Is this his best album, /mu?

Is this his best album, /mu?

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not even mediocre

No, but Real Friends is his best song.

LR > MBDTF > Graduation > CD > Yeezus > Ye > TLOP > 808s

Yeezus is

Objectively yes, subjectively also yes

I never cry to music but Real Friends brought me real close

this too. god level beat

why are new(er) rap fans so ape shit about this album? is it because they weren't around to get swept up in the rollouts of his undeniably better records, but they were around to see the hype for this simply "alright" record? new rap fans are a bummer.

I like Yeezus

no. why would this even be his best album. I'm beginning to think people just like this album because it's kind of weird

there's nothing else that sounds like it, the variety and production quality on here is insane, very quotable, you can feel the unique manic headspace kanye was in when he made it

it ok but not his best album

this comes close, but not entirely

>LR best
>Graduation above Yeezus

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when it’s all said and done, this and Ye are going to be the records music critics recommend above all others

change the direction of the arrows and you're right

rap sucks ass and i will never listen to any rap album ever

you sound like a miserable person. probably has several frogs and wojaks saved on their computer

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The Life Of Paul version is.

No but def Top 3. MBDTF and College Dropout are both 10/10s and I think this is only a 9/10

Necer listened to a kanye album. Where should i start?

yes and it is shit

I liked the 30 hours beat. That's about all I can say.

College Dropout, Late Registration, Graduation. Then stop. Don't fall for Twisted Fantasy meme, he had already lost his passion by then.