My personality is 80% music. What would be a good tinder bio to seem interesting.
My personality is 80% music. What would be a good tinder bio to seem interesting
I am a cuck
Your personality is 0% music. The media you like is not your personality.
Well yea but interests can represent personality. This is a tinder bio. You can’t really hope to show your actual personality in this situation.
"let me be the Jim to your Pam"
"only on here to meet your dog"
"I love adventures"
be trap inclusive.
You don’t need to worry about your bio or whether or not you’re an interesting person so long as you’re attractive.
It really do be like this
Just write:
>fiddle dee, fiddle dumb, lemme stick my finger in your bum
As long as you sing it when you write it you should be good
list your fetishes in great detail
deleting tinder would improve your personality drastically, so do that instead
If nobody gives a good enough answer let us know what you put OP. We'll tell you what we think of it.
gynocide when
Because the guys on tinder are any less basic.
Just link your rym page user. Shit always pulls pussy
No my curve is bad
Linking a spotify is just as good I figure
What if you're just average user?
"I like to post on Yea Forums's music board"
>interests can represent personality
Then your personality is shit.
What if he only makes the music he makes?
i just put it on my tinder that i love attending local concerts but a couple weeks ago i realized that i am 90% attractive to gays but only 5 % attractive to women
>My personality is 80% music. What would be a good tinder bio to seem interesting.
use this
>my personality is 80% music
You sound like a scene girl
ok normie
Damn it really be like this. I wish I was gay or liked dick cause I get hit on by so many gay guys
>it really be like this
stop this reddit faggotry
I've strongly considering putting the fact that I'm a virgin in my bio. Would this work at all? I feel like it's a total power move to just broadcast it without caring.
I like music
"I'm a NPC"
Do it. You'll get way less responses, but it means no awkward conversations with the responses you get.
How bizarre
It's a total power move, but will only be perceived as such if the rest of your bio and your photos contextualise it as a power move, and not of failure.
Tinder is very superficial. Take advantage of this.
only 80%?
My only guesses on making everything else look great would be photos showing me out in well fitted clothing, with friends, doing some type of physical activity, etc but I don't know how to accomplish all of that when I'm a friendless shut in. I keep myself in good shape but also know it's a massive red flag to just have autist looking selfies with nothing else.
Just leave it blank, if you can't make it off photos a bio won't help
Ate you attractive?
My personality is 50% music. What would be a good grindr bio to seem interesting?
just go hiking and ask strangers to take pics of you. I have two of those pics in my Tinder and I feel they are my two best
what would clint eastwood put for his tinder biography
Say something like "I like music"
>Well do ya, punk?