Where are my piano-learning anons at?
Where are my piano-learning anons at?
I should really be buckling down and learning I guess but whenever I'm at my keyboard I just end up noodling around on it.
oh you didn't start learning at, like, 2 years old? Sorry user, it's over.
I'm starting on thursday
What kind of songs do you try to play? Maybe change that up to re-energize yourself
Old pop songs I guess and some simple music teacher classical favourites. It's hard to find teaching material that isn't about decades old songs.
learning this atm.
what song/piece/whatever are you learning?
how old are you guys? i am 21 and i kinda feel like i'm too old to master it.
You're never too old bb.
Just play the black keys.
Shut up, Grow up and practice.
Holy shit lmao imagine learning such a basic instrument like piano
>all the notes laid out in front of you
>literally in order
>one press of a key = one note, I like other more advanced instruments where you need both hands
>an instrument for children
>literally children can master this instrument
>sitting down to play it oh my god how lazy can you be
I’m not impressed in the least by anyone over 14 who can play this dumb instrument
muh nigga from another mother. very nice.
i haven't really played piano in 13+ years and it feels terrible but i gave it a shot just for you... only the first page because i don't have page turning skills. also, i really want to learn the next piece in this opus but i'll actually have to practice that one; fuck that.
>Your hitting and running
>Like say we got this chord here
>*plays 20 chords*
( . ) ____ ( . )
>I like other more advanced instruments where you need both hands
What did he mean by this?
>You have to be over 18 to visit this site
You should be a legit pianist by 16 if you actually give a shit.
based "putting people down" poster
This video is beyond fake but its inspirational enough
Why put extra energy towards simply playing a note when you could instead put that towards more complicated combinations of notes
It's like a weight loss promotion. It could happen under the most ideal circumstantial but you're not going to get those results
I just started. How long till I am good enough to play Toccata and Fugue?
I can't sight read two staffs at the same time
I just can't
I can read one staff at a time consistently at around 120bpm. Add a second staff and I'm making mistakes at 30bpm
>I can read one staff at a time consistently at around 120bpm.
This is meaningless. Typical note durations vary, harmonic complexity varies (tons of accidentals vs none -- large chords vs small chords) etc.