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Will there ever be a more autistic website?
(Excluding scaruffi.com of course)

>tfw i’ve been a marxist-leninist since january (you’re welcome, to that one user who really wanted me to become a tankie eventually)
>tfw my body is absolutely beautiful
>tfw scott walker and hal blaine are dead

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what was the tipping point that made you hate capitalism that much

Laugh at them

Laugh at them everytime they mention their favorite african compilation

Laugh at them everytime when they mention their favorite french philosopher

Laugh at them everytime when they mention favorite avant-garde artist

Laugh at them everytime when they post their RYM accounts

Laugh at them everytime when they post under their /daily/ trips

Laugh at them for simply existing

Laugh at them until they realize this place isn't their home

honestly i couldn’t even pin point it for you; seeds were sown like last year and eventually i just fell through.

>make a list of my favorite albums of the year or in a genre with somewhat detailed description
>get 10 favs
>some fag makes a list of gay, genderfluid, commie or anarchist RYM users
>gets over 100 favs

maybe nobody gives a shit about you


Stalin was the only worthwhile commie. I'm assuming you're from an upper crust family like most rym commies

i’m from a middle class background

where and what is your argument? if anything my comfortable economic position allows me to have enough mental clarity to realize that the entire system is outdated and demands a reboot.

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katie cat

>imagine being from country that had communism for like 70 years
>imagine watching all of the shit that communism had done to this country
>imagine watching these rich western kids talking about how communism is good

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>that smug catposting commie from the other thread admits he just totally changed his worldview this year

>middle class family in a developed first world country
aka the upper crust of human civilization

>Imagine being such a simp that you eat up whatever right-wing counterintelligence you were fed through shitposts


clearly you missed this post:
by last year i’m including 2018 and like the last quarter of 2017

Communism is the only reason Eastern europe isn't degenerate like the West

i wasn’t aware that any countries have ever reached the final stage of socialism, which is communism. mind pointing them out for me?

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>oh wow, there are a lot of old men who want to go back to their youth!
>oh wow, there are a lot of young men who want to recreate Soviet Union because grandpa said so!

would you fuck ~bowsette?

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is it the economically exploitative minority who build societies or is it the oppressed and exploited masses? cash cows and war profiteers or real human beings?

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this is simply retarded
>t-this w-wasn't real communism!
are you fucking kidding me

>we must seize the means of production
>develop our own means of production? no, that's too hard
tfw your entire ideology is based on stealing the fruit of somebody else's labor

Yea Forums.org

>old men who want to go back to their youth!
i don’t believe that was specifically included in the list of questions. why are you manipulating the data that’s right in front of you?

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you’re right, it wasn’t communism, it was socialism.

>your entire ideology is based on stealing the fruit of somebody else's labor
that’s literally capitalism. have you ever read marxian analysis?

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Bы чтo, eбaнyтыe чтo ли? Этa дocкa мyзыкe пocвящeнa, нeт, блядь, oни дpoчaт пoлитoтy eбyчyю, пpитoм вcтyпaя дpyг c дpyгoм в бeccмыcлeнныe cпopы. Я дaжe нa вac пo-pyccки выpyгaлcя, yёбищa нyлёвыe, тьфy, блядь. Maняпpoeкции cвoи выклaдывaют, дeлoм, блядь, зaймитecь, cyкa.
Dear leftist, pls go to your commie furry community and don't spread your shit on Yea Forums, thanks.

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>everybody who doesn't agree with us is going to get shot also btw rightwingers are bad because they're violent authoritarians

what do you think is the economic goal of the average marxist-leninist government, historically speaking? why the fuck would they ever immediately go from feudalism to communism without first preparing with socialism?

do you have any viable alternatives to forceable revolution? capitalism cannot be reformed since it’s an inherently expolitative system.

or do you believe that the system we currently live under is somehow nonviolent?

*historically and ideologically speaking

oh right i forgot, most right-wingers have never read marx or lenin before.

>manipulating the data
>just saying obvious things
have you ever talked to people, who lived in USSR? not to upper party class, but simple folks? life in USSR was really static: you go to school, then you go to work, then you retire and live the rest of your life with your kids, that's why people loved Soviet Union. But there were a lot of poverty, there were no higher goals in life than "kids and retirement", there was no ambitions, in the early days government could easily arrest and kill you, in the late days they would put you in prison for silly jokes about head of the government.
>you’re right, it wasn’t communism, it was socialism.
>t-this w-wasn't real socialism!

the USSR was indeed socialism (not that you have any idea what that is)

daily reminder Communism is a spiritual scourge against mankind and libertarians + fascists have to fight against it together as a common enemy or half the world will be eventually enslaved under bolshevism again

how is this related to music

>not that you, person that see the aftermath of socialism every day, have any idea what that is
>but I, rich western kid who shitpost on Yea Forums, certainly do

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Based chad

Tы-тo зaчeм из-пoд шкoнapя вылeз, мaня? Tы нaхyя aтeншoнвхopишь в тeмaтичecкoм тpeдe, пoaвaтapкoблядcтвoвaть зaхoтeлocь oт cкyднocти твoeй никчёмнoй жизни? Boт чтo: вылижи мoй хyй c жoпoй впpидaчy, и я, тaк и быть, пpoщy тeбя нa пepвый paз, a пoкa oбтeкaй, yёбищe. Я дaжe нe бyдy oпycкaтьcя дo тoгo, чтoбы гoвopить c тoбoй нa твoём coбaчьeм языкe, caм выyчишьcя, чтoбы мeня пoнимaть. Пшёл c мoeй бopды нa хyй, пeтyх.

>But there were a lot of poverty
show your evidence that the USSR is directly to blame for this, and not other things like sanctions, imperialism and IDK, the fact that russia was an agrarian shithole with plenty of famine and poverty already in place before the bolsheviks took control?
>there were no higher goals in life than "kids and retirement", there was no ambitions
vague; evidence?

and you’re right, there was a lot of violence in the early days of the republic, i’d like to see evidence which suggests that most of the people who were imprisoned or killed weren’t wealthy reactionaries or fascists though.

you’ve done absolutely no independent research on this, haven’t you?

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бэйcт энд pэдпилд

please show the work you haven’t done and prove that socialism is DIRECTLY to blame for whatever you’re talking about.

based sal questioning generic talking points

i also want to point out that spouting anti-communist or anti-soviet talking points and calling your lack of evidence or nuance “common sense” or “self-explanatory” is a really bad way to conceal the fact that you’ve done next to no independent research, and a really good way to showcase just how much of a mindless bootlicker you truly are.

it’s just so weird to me, right-wingers are always the first ones to denounce the “mainstream media” (showing that they don’t buy everything the media throws at them) but when it comes to socialism and communism, they completely shut the fuck down and have no problem repeating every single talking point in the book shoved down their throats by said mainstream media.

can you theoryless faggots at least admit that it’s well within the western establishment’s interest to tell lies or half-truths about communism? look at what they did in vietnam, you really think they would never lie to you about this shit?

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>mfw when i just talked with some efren from venezuela and he dont have nothing to eat today
its a weird world

do tell how a country whose economy is mostly owned by private corporations is in any way socialist
state capitalist is much more accurate

Theres like 4 most importants privated companies and they arent even close to Pdvsa.
Fucking cringe. Go get a job, hippie.

Polite sage.

>i’m from a middle class background
nah you're a rich fuck, didn't you use to show off pictures of your house back in the day?

i’m talking about power, not quantity
why are you lying

imagine thinking economic systems matter, especially economic systems that are hundreds of years old and unable to adapt to automation

top cringe

demographics is the issue of our time and you ignore it

vague and not an argument

the socioeconomic background and everything that strands from such (like environment) defines and outlines everything for the majority of people. whether it’s their mental or physical health, or their nutrition, or what kind of people their kids grow up to be attracted to, it decides so much, and the fact that YOU ignore this just highlights how little you understand economics.

read up on historical materialism.

*as well as dialectical materialism



get a grip you intellectually lazy faggot


Will Sal become a tranny now?