Tame Impala - Borderline


man, this new Tame Impala record is gonna fucking suck

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imagine ever liking them

It’s embarrassing but I didn’t know any better. It was entry level

I can admit I was a brainlet. This and patience is just bad. What a talentless hack.

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I love currents but this & patience don’t give me much hope for the new album being anything but mediocre.

Patience was okay, good groove but felt underproduced.
This however is just bland as fuck.

seriously, it sounds like someone trying to impersonate Tame Impala

He’s become a parody of himself. Especially that fucking phaser effects. He has way too many yes men around him, I think his ego is huge now

fun fact: you're both still plebs and that will never change

This is true...he’s too comfortable now I think...that’s when the art suffers

I was 15 ok

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They're fucking great. Innerspeaker-Currents are all great. Entry level or not.




I liked it.

borderline on the verge of suicide out of boredom hol yshit this is garbage

I knew he was heading in this direction - as somebody else said if it loses the guitars I just don't see how it can retain my interest

I liked them before Pitchfork reviewed their first album, and of course long before Yea Forums even talked about them

Why is he making essentially currents 2 but now with corny nu-disco ethos

Innerspeak and Lonerism - Great
Currents - Also pretty great even if Yea Forums wants to be contrarian.
New stuff - bad so far

Hello everyone and welcome to the thread. Please choose one of the following Yea Forums approved opinions:

> Tame Impala were good on that afternoon Kev wrote his first ever demo for Sundown Syndrome in his bedroom which was never released and since then every song he made, person he met, meal he ate and place he went was fucking garbage imagine liking Tame Impala lmao babbys first psychedelic experience do more LSD faggot

>I'm scared of saying I like this new direction along with Currents because the nasty neckbeards on Yea Forums will say I'm a pleb and that my music taste is terrible, which would absolute decimate my reputation on this anonymous imageboard full of basement dwelling weeaboos so I'll just copy everyone else instead of actually having my own opinion because it's probably wrong anyway those guys are right


I pick 3

What a shame

not a single fucking guitare

Is this some 80's synthshit ?

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What's worse is that the Currents B-sides are a tenfold better than Patience and this dogshit. He still seems like a pretty down to earth guy, so I don't think he "sold out"; I think he just lost "it". Makes me think of M83 when they released Junk a few years back.


sounds like a little ableton demo I'd put together in 20 mins

Currents 2: electric bongaloo

borderline GARBAGE

C'mon: that's insulting to Currents. Borderline is absolute bland dogshit in comparison.

That's some shit opinion

For me Tame Impala became shit when Nick Allbrook left. Even tho he has no impact on the making of songs he was part of the band that played the good material. He left and then came the shit material. Coincidence ?

this is so fucking half arsed. what went wrong?

To be fair I was dicking about with that post but I do think they lost something with Nick Allbrook. Good thing he took it to Pond who have some good songs.

It sounds like he's trying to make another The Less I Know the Better, but without guitar. This song sucks.

They had one good album

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Waited 4 goddamn years for this......

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Dude its fucking great! Is he talking about DMT? He's done it now, I think.

Was hoping he'd drop or announce the new album, but I'll take this new great song for now

>4 years

I thought it had been like a year

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He sure did well with Pond.
The departure of Albrook is just symbolical for me. He didn't have anything to do with the material but it just a turning point for me.

I remember seeing them in 2011 in Lyon, France as an opening part for Arctic Monkeys. One of the best live concert i've been too

I saw them again at the same place in 2017 as a solo act and it was also fucking rad


did cocaine turn kevin into a soulless husk?

Such a great song...also I’m stoned and just noticed the video is 4:20 min long. Right on.

this is so fucking shit, Parker is so full of himself
I liked Innerspeaker and Lonerism too, but this is a mess

Here Yea Forums have some good nu-disco to clean your ears out with


I've seen Tame almost every-time when they were in the NYC area since the Lonerism tour. After this dumpster fire of a song, I am starting to accept that this album is going to be a major letdown, at the very least. As you already know, the song selection has always been one of his strengths for live performances. In other words, I'm still banking that the live experience will be ~just as good, even if he plays a few duds off the new album.

Or maybe I'm still in the denial phase.

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Kevin seems like the kind of guy that legitimately gets off reading comments from dumb normalfags calling him a genius for writing the schlock on currents. he's just a fiend for more validation now. he has lost his interest in actually writing good heartfelt music and just wants to be some kind of icon of worship.

A shame that friendly fires took such a prolonged absence after Pala, for no good reason (I think they had their heads up their asses). The new songs are mediocre, but at least my expectations were low.

If he wants to be worshiped, wouldn’t he put out good music? Maybe he’s just lost “it”, if he ever even had “it”

I said that further up in the thread, too. Makes me think of M83's Junk.

Staying in denial is a form of respect for his past work so it's not that bad.
I shat on them since currents.

Not related but remember when Demarco was the shit with this album ? youtube.com/watch?v=JoiMqsp8xSo&t=314s
Then he got too fucking open minded and shat his shit up, just like the impalas

in his mind he thinks these songs are going to be smash hits

I guess the test of a real artist is how they fare after garnering a significant amount of fame. it's seemed to have completely crumbled Kevin

desu mac's albums since salad days have been something new/more relaxed. tame impala used to be godlike but only Patience sounds decent from the forthcoming album, and even then it sounds like a shitty indie band's single

I unironically just listen to 60's and 70's bands now after realizing that these new rock musicians are talentless hacks that can barely play their instruments. No wonder rap is BTFOing rock.

That's a good example, albeit I still thought Mac made pretty good music through Salad days, even if all the songs weren't incredible and he wasn't living up to the hype.

I feel the same - Patience was 'good enough'. Boderline is not just a terrible song: he selected it to promote the new album. I.e. if his judgement is correct, I can't imagine how bad the other songs are going to sound.

i mean i love em - best drumming i've heard in years is from Lonerism. hope the fame won't get to him (already did)


based braindead stoner

I think it was hanging out with that goofball Mark Ronson, but even then I don't know if that's the "bad influence" since they made Daffodils and Summer breaking, which were both fun, lighthearted jams imo

Jesus fucking Christ

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Remember the full Rickenbacker set ?

I remembers

Currents was very much a mixed bag, some great material with Let It Happen and Love/Paranoia etc with some of the worst songs KP has ever done.This material seems like more of the same without the strong hooks that Currents had, both songs seem to just meander along.

I said in another thread, Kev idolises pop hit factories like Max Martin now so we were never going to get something like MEC's Bon Voyage

Why were bands back in the day so much better at segueing into different genres?


Video unavailable in canada somebody give me quick rundown

Currents, but no guitars and even more generic. As someone who has loved everything up to this point, it's horrible.


this is so much better


I agree 100%

It's like they took the spot of impalas and made it 10000000 better

That's a really good way of putting it. I just don't get why the two new tame songs are so horrible. The Currents B-sides were even a tenfold better than patience and borderline.

I'm usually only a fan of select Pond songs, but this is pretty fantasitc. Is the rest of the new album similar to this?

took him 5 years to write that, wow.

man, Pond fell off so badly with this new records
such a shame

This is actually low key dope af

That groove is fuckin tasty

Chillwave ain't dead, bitches

Yeah this is pretty half assed. All those collabs he’s been doing recently could be affecting his new material

Lmao hes like the exact opposite of this,he doesnt give a fuck and sometimes its to a fault

Damn man. I remember when Innerspeaker came out and i was so excited about this band. Listened to it constantly. Then when Lonerism dropped i was like "holy shit these guys are for real." I saw Currents as a turn for the worse which was very disappointing to me, but it still had good things about it that kept me listening. This new shit confirms my fears about Currents were correct and it's so fucking sad.

Except currents was still great

Can't one fucking band just stick to making quality music? jesus fucking christ goddamnit this is so bad

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But it was a turn towards this garbage we're hearing now and you can't deny that

if you like Tame Impala you fell for the meme, I tried and couldn't get into it. They have okay songs on each album, but only their big singles are actually good, that Blackberry album and elephant being his break. Other than that TI are pretty shit

Not true, innerspeaker and lonerism were legitimately great albums and currents was pretty good

I actually think this could be pretty groovy when we hear the studio version. Still interested to hear the whole album

Innerspeaker is still a masterpiece of psychedelic rock.

You just heard the studio version. That was one of the fakest "performances" i've seen in months.

go back homo

This how all snl performances sound. Theyre always mixed terribly and most bands choose to play with a lot of backing tracks. Not how its gonna sound on the album

I fucked your dad mate

What "backing tracks" do you think they used retard?

This shit knocks and so does Patience. I like synth era Tame Impala, I don't get the hate.


It's honestly so stunning and so brave of him to go in such a unique direction.

Hi Kevin's mom

I mean is psychedelic rock really all that unique in current year? I liked the first two albums too. They complimented each other very well. This album sounds like it will compliment Currents in the same manner.

Parker, I need good Tame Impala songs now!

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i want kev to make an album that sounds more like this


Underrated track. I still got this on my playlist for the car. Shit knocks.

It was sarcasm dummy

I liked this track a lot on release, but, in retrospect, it was just a precursor to Currents.

Cam Avery beat his wife

Really, Source?

>innerspeaker good
>lonerism good
>currents mediocre
you do the math my man

this has gotta be bait

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this t bh

Well he is married now. His life Is more comfy and people worship him all day. He still talented but looks like he doesnt have anything left to say. The same happened to AnCo. Innerspeaker and lonerism still good, but is a shame.

hi josh, nice trips.


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hope you enjoyed my sloppy seconds

I know. My reply is a reaction to your sarcasm. You were implying that their new sound is not "unique", which is true. But your added implication was that their prior work was, in fact, unique, which is untrue. Psychedelic rock is arguably less unique than synth rock, as there has been endless psychedelic noodling since circa 1966.

When I first heard patience my immediate thought was ‘shit, he’s too happy’, and ‘it’s like he’s getting laid good, and I don’t care’ ..knew nothing about his personal life either then, trying to find info about the new album found out he’s just got married..I recon this album is gunnna be an absolute dud. Pussy has turned his brain to mush..he has no idea...

>video not available in your country

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These 2 songs are not gunna be on the album...I bet u a million dollars


I hope this happens and mu gets btfo when kev releases innerspeaker 2

Why did it take everyone so long to realize that this band just isnt any good. This guy cannot write songs. It's very strange. Of all the bands people could pretend to like it was this one. I wonder what started that/what the catalyst was

Except he proved he can write songs several times across 3 albums. Youre just hyping up the hate train cause youre not a fan.

Waste of trips. Junk is fantastic regardless of all the hate, it perfectly represented the obsession with the 80s in current music with self awareness. That being said, I don’t like this new Tame stuff.
Agreed. I think Pond has actually always been consistently more interesting due to their collaborative writing style as opposed to the Kevin Parker show that is Tame Impala.

I like this song more than Patience because it actually has a decent melody. In general these new songs are a disappointment even compared to Currents, which I didn't like.





how come Yea Forums is the only place that I see people hating on this? makes you think

For those who want something similar to currents but, y’know, still good
