Fuck reddit
Fuck reddit
we really do live in a society
Why is his hand so fucking dirty
looks like it's just really poorly HDR'd
you gotta get your hands dirty if you want to be a true patrician
He probably has a job or something. What a fag.
audibly kek'd
Look at Shadow the Hedgehog on the ground there
What's horrifying about that? Is "horrifying" the new "hauntingly beautiful"?
i bet you voted for trump. fag
Ewww, you're being creepy.
your living on it
if redditfags upset you maybe try not browsing reddit
If somebody told me I only had one hour to live, I'd spend it choking a redditor. I'd do it nice and slow.
Why do you faggots keep complaining about reddit and their users, yet make it so obvious that you still go on the site given that you just posted a screenshot from there?
based user Davis
such is the society we live in...
Damn you got him good
bye guys i'm going to r/music forever
Incredibly based.