Zhaeni's Album is removed of all streaming platforms

This is done by Distrokid who caved at the request of Die Antwoord's Lawyers.
(see email screenshot)

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Other urls found in this thread:


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fucking based
fuck this crazy bitch


this thot is taking on the entire Cabal of Molech worshippers by her self. She is as based as it gets.

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it's an "independent" music distributor.

did she get a boob job?

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stop posting about this literal who, no one cares

In b4 another Zheani thread just turns into people posting her nudes and discussing her feet.

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Can we just nuke Hollywood already day of the rope?

i'm going to have to unironically unjokingly make a rap career for myself to elevate myself to a level where I get the opportunity to fuck this chicks brains out

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it's still on soundcloud so I'm fine

what does this have to do with hollywood?

sure would be a shame if someone posted nudes

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what's the context behind this?

based schizo poster



She’s cute

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she's gross and so is yolandi

just post them already


that’s the point of these threads

Still can't see any nudes or feet.

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You guys mind discussing what this even is about?
Who's this bitch?
I don't mind nudes and feet but maybe it would help explaining what's her connection to Die Antwoord and why they're pissed at her?

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better resolution

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*lick* *lick* *lick* mmmh..

Censorship I stand with Zhaeni etc. buttttt you got more brah???

I do completely believe Jones to be extremely shitty in person, it's not the first time i've heard someone complain about him in general.

However her claims are, if not fabricated, very likely intentionally exploded and aggravated on purpose to make herself more relevant to the eye of the public (and it's working).
If she's doing this for attention, i can understand why but it's also sorta dumb because she could probably make it on her own without needing this stupid drama.
"Lie and Look" is pretty good, and the rest of her shit ranges from boring to sorta ok.
Overall i've heard much worse, she could've made it to a decent fanbase and revenue on her own without having to resort to tabloid level shit.
But what's done it's done, i suppose.

Pretty good feet tbqh. Shame she looks like a cheap stripper who fucks black gentlemen.

jesus christ that's fucked up

That article reads like it was written by a kid

where da pussy pics at

This is actually true.

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>implying anyone over the age of 14 cares about this shit
Makes sense it reads like that.

I just threw up a little.

They're just roleplaying and being edgy you retarded niggas.
The "spell" is the tatoo Jones gave her.

Seriously has no one in this board done this kind of shit when they were younger?
There's people that cut each other with knives during sex too.
It doesn't mean they've developed wizard powers and satan's goat head comes out of their asses, it's the sex equivalent of shitty poems on myspace.
It's just for fun.
Jones is just being edgy because he's from africa and has a total IQ of 5 so he's stuck in perma-chuuni mode.
I mean just look at this guy.

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Most news is written at a 6th or 7th grade reading level. It's like a pretty commonly-known thing, kids.

I would encourage everyone to read that infographic in detail so they can laugh at what a shilling piece of shit this lying cunt of an "user" is.

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Ok then why don't you tell your side of the story instead of posting /pol/ tier patchwork images nobody will ever take the time to give a shit about?
What do you actually think is going on here?
Boil it down in digestible form, if you're peddling shit you might as well make it one big turd.

NO ONE gives a fuck about this retarded drama. Post her nudes and more feet.

It's exactly what she claims:
Die Antwoord flew her to SA so they could involve her in some kind of extended sex ritual -- the tattoo being part of that is straight out of Ninja's own mouth btw -- that terminated in Ninja demanding she help him "gush" (whatever tf that means) so he could finish writing the lyrics to Ugly Boy. If only someone would condense the evidence for that into some kind of easily-digestible collage any retard can read.

Since that's nowhere to be found, though, here are two youtube videos explaining the issue in detail:

Fuck Hollywood.

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I don't understand what you're getting at here.
She was flown there, but not kidnapped.
She was involved in ritual sex wich is nothing more than kinky play.
She was involved in gushing wich is a slang term for bleeding, probably something about knife play.

So she was starstruck, was even modeling herself and her haircut after yolandi, got coerced into getting fucked by jones, had a bunch of kinky sex, went back home, years later "exposed" the whole thing to kickstart her career.

It's not that jones isn't a creepy scumbag, it's that she's claiming that she got literally kidnapped and then raped by some sort of cock wizard.
When the truth is, she was a dumbass groupie that got honked by some vanilla ice looking mongoloid and sat on this consensual play for years until it was the right moment for her to spring her career fowards by reframing this all into kidnapping and rape.

That's all this is.

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>honked by some vanilla ice looking mongoloid
I shouldn't have laughed

>nothing more than kinky play
Everyone watch the videos and read the infographic so you can laugh at what a shilling cunt this guy is.

Yolandi did not invent straight bangs.

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He must have done something wrong otherwise he wouldn’t be going to such an effort to silence a small time Soundcloud rapper.

The simple truth is that she needs a boost and this entire drama is putting her on the map.
I wouldn't even be surprised if DA was in on this, it's not like their image wich already thrives on being fake alternative and fake shock value would be hurt in any way long term from this.

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I’ve read through all of the bs

Looks to me as an adult acted on their own decisions to get themselves involved in some ploy-bdsm that they later regretted and are now handled the situation like a child

I read through it all, and it looks exactly like a 40-year-old celebrity exploiting a 20-year-old fan and then informing her after the fact that she was part of a scarification ritual.

t. the actual kid that wrote the article

I just read that Australian police broke Zheani's door and raided her home. This video seems to be floating around, but does anyone have the original source or audio?

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I realize that the Earth is still very new and strange to you, but the good news is you can just look it up!

That’s exactly what I said lol

Stop talking about this, by the way, or Die Antwoord will send the Australian police and Meek Mill's lawyer after you. They have really powerful connections in Hollywood, you know.

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She's an idiot if she did get abused. He was sending her messages saying he wanted gush and she still flew over she knew exactly what was going to happen when over there and she could have stopped it at anytime. But nah she didnt want to and only wanted to start this controversy when her career is starting cause she just wants fame.

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She was 20 years old. An internationally famous 39-year-old musician contacted her on the internet and strung her along for some kind of fucked up ritual that she was not told about until after the face.

He then attempted to humiliate her, and when she tried to speak out about it, they sent cease and desist letters via Hollywood lawyers, spread (yet more) revenge porn about her, had her album removed from streaming services, and then swatted her house.

The "gush" conversation happened *after* her trip. Shill plz just go.

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Watkin is an ugly monoloid and the fact he got her makes me reeeeeeeee

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She made sexual assault allegations or something? Or he said gross shit to her? I kinda forgot too desu

The videos here explain it well:

she did get ritualistically fucked and then he realized she had no idea what he was doing even though calling herself a witch, she is no more inclined to magick than a tadpole and now she's trying to piggyback off of their sccuess

OK, Waddy.

The dude brags about choking his back up dancers against walls.
He openly brags about trafficking girls in a number of his songs.
He illegally shared revenge porn of her (which was cool shit) to millions of his fans.
He is as Zhaeni would say a "CUNT"

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Don't the text messages lit show him saying hes horny and wants to fuck her all the time before they meet?

Om Namah Ganeshaya!

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shut the fuck up nobody cares


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It's not revenge porn when it's porn she made and sold niger

>t. ninja not noticing his dms aren't the active window anymore

So Ninja fucked a fangirl and now she's mad about it.

Nothing is going to make anyone forget about

Specifically, they went into the woods, took a shit ton of mushrooms, he started talking in tongues and proclaiming himself cuckinator the cunt destroyer lord of all the earthly pussy and somehow she was so scared by this she bent over and let him rail her, then conveniently recalled this entire event many years later shortly after the release of her new EP, totally unrelated.


>Ninja sent her nudes to Sharlto Copley

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>go to africa
>get raped
Her fault for thinking this wouldn't happen.

Don't say that or Meek Mill will kill you.

I demand that you delete this post, or I will have you removed from streaming services.

Zhaeni :))

can someone give me a quick rundown?

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>20-year-old goth chick posts on instagram
>Die Antwoord contacts her because she's alluring to them for some reason
>Ninja starts sexting her while she's all fucked up on shroom juice or something
>(tries to talk dirty about being her biological father, like tries to rp a story about her adoption lol)
>They arrange for her to go to South Africa
>She goes to South Africa and he gives her some amateur tattoos
>He takes her to the middle of the forest and "has sex with" her on shrooms which she doesn't enjoy for some reason
>He sends her home early
>(At some point, he sends lewds of her to his famous director friends behind her back.)
>He later informs her that the tattoo he gave her was part of a ritual
>He tells her that he's having trouble finishing the lyrics to the track Ugly Boy
>He needs her help "gushing" so he can finish writing the song Ugly Boy
>All this crazy bullshit about how it's part of a spell
>Sends her hand-made notes and mementos about Ugly Boy
>Invites her best friends and a model she's worked with to film Ugly Boy
>5 years later, she starts realizing how fucked up all that was.
>Tries to speak out about it.
>Die Antwoord hires Meek Mill's lawyer to send cease and desist letters
>Yolandi posts on facebook telling outright lies
>Die Antwoord's PR people and fans go around mass reporting Zheani's social media accounts and making up bullshit on plebbit


>She provides all the screenshots as proof along with a signed declaration of authenticity from a local magistrate
>Die Antwoord makes videos mocking Zheani and doubling down on their lies. Links to leaks of her porno snapchat, i.e. posts more revenge porn
>Gets their youtube channel removed
>Gets their youtube channel back
>Zheani's house has now been swatted via Australian police.
>Zheani's music has now been removed from streaming services per Die Antwoord's lawyers leaning on her spineless distributor

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>bitch goes to africa and gets raped
>doesn't all out her rapist until it's oddly convinient for her
tl;dr: A woman being a woman.

I haven't seen her directly accuse him of rape, to be honest, though I easily could have missed it because it sure sounds like rape to me.

Probably just all made up as some sort of PR strategy.

ah, thanks

You're more than welcome. I think it's a story worth summarizing, for many reasons. It's a story that contains quite a bit of information.

I would like to take this moment to invite *everyone* to become #postwitch by accepting Jesus I mean Kek into your hearts and following the way of truth instead of the way of lies.

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disappointed in this thread

where are the nudes at tho

There was a tit in a tree earlier.

Too much carnal fixation will deplete your higher faculties, anons. You must coax the energy up, back towards its true source. That is how you overcome the witchcraft.

I don't recognize you anymore Yea Forums

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There you go, masturbate and just forget about this bitch

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This isn't Yea Forums and maybe you never did.

It's fake publicity.

Ninja in these texts is saying he does magic?
C'mon this is the guy that went from suit and tie techno artist to artsy edge rapper and this sounds like another ploy at fame.
People LOVE to hear this "weird" shit.
It's mysterious, it's got intrigue.
It's too much what he would want.

i dont know shes interesting for commitment to a bit perspective
let her make music

People don't walk into courthouses and hand their iphones to government officials over fake publicity.
No, when Hollywood lawyers send out takedown letters because someone spoke out about abuse, that's definitely motivated by *real* publicity.

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Damn those are some nice feet

They're ugly

You are a literal faggot if you don't want to suck those toes

Non cropped version

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Ok yeah I do wanna put my hand right there.

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(The revenge porn Ninja tripled down.)

>Waddy trying to get the thread removed.
Belated thread theme:


Well, after reading through all of the available information, I think Die Antwoord owes Zheani an apology.

I am never texting anybody ever fucking again

you lost me at jesus
now I love die antwoorditius

I have friends in the kink industry - they send me samples and joke shit all the time. whos to say five years later a new law and someone decides they don't quite feel right and now its revenge porn?

while i get
some of the stuff
at 20 years old shoudn't you know that you shoudn't have to be with weird south african rappers?
like what compells you to go meet fucking die antwoord and agree to go have sex in the forest while high?
are people really this fucking stupid?

if youre reading this thread
youre not cosey fanni tutti

its too late!

I still don't get what the fuck happened. She said she got her drink spiked and was flown to SA but how is that even possible? And being part of a fucking MAGIC RITUAL? this shit is the same tier of the weird twilight fans on hs

Oh shit dude I totally believe in magic and fairies now
Everyone else is a shill and these texts prove that leprechauns and reptilians live under my bed

Women are stupid
Remember what Donald Trump said
>”when you’re a star they’ll let you do anything”

cute feet

imagine the smell


The problem with this entire drama is that the guy defending Zheani is a complete schizophrenic religious fundamentalist that unironically believes in witchcraft and spells.

Like why can't we ever have a normal person?
Just a guy saying "well yeah she was threatened in a shed in africa with no cellphone by a guy raging and screaming while on mushrooms, it was pretty scary".

Why is it always like this, Yea Forums?
Why, why can't we have normal people here, ever?

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This is a detailed breakdown;

To me it seems like all she is saying is that she was taken advantage of and mistreated in a cruel way. It has clearly impacted her life dramatically and she has the right to speak her piece. I think the worst thing to come out of this is not what happened to Zheani (she seems to be handling shit well) but what has come out about Ninja’s treatment of his back up dancers.
The creep literally brags about choking them until they cry. So if Zheani wants to step on his head for clout, whatever she should own it but I’m not going to say she is wrong to do it.

She stated herself that at the time she thought he was magick and possessed but know thinks he was just fucking with her head because she belived in energy and such.

>She stated herself that at the time she thought he was magick and possessed
Yes, because she was a dumb kid from australia flown all the way in the middle of africa.
Obviously she was scared and into new age shit to begin with, easy to manipulate.
I'm concerned about the grown ass man in this very thread that genuinely believes in this shit and the jewlumminati even tho he's probably past 30.

This is fucked up. I really like Die Antwoord, but I'm team Zheani.



Where are mu fucking nudes

That’s what I’m saying

Surprisingly nice pussy for such a cheap stripper looking slut. Also surprised this thread is still up. It's just a retarded cunt letting herself get raped by an even more fucking retarded cunt to boost her own career off of that later. Anyone saying different shit is als a fucking retard.

jannies keep deleting them so look for them elsewhere

Kill yourself

no u xD

Same here, can't find shit on her

They're only not allowed on this board becaause it's a worksafe board. You're free to ask for them in

Talk to Ninja about it. Ninja is who kept discussing "magick" with her, Ninja is the one who kept referencing "spells" in both his texts and social media posts about upcoming music. Ninja is who told Zheani that she had been part of a "ritual." Ninja is the who explained he needed a "rainbow girl" to help him "gush."

If that all seems crazy to you then here's your blue ribbon, and take it up Die Antwoord, shills.

>take it up *your ass


Let's be honest that Ninja is a creep.

>Like why can't we ever have a normal person?
>Just a guy saying "well yeah she was threatened in a shed in africa with no cellphone by a guy raging and screaming while on mushrooms, it was pretty scary".

Maybe because what actually happened was -- according to Watkin Tudor Jones -- a lot crazier than that?
Does it kind of seem to you like maybe it's Die Antwoord who has some schizo religious shit going on?

Attached: dieantwoordninja.png (406x787, 194K)

Surprisingly, no one has made a thread yet

Until now

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Oh hell no

I guess I'd be curious to know if he actually solicited that behavior or even viewed the images.

Lol wut

I'm just saying there's nothing to indicate she wasn't basically spamming him with cp against his will.

>a hooker claims a retard z lister raped her
>her shills come everyday to cuckboard dot tetrachan dot educational institutions domain name slash moosik to defend her
>literally no one cares
the only summary that makes sense

Haha ya that's what happened

Go check out the comments on some Die Antwoord videos, hotshot.

It probably is. 15's not pedo anyways.

I'm the user playing devil's advocate, and even I have to admit it's far-fetched.

>15's not pedo anyways

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Fuck Meek Mill's lawyer, and fuck Hollywood.

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And fuck Die Antwoord's PR shills.

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That's what you get for messing with primordial dwarfs.