Wtf is this

wtf is this

Attached: godspeed.jpg (1200x1200, 346K)

A great album.
What are you not understanding?


you literally have to be underage or retarded to not enjoy this master work

i enjoyed, but i don't know wtf is this

Oh, in terms of genre this is called Post Rock.
I believe it was inspired by the album Soundtracks For The Blind by Swans

The third best GY!BE record.

this is EPIC

What are numbers 1 and 2?

op here. what is yall favorite song on this album and why?

It's emotionally dishonest

Either Sleep or Antennas To Heaven, because i find them to be the most emotionally moving pieces on the record

F#A#Infinity and Allelujah. I also prefer Slow Riot, but that's an EP.

I personally think Lfit Your Skinny Fists is their best album but alright

Cool. Your opinions are different to mine, but you are completely welcome to have them. Have a nice day.

this have more emotion than the album


Attached: file.png (600x600, 552K)

F# A# wins out for me for more creative use of sampling a “vocals”

The most predictable try-hard album I've heard in my entire life

listen to spirit of eden or laughing stock instead

I’ve always hated this phrase. God forbid someone tries especially hard. God forbid someone show a modicum of passion and sincerity towards there art in this cold ironic to cool for this world we inhabit

Are you all newfags

Wow weird, those two albums were just recommended publicly to several million viewers by Danny Avidan of Ninja Sex Party and Game Grumps.