ITT retarded musicians

ITT retarded musicians

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Is she this year’s Hobo Johnson/Clairo?

She can hop on my johnson and declare "oh!"

Billie is a tranny.

You can just imagine a bunch of ... in a conference room throwing around ideas of slogans and phrases to hook teenagers into wanting to spend their parent's money on this ish.

100% This. this feels really forced

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Teenagers are fucking retarded and don't even understand basic functions of most aspects in life, let alone government structure, policies, and the socio-economic implications that would be created by their retarded ideals.



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She’s a closet dyke

Please tell me he's trolling.

Geez I wonder who is behind her fame

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Thank you for pointing out where she was wrong.

i usually love talib and the tireless work he puts in on twitter everyday but this gets a yikes from me senpai

Fuck it’s so transparent, seriously. Like they held focus groups for this stuff.

>anti semetic paranoia

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when i was a teenager i thought i knew better than everyone, now i'm older a realise i know fuck all

This is the laziest fucking platitude I've ever heard, literally just a slogan to convince kids to buy her music. Her entire fucking career is so forced.

this image is retarded, google is owned by youtube

jewish people control everything you see and hear

"on this ish"

holy fucking cringe

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I feel so much for this poor girl. Her parents sold her body and mind to the music industry for further wealth and connections. Absolutely fucking sickening. They need to be put in jail and legally separated from her. Cancel her career, get her into rehab and therapy, and when all this artifical fame dies off, maybe she can have another shot at life again.