What music should I listen to to get a gf? I’m 22 yo NEET btw
What music should I listen to to get a gf? I’m 22 yo NEET btw
Music taste isn't a replacement for personality. Go to the gym, work on your social skills.
this whole picture feels weird when you realise it's ryan gosling
Don't use music to get a gf. Music is a personal taste and you should just listen to whatever it is you enjoy, regardless of whether its shit or not, or if a girl likes it too or not.
If you want a gf, work on bettering yourself and trying new things. Making threads about being a neet on Yea Forums is worse than having a particular taste in music.
Go out there and get her instead of posting about it.
>over 25 is the final option
get's me every time
I've got no one to talk to, how do I work on my social skills?
you'll just come off as a poser and you'll be unhappy with yourself.
Music has never mattered in my past relationships. its more about mutual attractiveness and getting along with eachother on a personal level, doesn't have to be sharing tastes or hobbies.
Ask yourself what you should do to make yourself more dateable. Make yourself interesting, someone you'd like to be around, don't be shy. Usually its either one of the two which ruins attraction: Physical appearance (fat, not their type or just ugly) or character (being introverted, cringy or shy doesn't help, be someone they'd like to present to their social circle and family). Also, if you can try to improve on your independence, get a car license and a job. Moving out isn't a big issue if she lives alone and you can't because of financial reasons. Usually most of the stuff doesn't matter if she's into you and not a superficial whore. once you fix that girls will just come and show interest or you can hit one up for a date.
dating on tinder helped me. it's good cause you'll have someone who is physically attracted/interested in you and it saves time.
it will also help you see what type of girls you're really into and stop wasting time on others
Tinder and other online dating. Clubs and events related to your interests. You don't need pre-existing friends for either.