Post your favorite Mr HEE HEE song
Post your favorite Mr HEE HEE song
Child rapist
every party needs a pooper, thats why they invited you.
party pooper, party pooper.
literally wasn't, what's it feel like being a faggot and wrong on the internet
Billie Jean
>pedophile apologists
But the chi-iii-ild is not my son
(Because he's my lover)
Why does Yea Forums pretend he didn't fuck kids?
He was mentally ill and had a shitload of money. Some people saw that and took advantage of him.
Because uhh jews or something
This but unironically
He was redpilled as fuck
Eh. His own fault for not lawyering up early on.
Off the Wall
So based then?
Not really a fan but probably Man in the Mirror
Cause all the accusations fall apart under scrutiny.