What is the most aesthetic genre?

What is the most aesthetic genre?

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what kind of naïve uninformed faggot even asks such a stupid question?

This shouldn’t even be a question because it is vaporwave a thousand times over anything

Country, you're just too much of a puss to accept the life style.

Definitely not vaporwave or macintosh shit because those are god awful. I'd say more like shit from 2000s

OP, I've been browsing Yea Forums for the better half of an hour now. I've came across a few threads, had some laughs, wrestled with some thoughts-- hell, I even dabbled in some low-quality posting and, it appears I'm still engaging in them as I respond to this post-- but nonetheless, here I am. I want to ask you: What compelled you, moments before 00:33:54, to make this post? Couldn't youtube have sufficed? Or some google search? Did you come here for (you)s? Did you want the sense of interaction that comes with playing Yea Forums? What did you come here for?

Otherwise, OP, go fuck yourself you triple nigger

another decent if mediocre shitpost ruined by racism.

This, stop saying the n word you retards





You have to go back


>new fags critiquing shitposts and trying to speech police
>on Yea Forums

This isn’t plebbit guys. No ones gonna give you a pat on the back. Nigger isn’t going anywhere far from the Yea Forums dialect.

every genre has its own aesthetic

off by 2, try harder next time

Old country and delta blues.

This guy knows what's up.

Vaporwave id say

larping redneck faggot, kys
only thing worse than mayos acting like niggers is acting like mayos who act like niggers

New Romantic

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