Why the fuck is this vile creature being pushed in our faces so hard?

Why the fuck is this vile creature being pushed in our faces so hard?

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Cause you keep making threads

Because some jew paid a lot of money.

She looks lile ScarJo

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I love jewesses so much


*except not

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I dunno faggot, why did you make yet another thread
>hurr Dey both feemale

This is some reverse psychology marketing campaign, right? Nobody's seriously making these threads. Or is this board actually full of 13 year olds?

There are real shills. Ignore (((them))). Google Lenoncinium if you don't believe me.

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I'm impressed that you made an original meme image so quickly

This. I wouldn't even know who she was if there weren't permanently three threads complaining about her on Yea Forums's first page.

It's been worse and more blatant today, they make obvious bait threads about how x she is which creates discussion/further attention.

>why is x being shilled
>makes a thread about it instead of complaining in one that already exists
Friendly reminder: put her name in the subject, filename, or comment so our filters can catch it. Thank you.

And remember, all fields.

this is a shill thread you fucking retards, stop giving it attention

you are not helping you scum


IShe’s both hot and ugly ar the same time


I wish I could be her bf

You should see her in a crown tho

everything I don't like is jews

Yes I too can not stand this Billy Eyelash and people should stop making threads about her.
Also bump


no, she looks like this

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Companies realized they could market their albums to edgy kids on the internet (like those in Yea Forums) by getting people to shill how bad an album is so the edgelords in places like Yea Forums would start pretending to like it to seem different

every week there's another untalented artist being shoved in our faced

Because the media, in general, is trying to change the current beauty standards and give off that "anyone can do it" vibe that teens love.

pics not related, just love me some hendrix

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