Post your latest ratings
RYM thread
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I listened to an excessive amount of music today
lol 70s placebo
slowed down on discovering new music recently
mista thug is so goog
this violent femmes album isn't THAT bad
i should probably listen to the cure
esoteric shoegaze. me likey
ambient 4 is the weakest eno album i've heard
>mike oldfield
durr i like vidya games too
Agree with Violent Femmes and Tubular Balls, but what's wrong with Ommadawn?
Aside from the afro-jazz influences The Comet was pretty dull IMO
I have to give Turning Into Small a relisten sometime
yeah that was kinda just my initial listen of the comet album but I loved the spaced out atmosphere of a lot of the tracks
Agree with Mista Thug Isolation, CC2 is atleast a 7 tho
>listening to music just so you can show strangers online what you thought about it
Reevaluate your lives.
Or just discussing the music you last listened to, are you retarded?
cringe chart btw
>xD i put le age really high
stop bumping your scores retard
>rating singles
>age: 17
UNDERAGE b&. btw that GBV rating? cringe
i don't even need to check your profile to know your age is single digits
I can tell you're insecure for even making this thread, now bump up tubular bells to a 4 before I glass you
>what's wrong with Ommadawn
Hergest Ridge exists and they cannot coexist.
How Sgt. Pepper annoyed you more than MPP did is a mystery. What's wrong with it in your opinion?
post your account you fucking asshole
The chad saving RYM, based
I have issues with Debut (maybe it'll grow on me), Post is flat out awesome, your 2,5 is not accceptable))
Thath Eilish thing... ugh, 2-3 tracks in I knew I wasn't gonna like it, can't bring myself to finish it
fine rating for Sgt. Pepper, I wouldn't go that far, but it seems perfectly fine and understandable
Haven't heard anything from those so far, but it wouldn't surprise me if that Comet stuff was my lowest rated among them too :)
too many stars lol
Can't get excited for anything AnCo anymore
Ambient 4 is great
Looks like you've checking out shockofDAYLIGHT's profile recently :)
Black Celebration is no masterpiece, but this is unfair,
II think we need a new FlyLo record
To ne honest, I think Tubular Bells is the weakest of Mike's first 3 albums. And how dare you rate Ommadawn that low? It's great. Give it another chance. And Hergest Ridge is equally amazing.
I love Pixies
shiiieeet it's a rusky boomer. btw why have you separated your favourite artists by race? based tho, but ultimately bluepilled for that cringe username
>To ne honest, I think Tubular Bells is the weakest of Mike's first 3 albums
Are you joking buddy? It's legitimately third greatest symphonic prog album of all time and certainly the best one in the Oldfield's entire discography, how can you not like it?
Seethe your way right onto my cock you faggot
they are not separated by race, you stupid fuck, ask your mom to buy you new glasses
part 1
fuck off tranny
part 2
wtf is that username, retard
billie eilish being anything above +1.0? i'm thinking shill
the most based user of Yea Forums
Giga based
This week listenings could have been better
based bladee opinion
What didn't you like about the Violent Femmes s/t?
The Cure is a very nice band, listen to Pornography if you haven't yet.
If you haven't yet, make sure you listen to The Death of Quickspace.
I agree with that grouper rating, and I still need to listen to that nouns album.
I, too, love Pixies, but that Bossanova score is still a tad too high. It's not nearly as consistent as Surfer Rosa or Doolittle imo.
that Bladee rating is going to have to be a B&R from me.
hahahahva look at this faggot putting his name in to avoid me. Too bad that Diary 3.0 is already embarassing you YIKES
wtf?? Do you even like music. oh wait you're a tranny lol. Two in one thread! Cringe... i always did say there was a link between indie games and gender dysmorphia...
>this site needs to stop giving Nazis a platform, for fuck's sake
but we should keep all of you radical commie discord trannies, right? because free speech! typical faggot who only wants muh equality when it benefits them, fucking nu-male there's more of you than there is "nazis". and they do absolutely nothing, unlike those purposely downrating musicians they don't agree with!
keep being this based user
That's not even my profile
We have the same rating of that mclusky album
Had to rerate 5 Ep's because the bootleg version was too based for RYM
You should listen to Disco Inferno, dude.
We™ – Decentertainment
Too much filler
I might bump it too an 8 I like it more on each listen
I trusted you user......
>can't even find the correct profile
all credibility lost
Why did you remove the ratings to wishlist? What ever would need to be hidden, user? I bet you're a /bleep/ nerd who pretends they're schizo and not a complete dork
Going back days clicking on every profile cringe
nobody cares neet faggot
You're angry
you're not even gonna acknowledge the fact that you got the wrong account last time
lmao fucking idiot
Not even my profile, wow you're retarded
>spends all day searching for accounts for 3 seconds of acknowledgement only to be forgotten in the next 10 min
Get a job user
something wrong?
Not even him, but
>search top album
>check date and score
>see if last five match
>expose faggot accounts for our amusement
Um it's called being based, sweaty. Run along back to your discord now.
something wrong?
you act like it takes some deep fucking expedition, most of you listen to garbage pseud shit with 4 ratings which hardly leaves anything to imagination. stay absolutely seething trannies
quit samefagging
We know it's incredibly easy, that's why we're wondering what exactly you think you're "exposing" by posting easily available information that no one actually cares about.
who said i was exposing? quit samefagging
Then what is the point of your posts?
>Not even him
Exposed for rating music? lol, that sure is worth the nonstop 3 hour time waste
An IQ of 80 and too much time on his hands
>expose faggot accounts for our amusement
>who said i was exposing?
lmao bitch please
>says it's easy and doesn't take deep expedition
>still posts the wrong accounts
just stop bro
you fellas seem angry, i'm laffin
would rather be angry (which I'm not) then retarded lol
why don't you use your retardation for good and shit up a kpop general or something
Every time.
>Why did you remove the ratings to wishlist?
Much more productive to rate current obsessions and have the rym algo spoonfed me when I'm bored. Recommending music to people whether they listen to em or not is just fun for me.
Wait aren't you seething? that guy just exposed you for listening to music on a music board
lol. Would have preferred him not posting my low-key profile, but I quite like this user.
I love that smug bitch so much
fucking based
Don't worry in a couple more billie eilish threads nobody will remember his greatest life work
you guys checkd suicide?
i don't mean the band btw
You have Iai, M4rcus and Bishopboy1999. Nice