to the next one!


Don't worry man, these things are hard to stay motivated in because they have a lot of boring parts
woaht hat's a cute crab
Yeah I've learned so much doing this hopefully next one will be a bit less messy

so close to done, gotta bump

Hey guys!!! Sorry for slowing things down. Like I said, it’s nearly done! I’ll have a first version by tonight, and I’d love feedback!


nice with the save!!

bumping because I believe in you

Cryogenic blues is awesome I dig those floaty vocals

if you need another vocalist/producer im down