This is getting to be too much. How can society allow, and somehow embrace this behavior? She is not even trying to pretend to lipsync. She holds the microphone away from her face and claps. She is flaunting how fake this whole music project really is, right here on television.

I just don't understand reality anymore. Is this something I did? Is reality punishing me in specific? This is the feeling of every protagonist of the Twilight Zone.

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I don't know or care, but I'd love to shoot thick ropes of cum all over her face and stomach and drink her piss

did check it out, unbelievable, what a horrible video OP

Nasty nigger fucking Jewish puppet

Don't try to impersonate me, son

So is she lip synching or what?

That's a man, man.

Her music is absolute garbage and she's the personification of everything wrong with the music industry now, but artists lipsyncing to songs for tv isn't a new thing. It's been for years

never heard anything by her before but this is alright
at least she's embracing the spectacle of the whole thing and not trying to hold on to any sense of artifice - the amount of processing on those vocals already and the different layers essentially makes whatever she says into the microphone somewhat irrelevant anyway


Good thing, because her singing voice is deteriorating harshly.

She'll need vocal surgery in five years if she continues singing like this.

that's what happens when you take off the autotune, compression, and reverb

oh, and you have to do it all in one go

lmao what is this white bitch doin? sounds like a middle school enya

No, I mean her vocal range has gotten worse. She can no longer hit the high notes. There's even a video of her performing Ocean Eyes totally acoustic and it's impossible for her, she needs her brother to sing in falsetto voice to aid her.

Mhm, if this is occurring so early into her career, she's not got long before she's speaking through a hole in her neck

nirvana for the 13 reasons generation. featuring the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

let's hope she also deepthroats a shotgun

That's a very unusual way of describing Ultimate Man's BBC.

nowt wrong with lipsyncing

Fake edgy thot.

but she might stain her frowny-face sweat-shorts!

I miss Frank.

who cares? she wont be relevant either way in 5 years so why bother trying to get better if this works for idiots

teenage angst is back haha

it's entertainment, you sperg

It was a fun performance.

Artists have been lipsyncing on TV since the 50s. Ed Sullivan was generally pretty free of the practice until 1966 or so. Then, acts would come on singing live to the prerecorded backing tracks of their records. And some even did total lipsync jobs. SNL generally presents artists actually performing, but even they've not been free of trickery.

>calling this shit "entertaining"
Burgers are brainwashed, man.

it's come to a point where music in the mainstream is treated like some fucking superhero franchise or remake 43252254 of something good from the past. just saturated fake garbage that holds no real value. we're just here to be cheaply entertained who gives a fuck anymore

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What is this fucking garbage
Who is this fucking poser pretending

some of her songs are alright but her fashion sense is fucking awful

BOW to the savior of Music!!!!

How do you know she wasn’t just sick that day I’ve read about artists still having to do shows while sick as hell and that definitely fucks your vocals up. You can read any artists autobiography and find this.
I’m no fan of Billie or her music I’m just saying dealing with a lot of the public you are bound to get sick. I figured you guys would be able to understood since you act like professionals when it comes to singing.

Man you’re young. 1995-2005 was way worse than any of this.
Get a grip. Pop music doesn’t matter.

Any "professional" singer that is doing as much publicity as her whilst still smoking and drinking is bound to fuck themselves up, regardless of being ill or not.

Aren't most late-night shows like this lip synched though? TOTP was absolutely blatant of it, and that was going on through the 70s. I do agree how ridiculous her fake image is but eventually things will slip away.

same person you've replied to. I'm 32 years old and graduate highschool in 2005. I've been thru myspace and all the stuff that came along those times.

Iggy Pop did that 40 years ago.

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>drink her piss

absolutely based and yellow pilled

she looks like the fucks black guys and does heroin

Why do you care? Her previous family members worked hard and now have enough money to push her through industry. It's always been like that since Rock'n'Roll era, you don't choose pop singers but you can choose to not listen to them

I thought 4channel is for 18+ adults, but there's always at least 5 threads about pop starlets for 13 years old girls.

So what? MJ lip syncd every show and so does Death Grips

I don't see what the problem is. Fred's looking pretty good with that long hair. Good for him I say.

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create your own reality, stop feeding off of capital's reality

blame the trannies


Pop music is a superhero franchise. Big, larger than life characters acting flashy and portraying something bigger than just a person. This has always been pop music. From Elvis through The Beatles through Bowie so on and so forth. They are characters, selling not just music but themselves. It's a spectacle. All the most popular bands are more than music. Look at Led Zeppelin. All the crazy stories of their excess. They were there to entertain and sell a product. A generation grew up with them and have attributed fond memories to their music. They can't face the fact that the reason they love Led Zeppelin so much is because of those memories. So they talk about how artistic they were and how much they mattered to music. It's what famous musicians all aim to do. What famous anythings aim to do. Become so beloved that the public believes they're the best of the best. It's the exact same with today's crop of pop musicians. Billie is selling a product, she acts a certain way to market herself and her music. She wants people to latch on and create fond memories so that she'll always have a devoted fanbase. It's nothing new. Hell I'm certain Norse skalds from 875 AD did the exact same thing.

Not that any of this is bad. I love Led Zep. Are there bands that are better? Absolutely. Are there musicians more deserving of critical and artistic acclaim? of course. Did those bands manage to be as huge and larger than life as Led Zep? No.

Also, related to this. There will be plenty of disaffected, depressed teenagers who will identify with Billie's music. To them, she will matter a lot. They will give one hell of a fuck. To me and you, it looks stupid. It's been done to death. Sex Pistols were doing the whole "I don't give a fuck about norms look at how different I am" thing in the 70s. Elvis was in the 50s. Mozart even did it. But, to Billie's young fans. She will be the first anti-establishment artist they discover and latch on to.

I cant place it but that intro is the same note for note as another song - but the final words in the other song is “when we’re alone”

she gettin chubby

Literally who?

great post

The state of the amerishart "music" industry.

>From Elvis through The Beatles through Bowie so on and so forth.
The major difference is that these guys made objectively better music in every aspect from instrumentation, to melody, to lyrics (and arguably had more interesting images, on top of that). All you are really saying is that most people would like to be rich and famous. Which isn't saying much. And all of those paragraphs just to reach such an obvious conclusion, why? You are actually trying to compare whoever this girl in OP is with the fucking Beatles. This reeks of an a & r shilling for his/her client. Stop it.

hell yeah, now she just needs to lose the potato sack clothing

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i keked

This dumb bitch needs to die already, shes as uninteresting as death grips what a snooze fest

>sheet randomly comes out of nowhere
>Americans clap and cheer because a thing happened

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Fuck y'all Billie is amazing

I wish I could smell her ass right after a big shit

This is the perfect example of the kind of retard that thinks like this - a completely self-centered, self-indulgent troglodyte, without the capacity to think about the world from a perspective other than his own, crying in pain about something he doesn't understand. Pathetic.

i think you just got older, i'm sorry.

literally everything about that was awful.
>hot topic shorts

iM n0t l1ke oTher GirlS

Just once The Phenomenal One would like to get blessed by a golden shower. Please Jesus Christ

If you're made to lip-sync for a pre-recorded show, I respect artists more when they show the charade for what it is.

>objectively better music
thats bullshit and you know that, but i get what you are saying, as Spinetta said "they are making music for fun, there's no problem with that, but you don't make music for fun or money or fame, thats not music"

No it's just to point out that ultimately, the intention is the same. The reason I decided to go with those examples is because they're some of my all time favourite artists. It's to point out that even the absolute greats, were still playing this game. It wasn't about the quality of the music. she's probably never going to release something that'll rival Sgt. Pepper's. But, those artists are still playing the same game Billie is. I just like making people see that none of us are immune to this.

Also, this is going to really sound like I'm a plat, but I don't even like Billie. Her music is boring and trite in my eyes (or ears). I wouldn't say she's a plant, but I think there's been a lot of behind the scenes politics in her rise to fame. However, if she or her handlers wish to pay me they are more than free to.

Lol shut up tranny

my problem with billie is that her character doesn't match her music at all. honestly i wish she would act more. i can't even put my finger on what it is that seems so fake. i really want to like her but her personality and music mostly falls flat for me.

why are kids allowed to make bad things popular?
this should be illegal

jfc zoomers are so autist
zero charisma
worst stage presence ever