what the FUCK was he thinking?
goinna have to revoke his n word pass for this one b
What the fuck went wrong?
logic was never very good
I'm glad people are finally coming around to recognizing how abysmal Logic's music actually is. Everyone was sort of humoring him for the last couple albums, but this recent one is just too much.
did you read the book yet? if not, fuck off retard
hello logic
its true though, you are pretty retarded
The absolute state of Logic.
I don't really want to. This album hasn't inspired a lot of confidence in me over Logic's writing skills, especially when he's given us so many classic lines over the year "woo, who can relate." He's mediocre at best and so I can kind of imagine what his future endeavors are going to be like.
That prose is very flat. It's not illegible, but it's just sort of dull. Plus opening on such a cliched scenario while having a cliche chapter title (or even having chapter titles period) is the biggest turn-off.
>hasnt inspired a lot of confidence in me over Logic's writing skills
u sure you aint braindead?
Supermarket is a whole new sound for Logic. the fuck are you talking about?
Why listen to him if hes mediocre at best? Fucking retard.
Logic is embracing the wrong side of being biracial on this album.
so youre saying the nigger in him is better?
To be honest, I guess I disliked this album less than most. I understand it's not God's gift to Earth in the slightest, but it's not utter garbage. Lemon Drop in particular was pretty questionable though.
I've always enjoyed Logic's music, but I understand pretty much every criticism he's been given. I just think the anti-Logic hate train has been particularly full force lately.
At least it’s not written as one massive freestyle which I expected.
>“Bobby Hall has crafted a mind-bending first novel, with prose that is just as fierce and moving as his lyrics. Supermarket is like Naked Lunch meets One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest—if they met at Fight Club.”—Ernest Cline, #1 New York Times Bestselling author of Ready Player One
tf u say??
I’ve read the first few pages and after the first paragraph I could tell it wasn’t even going to be entertaining bad
>the begging of the end
I legitimately can’t conceive why someone who thinks THIS is a good way to start his Novell would even want to write unless of course he’s famous and know he make money off of any shit he threw out there
Jesus Christ I fucking hate Logic. he's like new age Eminem who thinks that he can rap about anything, literally anything, if he does it fast
This reads like a D grade literature assignment.
yes this is true but at least in his earlier mixtapes and under pressure he had hunger. he was actually trying.
Supermarket wasn't rap you dumb nigger
he wasn't specifically talking about supermaket