why did they replace lorde with billy eilish?
Why did they replace lorde with billy eilish?
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Tarrant should have shot her, too.
because Lorde wanted to make her own music
with Billie they can just give her music that can help push their agendas
yeah because history has sure shown that the destroying society and recreating the exact opposite of what you destroyed is the perfect solution to everyone's problems!
She was laffin at us. We stan Billie though
Actually what are you referring to
That's the tea sis
it triggers me so hard when retards on twitter/instagram compare billie eilish to lorde, you may not like it but lorde is the closest we have these days to kate bush, and im sure she will be remembered like that in 30 years, billie is just some bland popstar that people only listen to because of her looks.
Aside from arguably the American Revolution, just about no revolution has been a success or done for the people. The French, Russian and Chinese Revolutions all lead to endless war and bloodshed and famine, and the values the revolutions were based were ultimately subverted by power hungry people. Numerous Latin American coups have been put down and destroyed by the government and lead to consolidations of power. The idea that you’ll just overthrow the people in power and have paradise on earth is nonsense
Did /ourgirl/ ever comment on based Tarrant?
I believe all of those revolutions actually had major impact aside from war. That is, ending a monarchy/czarist government
Pinochet actually succeeded.
I’m not saying they didn’t overthrow their monarch, I’m saying the revolutions caused a bunch of unnecessary bloodshed and were subverted. France after the revolution wasn’t some egalitarian paradise, and Russia and China never lived under the pure communism the people were promised. You can’t “just have a revolution” or “just overthrow the people in power.” It’s gonna get messy at least
Wow, cry moar, then, I guess.
cringe response
yikes, bad look!
Funny you should bring up Latin America
Also what about hati?
Hati were a bunch of useless nigs after they “won”. Have been relying on gibs since then.
Not that user but....
Spanish America >>>>>>>>>> Latin America
Saint-Domingue >>>>>>>>>>>> Haiti
and it's not even close.
The revolution will not be tweeted
what about India
or even better, the Dutch revolution against the Hapsburgs
The revolution will be telemarketed
I think we can make an educated guess
lmao I watched that video the other day for the first time in years and I was laughing so hard. it's a shame that guy died but man that was funny. What the fuck was he talking about
>billie is just some bland popstar that people only listen to because of her looks
Not true she looks like a retarded fish
why do pretentious, pseudo-intellectual people type like this?
what controversy?
Pretty sure the you-know-whos put out ad campaigns to demonize Lorde after her speaking out against jizzrael
She never denounced him, which by rules of the MSM means she supports him fully.
Nobody has replaced Lorde, silly
>There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down brothers on the instant replay.
Boy was he wrong.
She's unironically redpilled
its funny because lorde's popularity and career were literally built by those old men in power