helium tank + cpap mask
ITT: your favorite album and your preferred method of suicide
Pescado Rabioso - Artaud
jumping from an extremely high building. my fantasy death is falling for literal hours before hitting the ground. that would be really fucking cool.
Slit wrist the bathtub
Drug overdose
Death by cop
weird little thing but sometimes when I listen to deathconcioussness I sometimes fantasize about falling in love and eventually moving to the mountains only to be crushed together cuddling in bed during a rockslide
I mean if we're gonna be morbid here
>not a toster in the bathtub
how would you go about that exactly?
easy as it sounds?
>asking for friend of course
you can purchase those things legally
My favorite album too. Drowning would be low on my list
Probably electric shock
For some reason this makes me really sad :(
jumping off a building
I think drowning would be pretty peaceful if you did it on your own terms.
You just sink further and further and the weight in your body stops feeling like weight and the world slowly goes black.
except it's like getting waterboarded
more like losing balance
Run over by a train
drowning is just pure panic attack mode
Lodging a vintage ww2 hand grenade in my mouth on livestream
this is a fun one
car accident/ suicide bombing
>Entire Thread thus far
>No hangings
Knots are pretty easy, and about 20ft of rope will only run you back $15 at the local home depot
Heroin overdose.
do you really need a budget for your suicide?
All the accounts I've heard about drowning is that it's very painful. Water entering your lungs feels like a burning sensation.
Wrong album
Leaping off a very tall object.
Realistically, no. But people who are actively considering suicide are already not thinking the most clearly. That stuff might matter to them.
Shit like, I can't use hempen rope that might be rough and scratchy when I'm trying to end my life.
Overdose on opioids inside my car at a Wal-Mart parking lot.
Yeah that's not what it's like
I, personally, have drowned I can say it is in fact very peaceful
I've also tried drowning and it's fucking awful no
That's because you pussied out before you actually died.
drowning in body-tempered water
how are you posting this????
shut up fishboy
same as OP album
i feel like shooting yourself is the best way
fast and painless as long as you dont fuck it up
a black girl wrapping her thighs around me and snapping my neck
Breaking a mirror and slicing your body open with a shard.
I like that user, it's kind of sweet.
Cocaine overdose
Hanging or a bullet to the head
Anatomy and Phys teacher over summer last year told me drowning is one of the most painful ways to go because your lungs literally flood and then burst or something similar.
That painting is the Death of Marat by Jacques Louis David.
He was a Jacobin, killed by Charlotte Corday, a femcel:
>Jacobin leaders had her body autopsied immediately after her death to see if she was a virgin. They believed there was a man sharing her bed and the assassination plans. To their dismay, she was found to be virgo intacta (a virgin).[27]
It was probably her choice. She doesn’t half bad and religious judgment of sex was a lot more severe back then. For a lot of more conservative people it should only ever be in marriage. It’s also important to note this is an era before birth control and condom
Drowning in pussy
Great album and classic suicide.
For me, jumping or driving off a cliff.
i know where the cover comes from. it doesn't have anything to do with my preferred suicide method.
Notice how there hasn’t been a Hip Hop album posted yet? All indie rock shit.
Yet we are the soyy drinking retards??
aguante el flaco user
Yung bae - Bae
Hanging myself in the middle of nowhere with no note
Gunshot to the cranium
I genuinely hope all of you do succeed in killing yourselves :^)
reading your posts I feel like you should keep in mind that your posts can in fact influence others however
no need to want to kill yourself when you're already functionally braindead
While being penetrated by swans until I bleed to death. Whether that's from the animal, or from Michael Gira and friends, is up to you.
Suicide is for the weak.
>functionally braindead
Which album won the Pulitzer Prize again?
saw2, hanging
make nekojiru proud
jumping out of a plane
Wandering fuck off into the wilderness until either I die or survive the experience changed for the better.
Chris McCandless is that you?
driving off a cliff
how many times have you died
Pill overdose.
only once
i don't really have a favorite album but currently listening to this. probably poppy tea in a warm bathtub, slit wrist.
Trombone Concerto by Christoher Rouse?
your album of choice suggests it won't be long
Damn, are you guys okay?
Pistol shot through the right temple
shotgun blast to the face
Raging against the dying light
Though best combination of album and suicide would be Current 93 - Sleep Has His House and suffocation
I wanna fucking fake my own murder on a yacht or some shit
Probably bleeding to death, I want to fade slowly and feel every step of the way
Plane crash. Preferably if the plane was hijacked by terrorists.
Heart attack
Smoking, drinking, and taking benadryl every night every day of my life so my body naturally shits out in my 40s and I die from cirrhosis after a 2 year long battle with dementia
Trip on an insanely high dose of acid, bug out and jump off an overpass into oncoming traffic
opioid overdose
le carbon monoxide chamber
driving off to the middle of a forest at 3am with a shotgun and a bottle of whiskey
also good alternatives
none, suicide is wack
Murder suicide with death by cop
they don’t deserve to die just for your selfish benefit user
>Talk Talk - Laughing Stock
Growing old
gunshot or heroin od ideally
realistically, hanging
Please don't hurt yourselves, people. It's not worth it. There is always someone who loves you, even if you don't realize it right now. Please don't do it.
For OA I feel like running a car in a sealed up garage while ruminating on the concept of eternity in Hell would be more fitting
gunshot or jumping from a building
lol, as they say
you and me brother
to strawberry hill
Utterly based album
Yeah, it would, but lethality is more important
>not blowing your head off on the last note of Brown Eyes
secobarbital and pentobarbitalcocktail
Suspension hanging
Being run over by a train