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this is unironically the best thing he has ever written.



In 20 years, X unironically made more money and lived a more exciting life than Scaruffi has in triple the time. I can understand why he’d be so salty, but he really should think twice before posting things this childish about legends.

>I share a board with people like this

Not a big loss for music

holy shit

Scaruffi has frequent posts about how much his life kicks ass. All X did was ghetto drugs and shooting people.

maybe but piero is alive and well, traveling around the world and making a shit ton of friends while x is 6ft under

Scruffs has hung out with waifus for decades. X is dead. I'll leave it at that.

>unironically made more money and lived a more exciting life than Scaruffi
no and no lol
>he’d be so salty
he's not salty it's just his opinion, he doesn't like overrated artists
>he really should think twice before posting things this childish
maybe but Xtentacion was a thug and a wifebeater
>about legends
not a single valid critic or music listener thinks Xtentacion is a legend lol


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I like it more than the Beatles pasta. I think it’s the brevity

though i'm sure this is bait for the real xxx posters that are inevitably, and unfortunately, here, i'll say that i'm sure scaruffi's life has been much more meaningful than xxx's. he really hit the nail on the head with the final line, not a big loss for music.


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I somewhat doubt there was ever a point where X was making more money than Scaruffi. Dude is on business trips to China, lectures at Ivy League schools, and lives in Silicon Valley.


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based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled

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Ok retard

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