Why are Soulseek users so entitled?

Why are Soulseek users so entitled?
I just want to download rare funk singles, fuck your "plz share with me first" bullshit.

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just share your complete folder idiot

Why? I'm not looking to share with retards.

you're a bigger retard than anyone you're complaining about. share a folder and you'll get your singles

Literally make a one second song of silence in audacity then put it in a folder and share it

Most slsk users aren't that autistic. In 5 years of using slsk, I've only had my downloads aborted once or twice maybe, and even then I was able to get what I was looking for somewhere else.

>I'm not looking to share with retards.

don't complain about entitlement then. you're owed nothing

it is not costing you anything to make your downloads folder available to other users

You're the one whose entitled you, little shit. You don't want to share, yet expect people to just give you their files, some of which they possibly paid for? Share or fuck off, there is no system unless people share. Idiot.

>Why are Soulseek users so entitled?
u dont understand what entitled means, being entitled would be expecting unlimited downloads from a P2P service while not sharing anything of his own, completely treating them like a personal downloadable library instead of a communal music sharing service

>Uploading music deserves anything in return
>Basically a no effort activity
How about you fuck off and give me my music.

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Then don't use the internet, because you're the only non-retard on it and everyone else that exists is below you.

sorry can't hear you over my rare funk singles

I don't care about being personal with people that just happen to have some rare singles i need.
The amount of sensitive retards ITT is amazing.

fucking LEECH

some people are dickheads, if the music is that good then share it already

i have to start ripping vinyl 24khz for some autists just so the artist can have a chance of being heard? fuck you

i miss what.cd, i could just pay other people to upload music in GBs of upload bounties

slsk has ruined us

Exactly. Why share your shit if you're gonna be a bitch when somebody downloads it? You put it there?

you realize you're getting upset at people doing the exact same thing you are right?

How rare are these rare funk singles exactly?

>Illegally uploading music
>Gets pissed when other people download other's works.
This is what you retards are defending.

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that message is automated because you don't have a single folder shared you baboon. imagine if your rare funk friends decided not to share a folder in the first place?

I can't buy it.

Why? Is it unavailable or are you impoverished?

not OP but I assume he doesnt want to fork over a few hundred dollars to some rando on discogs for a 12" single

I'm happy to share with anyone that is supportive of the platform, P2P only works of everyone shares. No leeches allowed.
I don't need to personally get something from everyone who downloads from me, but I'm not looking to give shit away to people who won't pay it forward, especially when I've put so much effort into curating my collection.

Oh, and one guy only had one folder shared, and the only file in it was PeterGriffin.jpg. Fuck that guy.

Nobody's defending the people who lock their entire collection unless you have the exact thing they're looking for, but if you aren't sharing for others, then you don't deserve shit.


100% this. the people that have everything locked unless you have something on their list are assholes. But P2P really only works if everyone shares. Or else there wouldn't be any music there in the first place...

Ever heard of honor among thieves you LEECH

First one

but how am i supposed to have music if no one else will give me any first? use mediafire?? torrents?? that's what i'm trying to avoid

you guys are so selfish

nah it's just if you aren't gonna help then you don't get to reap the rewards

Then I'm on your side, fuck that dickhead with his shitty slsk profile.

Lmao just fuck off then, faggot, can you seriously not get ahold of a handful of classic rock mp3s or something? Do you not have a single audio file on your hard drive?

troll confirmed, later guys

aw you guys were biting so good too, thanks user for blowing my spot, selfish.

as someone else pointed out, you can share a blank file in a mostly empty folder and avoid all the automated messages you dumb motherfucker

but it's the principle, man


What are you, a care bare?
*pinkie pie enters the room*
*Big eyes and leaves the room*

wanting others to share is fine, but the people who will only 'trade' are cancer

I share my complete folder and nobody ever downloads from me. I never have trouble downloading what I want. Looks like you'll be ripping your rare funk singles off youtube, that's the fate you deserve.

I've been using soulseek almost every day for 9 years and have never shared.

I’m not resorting to shit quality just because some shit site wants me to share.

you have no choice

Well those are your options. You can't have both good quality and be a selfish ass, faggot.

hire the band to rerecord it, idk


Plenty of people share and I can continue to give nothing in return.

Unironically, that’s the main reason why I won’t use it. I’ll stick to the Yea Forums archive and blogspots. If I can’t find it through those means. I might just pay for it.

Most of the rips on soulseek these days are youtube rips anyway. Especially things like rare funk/soul singles. I found some quality shit, like anything that's tagged "mellow rip" but soulseek is basically the musical trash bin and you could do a better job in most cases by downloading the opus transcode off youtube.

itt entitled retard op

You lost the argument.

You. Lose.


some people's internet connection or whatever is slow as fuck and I don't have the greatest internet of all time- thus making my streaming very slow/choppy (I stream a lot of english footy even though I am american). So when somebody is downloading off of me I really do let the download happen and it takes for fucking ever but if they have a lot of things to actually share, then I have no problem with that. If you have nothing then fuck you. very simple my dude.

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>even asking them
I have NEVER gotten a positive answer. They are just autistic cunts who want validation. The whole concept of putting stuff in there just to "unshare" it is fucking ridiculous

Being this retarded

>mfw I discover that I moved my music folder long ago but didn't update the location on slsk and hence have not been sharing ANYTHING for the longest time despite continuous furious downloading
holy shit, this I feel the shame

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>tfw people actually download from me regularly

>have only one shared song
>it's low quality Weezer's Hash Pipe

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people who demand trading or only let you download a few songs at a time are fucking retards

absolutely based

>share one thing on slsk
>it's an esoteric japanoise album

>have only one thing shared on soulseek
>it's Third by Soft Machine

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you completely missed the point but ok, stay retard with zero reading comprehension

>people who demand trading or only let you download a few songs at a time are fucking retards
Yeah that's retarded

I still feel like everyone should just share their entire folder and that's it
That's just the spirit of P2P

Site should be about making as much available to everyone rather than people being retarded stamp collectors with digital albums

>hi guys i only trade below are my requests *posts 8000 discogs links and has never spent a dime on music*

are these the worst kind of absolute piece of shit faggots?

if you do this i'll unshare files from you

i encourage everyone to do the same to these users

I would share stuff, but pretty much everything I've got is being shared by at least half a dozen of other people already, so what's the point?
Also I'm a brainlet when it comes to net security and IT stuff, so I'm afraid of legal problems