Now that they have become the biggest channel on YouTube, where do I start with their artists?

Now that they have become the biggest channel on YouTube, where do I start with their artists?

Attached: T-Series-logo.jpg (850x600, 59K)

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subscribe to pewdiepie

t. PewDiePie fan

I second this, don't give in to them.

>they have become the biggest channel on YouTube
Based Indians, leddittard btfo

Based. Fuck pewdiefags spamming stupid memes.

>The future of the world's culture is weird shit made for Indians and Chinamen
It's so dark our eyes won't help us

Don't go to Mosque Tomorrow


>World's culture
No such thing.

I'm telling you right now fellow Yea Forumstant

What mosque?

Oh have they? Maybe the whole internet will stop shilling that Swedish cock-hole now then.

this is the song I used to listen as a youthful teenager in love, lmao. man I fucking miss those days now ima souless suicidal pretentious pseud with no gf. i was a normalfag teen but at least back then I was happy with my gf.

Attached: Duane7.png (406x603, 189K)

T-Series made you suicidal? Tell me more

Their sub count is going to plateau at some point. Only so many Indians in the world. Pewds is forever though. Hell be #1 again in like 5 years trust me

Nah. Unless the US and Europe start speaking Indian or Chinese the influence of those culture on western pop culture will remain limited and secondary to western-produced media. India and China have had huge urban centers for decades, they've had the internet and their own media cultures for decades, nothing is different now.

no some fucked up things happened that made me suicidal. Yea Forums was the final nail in the coffin.
back then with t-series i was a very happy normalfag with a qt gf

It's not like Western culture is any better

I don't know enough about Chinese and Indian underground culture to actually know but I would guess western culture is actually better in terms of underground (or at least not corporate mainstream) music. Just look at the music each culture has produced in its history. India has Indian Classical Music and Carnatic folk music which is good, but those are very very old developments, and neither culture has anything on the level of Western Art Music or (as far as I know) 20th/21st century independent music of the western world.

Listen to Qawwalis by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. I don't know much about the underground scene, but it's mostly electronica. Some voctronica as well.

>and neither culture has anything on the level of Western Art Music
>tfw western classical is better than Hindustani Classical
HAHAHAHAHAHA what a fucking pleb desu

show me indian better than Bach or Beethoven


Not him, but they can't be compared.

show a better western classical vocalist Ustad Salamat Ali, who can play with the most difficult notes with this much ease and technicality

also for highlights see 4:24 and 6:42
if you're not a pleb then listen to it completely

CSK wins today.

lol apparently Maximilianmus is responsible for it
I'm not familiar with indian music but I like this album, I don't know if that counts

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you don't hahahaha. they're shit. so is nearly everything India produces. ignore it man. you're better than that (I hope)

It's true, China has absolutely nothing to compare which is why you didn't mention it, and while ICM is a very interesting tradition with beautiful music, it hasn't developed at all since the medieval period, and it never developed to anywhere near the level that WAM has developed, or even the point that WAM had developed by the 1600's. ICM musicians are absolutely virtuosos and some of their skills outstrip WAM virtuosos (mostly because they train very different skill sets), but the music itself is nowhere near as developed as WAM. ICM doesn't even have the concept of modulation because its built off of the drone and concept of raag which doesn't allow for modulation. This alone puts WAM in an entirely separate universe of potential, and a huge amount of that potential has actually been explored because unlike ICM, WAM has continued to develop to the present day.

Starting with no formal understanding of music you could understand the basic concepts of ICM in a day, easily. You could memorize the all the raags and the common talas in a couple weeks if you really tried. Developing even a very cursory understanding of the fundamental concepts of WAM, starting with no formal understanding of music, would take months if not years.

The fact that there are virtuosos in a tradition doesn't change how deep or not deep the concepts behind the music of that tradition are or aren't.

thats a very shallow of one of the oldest music culture as a westerner

>You could memorize the all the raags and the common talas in a couple weeks if you really tried
and this is the most shit opinion I have read in a while

Can you explain what's wrong about anything written there? It's all correct. You're just butthurt.

my English is not that strong to write the walls of text and im not a classical expert.
but if you think that you can learn Hindustani Classical Music in weeks then you should try it and see if you can learn it or not.
I take years and even life spans to perfect raags. there are complexities that you don't understand.
it is the most oldest classical music, its where the classical originated.

>he thinks "Indian" and "Chinese" are actual language names

Attached: shooby1.jpg (504x391, 231K)

for fuck sake new zealand just unblocked Yea Forums dont start this shit again

You can absolutely memorize all the raags in a couple weeks if you try. Memorizing the pitches and rules is different from mastering them and being musical with them. Maybe you didn't understand my point but I was just pointing out that ICM is comparatively very simple music compared to WAM. As I said in the earlier post, there are tremendous virtuosos in ICM, what they do takes decades of practice (and talent) to do, but the concepts behind the music are comparatively very simple.

nah. I know there's Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, and some other Indian languages I don't know the names of.

>but the concepts behind the music are comparatively very simple.
how the concepts are simple?

also its Hindustani Classical or "Indian Classical"
because hindustan is the old name for subcontinent. Indian implies only India but Pakistan and Bangladesh also make same music. many top-tier classical vocalist and instrumentalist are from Pakistan.

*not "Indian classical"

Indian and Western scales are different. Indian doesn't have Western concepts of chords, harmony or modulation. Indian classical emphasizes improvisation. That's more or less the difference.

>how are the concepts simple?
They are. Talas are rhythmic patterns. Raags are sets of pitches and rules about which pitches are to be favored, which pitches you can move to from which directions, and which pitches are favored or used sparingly. Those are very simple ideas compared to the kinds harmonic concepts that WAM has been centrally concerned with for hundreds of years.

Yes that's my point. The tradition lacks the harmonic concepts so it's much simpler music than WAM. Did you mean to reply to ?

but it is very complex in melody and rhythm
also there is some sort of harmony in HCM
no harmony concept is bullshit

The rhythms are complex, more complex than you would find in most WAM before the 20th century (though not as complex as what you would find from the 20th century onward in WAM) but they're mostly just built out of 10 different talas. The melodies are complex also yes, and again, there are melodies just as complex, and much more complex in WAM. Melody itself, the central focus of ICM is massively constrained by the lack of a harmonic system including modulation and the concept of chords. Compared to harmonically complex music the most melodically ornamented, rhythmically complex performance is still EXTREMELY simple. Do you know anything about western harmonic concepts? I don't understand how you can't see what I'm saying.

Har pal yahan jee bhar jiyo
Jo hai sama, kal ho na ho

but what the fuck tambura do then?
there are tons of 3 chord songs in western music
tambura do have some chords and shit
there is some sort of harmony