What music does she listen to?

What music does she listen to?

Attached: owouwuowo.png (376x767, 232K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off tranny

Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, DNA, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nang Nang, Haruomi Hosono, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Nara Leão, Basic Channel, Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Noah Howard, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, Boyd Rice, Mahmoud Ahmed, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Aporea, Half Japanese, Mega Banton, Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Robbie Basho, Phil Spector, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Frances Baskerville, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krüsi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Yat-Kha, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Pärson Sound, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, Arthur Doyle, Shizuka, The Red Krayola, Henry Cow, Magma, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Ksiezyc, Gong, Cukor Bila Smert', cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze, and Kaoru Abe.

probably unironically my band

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get out of society's eye and we'll stop obsessing

who hurt you

>get out of society's eye
but why tho?

this is awful, dude

Dumpster music


so shes Patrician


Attached: 5e2.jpg (554x439, 38K)

go back

probably moe shop

probably tylo be chillin


dont forget android52 (but only wrlcome new galaxy) and night tempo

based scene user, i needed some new stuff to listen to

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I've never seen a furry in the real world yet the internet keeps telling me they're inescapable.

I know what I'm good at and I know I write nasty tween girl music better than anyone south of the Mason-Dixon line.


I saw one at a Medieval Fair once

you've probably met one of us but didn't know

>one of us




man every time I get into a new artist, I see it on this list and get mildly annoyed

maybe stop being an avant-teen then

I bet she listens to M83, Candy Claws, The Smiths, Panda Bear, and Kid Cudi.

Since OP posted a character, I'm curious what Yea Forums thinks this dog character I drew listens to.

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please don't make any more music

What's your fursona, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1518052273636.png (192x192, 73K)

fursecuted anteater


are you jewish

a wolf because I’m uncreative

that's my shit, future funk is great


as long as you think a wolf represents you well it shouldn't matter

a single-celled organism named dave

avant chiptune

can you post some

black dresses
throbbing gristle
lapfox trax
i'd say sophie but i'm trying to be nice by only listing good degenerate autogynephiliac music
machine girl
macintosh plus
several bandcamp noise acts because trannies are really into making noise for some reason
an original species that is severely autistic and survives by eating paint and dying his fur horrifically gaudy colors so he can absorb them through his skin
i would get banned if i posted him

no you wouldn't, this thread is already against the rules


americ an football
say anything - baseball
silent movie era music
the folky anco albums
freeform jazz
reel big fish
his reference is a little more explicit than i'd like it to be


c'mon, dude

i don't like this :(

dumb furfag


seems like a Smashing Pumpkins fan desu.

the only thing I respect about you is you know your audience

car seat headrest and nouns

a deer!!!!

i bet you're a boi with small antlers

not this gay shit, please, go to >>/r9k/ for this shit

no u

ugh, shut up

that would be correct :)