What is your local record store like?
What is your local record store like?
never been there but i know where it is
I follow the owner of my local record store on facebook just for his bantz about customers
I work at it. I fucking love my job.
The one I go to the most is a dingy, messy basement with okay organization of records and piles of weird garbage everywhere. You go in there and sort through piles of junk and every time i find a gem. Best thing to do is buy random shit you've never heard of and hope its good.
Neil is so based
lol maybe he just didnt find what he was looking for
wholesome faggotry
Those kids definitely browse Yea Forums
What do you expect? To ask about your non-existent wife and kids? If you were a person with anything interesting to say, you wouldn't have become a small time merchant.
I don’t have a record player but I get a few cd’s every once and a while. too bad cd’s are pricy as fuck for what they are. the owner of my local store is a prettt kooky old stoner. he rambles on and on and on and on but I don’t mind since it’s usually entertaining stuff. some of the shit he’s said
>bought remain in light when I was 16
>he said the cramps were way better
>then he said they parodied psycho killer and did the song better than them too
>bought sweetnighter by weather report
>oooh that’s a TRIPPY album man
>bought hatfield and the north s/t and talked to him about canterbury bands for a bit
>he was just rattling away after that
>told me a story of almost getting busted at the canadian border
>the drug dog got excited at his fried chicken
>he said he would’ve gotten caught if he didn’t get high and eat fried chicken on every road trip, and after that he did it every time as a measure of good luck
that warms my heart
>having the social skills to go into a record store
get off my board neurotypical scum
Out of business ;_;
Damn, that sucks.
I used to live in Boston. The Armageddon Shop near Harvard is awesome. Great metal and hardcore punk selections.
Now I'm in DC. Every record store I've been to here has been shit. But they're always all fully stocked with Dischord stuff.
Never thought I'd miss Boston, but here we are.
There's a Zia Records pretty close to me that I go to every other month or so. The staff is nice and their CDs and used vinyl are very reasonably priced. They also buy your own used shit which comes in handle every now and then.
Other than that there's this indie store that's basically the epitome of overpriced hipster trash. They have a pretty great selection but the amount they ask for relatively inexpensive vinyl is ludacrous and the guy who works there is a super pretentious douche. They have their own recording studio though.
Mainefag here. Bull Moose is all I really have. Great CD selection and usually sell for really cheap if it's used. Vinyl section is usually lacking but I don't buy records anymore cuz poorfag. The one in Salem NH is fucking amazing for classical music.
I used to go to Newbury Comics as well but all the ones near me are in shitty malls and it seems they carry more fucking pop figures and comics/books than music anymore. I'm guessing it has worked out for them but I remember they were a cool spot to find music back in the day. Still good for comics and manga at least.
The biggest one close by caters to mostly dad rock but all of the people there are really cool. There's this girl who is probably 10 years older than me that liked my mbv shirt and noticed me buying a siouxsie and the banshees lp so now she always talks to me, then there's this other dude who never shuts up about radiohead ever since i got a few records by them. My friend got trapped into an hour conversation about jazz with one of the owners last time we went together.
I live in Eastern Europe and the only place you can buy vinyls is a very hipster chain store where everything is overpriced, especiall
maybe cause their selection is shit
Did this guy die?
This, in fact it's only 5 minutes away from me
i have never been to mine if i have one at all
closest thing was i went to the record section of an urban outfitters at one of the malls near me like 3 years ago
I go to the record store to comb through the 45s and bust all over the merchandise
There's this one place downtown from where I live. They aren't super popular so they've usually got some rarities in stock. Plus they take really good care of all of the used records
I manage a record store, and I'm trying to make it cooler and bring in more obscure music, more imports, and more experimental music, but I'm facing opposition every step of the way from the boomer owner who only wants to carry shit like Led Zeppelin. He got upset at me for ordering a My Bloody Valentine record because he didn't know what it was. That's the level of boomer we're talking about here. My Bloody Valentine aren't even obscure.
Show him the youtube view counts(how I judge an artists popularity) and r/vinyl. He'll see that theres a big market for indie music.
This. Literally just tell him there's money to be made in hipsters
I usually go there to get CDs used for like $6 or less or to see what kind of new records they have. It's nice to go in for a bit and just browse all the music for a while in between the monotony of everything.
i just buy my records at barnes and nobles. they have a surprisingly good selection there.
Agreed. I just got a copy of the RDJ album there and it's great. Better selection that a lot of record stores aswell.
all i have is a fucking 2nd and charles and its fucking garbage. i wanted to get pinkerton on wax and all they had for weezer was like 8 copies of maladroit and 2 copies of red. im not making this shit up.
Ah, I live in Cambridge. That's a great little place, done a bunch of crate digging there. There's also Cheapo records in Central which, despite the name, is in fact not cheap. Fun to browse around though, as they have actually a decent selection of actually somewhat relevant stuff. Not so good for crate digging, unless you go when they're doing their whole dollar-per-garbage-record thing out in front of the store.
I'd rather not pay $40 for the newest Taylor Swift vinyl
Mexifag here. My local record store only sells funkos now.
Pheonix or Tucson?
I'm looking to open a record store. What should I know going in?
Vegas I'd assume. I'm from Tucson, and if the user didn't mention shit like PDQ or Bookmans, chances are I feel they're not from here. I mean fuck we got Desert Island, Wooden Tooth and a fuck other indie shops that flip vinyl. Phoenix has some okay indie shops too, but they are fewer and farther between
its cramped and in one of our malls. the owners are nice people but the locals only bring in classic rock so its hard to find anything interesting. mostly just go to chat
He dead
Very small but loaded with good stuff. The guy has a pristine butcher cover Yesterday and Today album.
crowded when I'm the only customer.
When somebody is in a section I'm about to dig through, I just shop for a different album of a different genre.
I’m the only customer who has ever shown up in the actual store (it’s a very rural town and I can’t believe the store exists)
They had a sign about how they would be participating in Record Store Day, so I asked the dude and the fat lady if they would get some copies of either Sunn O))) or High on Fire. They responsed by schizophrenically ranting for maybe 20 minutes about something vaguely related. I felt threatened and left.
Don’t order a bunch of dadrock re-issues. Have records that people actually want. That will put you above 99% of all record stores.
the one closest to me is shitty but when you go to downtown santa cruz a couple minutes away there’s a great record shop staffed by your typical ucsc art hoes and pseudo sad boys who listen to the smiths, aside from that there’s so much personality and they’ve got pretty much everything
Nice, there aren't records store where i live, nor in the big city 45 minutes away. My mom used to work on one of the biggest stores, but all of them closed in the mid 2000. I really wish i could work on a record store.
It's alright for a medium-small shop. nice prices on used stuff, and dedicated METAL section the doesn't suck. The CD area that can be hit or miss depending on the day. Pretty great vinyl section for all genres, though the vinyl section is on a raised platform that feels like it might give out soon. Since i'm here, what Yea Forumscore albums I should get? Going to go there in the morning cause I keep forgetting to buy Twin Fantasy
Fucking amazing. I'm a city boy. I love meeting the local weirdos when I visit rural towns.
The only record store near me is literally located in some guy's apartment. They sell shit twice as expensive as you could find on discogs. I thought it would cost so much because of the shipping cost, but it is actualy cheaper to buy them from UK myself even if you pay for the shipment of each record separately
ok, which one of you fags is the protagonist of this story?
I work at a record store and I love doing this. I recently got one of our younger customers into Slowdive because she bought a Beach House album.
The one in my town advertises itself as a record store but only has one small shelf and the rest is bongs, T-shirts, and a huge pornography section
theres a few around my city but they mostly just stock used dadrock / boomer shit. most of them seem to browse discogs or some shit and take it as a baseline and inflate the price by $20-30. its very rare to find something that you want that is also reasonably priced
they all manage to get in the occasional new record and sometimes rsd releases, but even then they are usually pretty ordinary
1 used record shop, pretty large as in 20,000 + records but essentially picked over & any decent rock music is over $30
1 indie shop, small like a coffee house even more expensive new releases
2 chain media outlets with vinyl still pretty expensive & the variety isn't that great unless you reeeeaally like iron maiden/metallica reissues
>tfw ive found rsd releases at the big chains
we have one in my town that is half mostly new releases and a small percentage of reissues in one half of the store. the other half is expensive womens clothing, shoes, etc.
sounds like bono
In warsaw poland. Its a fucking tiny shop completely packed with every fucking genre imaginable. I adore it. Floor to ceiling shelves with cds and vinyl, also lots of cassettes
funk is great tho
lmao jim met a typical teenage Yea Forumsfag
but I fucking love these moments
south florida's radioactive records is fantastic, good selection of electronic 12' singles and lots of great finds if you have the time, probably my favorite down here. sweat records is turning into urban outfitters very slowly although i've found some gems there. we got the beats record store is decent, but pretty overpriced. havent been to technique records.
I prefer getting my vinyl in Armani.
Anyone know of a record store in Sunshine Coast queensland? Recently moved here and it's fucking shit
>Repo Records
It's great. I've found quite a few gems there. And it's a great place to browse around with a date
there’s this enormous bookstore near where i live that’s got paintings and shit all over the walls owned by these very kooky and eclectic people that are a blast to talk to. there’s one little room that’s just filled with records. they have everything you could imagine. and then you go down these stairs and they have an entire floor just filled top-to-bottom with all sorts of records, cds, and cassettes. i go there like once a week.
I think I know where you’re talking about. Is it in northern New Jersey? Like, near New York?
holy shit yes it is
Lads how are you supposed to know where to start a vinyl on?
It's only open on weekends and is like 3m x 7m in space, so there's not much there
My other local one is shutting down, but it prices all their CDs at around £12 or so
you can see thicker grooves where each track is separated
filled with high school and college kids who only ever listen to the radiohead records and half of the place was converted to a cafe/restaurant
Repo is great. I always went back and forth about whether I liked them or AKA better but now it's no context. Got so many great records at AKA for next to nothing.
the closest record store is 130 km (~80 miles) away
still doesn't mean you can't say 'see ya' which was the point of the post
I often walk into record stores just to spend time, I never buy anything as I don't really care about physical copies
Start it on the outer edge. Pretty simple stuff.
top quecas mi wey
It's cool but I never find anything I want
its a roughly 15ft x 20ft room that you can barely even get inside because of the mess of unlabelled cardboard boxes filled with records stacked almost to the ceiling
what street is it on?
it's closing in a month :(
they're going to merge with a downtown location though in their store location but it's an extra two hour walk there
That fucking sucks. My store is organized by genre, with more popular stuff like classic rock and rap up front, and more obscure stuff like post-punk, world music, and krautrock in the back. Every genre is labeled and alphabetized. Any artist that has more than two albums in stock has a name card.
>4 years ago, move to bigger city
>3 mains records store
>A- mostly meme rock and huge choice of jazz etc... which I'm not into.
>B- the typical hipster place which sell t-shirt and various band apparatus
>C- personal store of a local DJ, lot of techno stuff, the guy knows his shit but 1 day out of 2 he didn't slept enough and drive the conversation to a wall.
I mainly go to C but everytime I went to A&B I had 2 vinyls for more than 50€, so from now, fuck them all, I'm buying my stuff from bandcamp and amazon.
They also sell classics in supermarket which is fine to get your hand on brand new pressing instead of turning that old copy you stole from your uncle for the 200th time.
the guy who owns the place does at least know largely where stuff is despite the chaos, so if you ask for something specific he can usually fish it out for you
i got 3 near me. House of Guitars and two that are a short drive out. I don't go to House of Guitars often because it's very messy, but searching there for hours can be pretty fun.
Well that's good. I don't know if it's because I'm autistic or because I've been working there for five years, but I know almost everything we have in stock at my store off the top of my head. I love finding shit for people lol
got 2 near me. one has a great selection (i typically go for the punk and metal, but there's ragae and jazz and new wave) with low prices, but the owner knows nothing about any of the albums bc everything is 100% used, so conversation is a no-go. the other one uses boxes so small that i can't even get a single record out of them, but the atmosphere is great and the lady who owns the place is great for conversation.
Don't have one
>local record store
I wish. I have to take two busses to the nearest one. It's pretty cool though. Sells a lot of local stuff for cheap and has a pretty broad selection.