Song you're listening to right now

>song you're listening to right now
>where you land on the spectrum
Matt Corby - Miracle Love
Good Times

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Other urls found in this thread:

Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
Somewhere between the green and red squares

That whole cycle is the most laughable bloody thing. You have to be historically illiterate to look at that and go, "woah, that's bang on"

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t. weak man

It feeds into the fascist need for an aesthetic narrative

Guns n Roses - Better
Weak man living in good times.

the more i argue with conservatives, the alt-right and classical liberals the more i find myself apologizing for and empathizing with stalin.

i’m not listening to anything rn but “the girls from the street” by scott walker won’t stop playing in my head — what an outstanding arrangement.

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be a man already and go red entirely

Nice toxic masculinity there

you are such an annoying faggot

it’s an expression you eggshell walking little bitch
go to gulag

This chart was created 100% by a US citizen. Strong men -> Good Times. Sounds accurate, just look at Latin American, they are currently having a gay old time thanks to the strong men sent by the US

how much can you bench

yeah that’s what i thought you fucking weakling

we know you don’t lift weights you skinny faggot, use ur trip so i can block you

i literally do, every other day
just finished my protein for the day
answer the question you slut

2pl8 bench 3pl8 squat

how was tyrone’s “protein” today you queer?

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The chart is retarded

Green Square

Can someone explain how this cycle works?

it’s unfortunately reactionary but the libertarian left are definitely weak little bitches
t. leninist



>the libertarian left are definitely weak little bitches
literally no one can be weaker than green (bernie bros)

Believing in free markets is weak?

An expression that illustrates toxic masculinity perfectly especially given the contex (manliness=control) and shaming another mans masculinity to pressure them into conforming to whichever side.

Humming STGSTV to myself, very bottom right corner.

there is no pressure to conform

you have freedom to choose

but youre still weak

MGMT - When You Die

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Its bait you retards

Smash that like button if you are part of the Strong Men square

How about we smash your head.


a better version

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The weakest men are the ones who think they need to be as masculine and manly as possible and have a paranoia over doing anything that might be perceived as feminine.

The manliest men are the ones who do whatever they love, even if it's feminine, because they don't care about what society thinks

Their Helicopters Sing - Godspeed You! Black Emperor

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>he thinks he's a strong man
>doesn't even lift
>has never been in a fight
>struggle to get women
>barely talks to people

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Imagine being a giant pussy and trying to appear as manly as possible due to social pressure.

Men who do whatever they love and are not scared to admit they like feminine stuff sometimes is much more admirable. i believe most men like SOMETHING that would be traditionally considered more feminine

based and redpilled

I agree, real manly men do things like touch their butthole in the shower or wear high heels and makeup. The manliest of them all undergo transition surgery so they can embrace their femininity like any real man would.

>he thinks any of this signifies strength

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t. limp wristed weak faggot

You know that is not what im talking about.

Alot of men like cute things, which is traditionally seen as feminine. alot of men like a show on TV that would be considered feminine traditionally (like the power-puff girls for example)

Being scared from doing anything that is feminine just to appear more manly doesn't actually make you more manly, it makes you a giant pussy.

>being able to lift heavy things
>doesn't signify strength

It's absolutely amazing how far weak men will go to prove to themselves they're strong men

>didn't even lift
>had never been in a fight
>struggled to get women
>barely talked to people
>created the communist war machine
>crushed reactionaries

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You see feminine things as a weakness.
But i disagree. what I see as a weakness is falling into social pressure and being scared to do what you love.

Death Grips - Warped.
Proudly almost furthest to the left on the green square.

>not cleaning your anus
Yeah there's something wrong with you, not us.

>didn't even lift
Still physically fit, unlike the legions of basedboys who worship them
>had never been in a fight
fucking Stalin did bank robberies, kidnapping and extortions as a teenager
Totsky and Lenin did prison
>struggled to get women
That's just fucking lies you massive basedboy
>barely talked to people
They were expert orators

I wouldn't mind the left if they were as strong as their communist counterpart, unfortunately it's not the case.

That's why you wouldn't survive one day in a society ruled by strength.


The weak outnumber the strong and typically join together to take down any "strong" person who has overstepped the boundaries that humans naturally place between one another.

I was just talking about my boy Stalin robbing banks to fuel the revolution. I lift btw, are you dtf?
move to a jungle already nerd

seems like nice dude
i would hang out with him and give him a good blowjob at the end of day

then you should worship elephants as the strongest animals


Based puff girls fan.

they signify the epitome of muscular strength.

So, what does that have to do with what I said?

>Being scared from doing anything that is feminine
this is what hardcore gays do

>he thinks he's a strong man
>doesn't even lift
many strong people didn't care about bodybuilding or muscle worship.

What "ruled by strength" even means? strength is not policy and the term is ambiguous enough to be alot of different things.

In terms of how i think society should be ruled:
I believe society should be ruled based on secular humanist values. empathy towards other humans is the most important. simple.

There's a difference between being "scared" and sincerely not enjoying femininity. Not everyone has subconscious femininity as much as I'm sure you all wish were true.

Of course you would faggot

it's a modern need and transcends political tendencies. all of this shit boils down to that. all the empty rhetoric and posturing and grandstanding and private resentment. it's a fashion statement. it's a scene. it's nothing and it's not going anywhere

political stances are coping mechanisms
absolution fantasies are cries for help

>imagine thinking that authoritarian left leads to good times

By that logic my eastern European country should have top quality of life in the world after 40 years of authoritarian left Communism. Yet it falls below the western capitalist nations in most metrics.

Communists are retarded.

Who are the best conservative strong men bands? none of that weak shit like neutral onions milk hotel

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burzum ofc.

cum tastes good you should try it

Michael Gira is clearly an anarchist, you idiot.

None of those sides have led to good times. The world is a pretty depressing place

It means understanding that less than 10% of people actually build society, through their intelligence, their strength, their creativity, their risk taking, and their grit, and that if the greed of those teeming masses becomes unchecked; if society loses respect for the strong, either the strong will check them, or if those teeming masses win, they destroy themselves out of their own ignorance and weakness.


if ussr would have lasted that this we would be in transitioning stages rn

anarchist /=/ strong men

that an oxymoron you retard. being an anarchist makes you a weak man by definition

autarky is retarded and at fault for the second world's poverty
these systems cannot coexist it's either one or the other

The USSR wasn't leftist, they just claimed to have leftist intentions. They functioned hardly any different than any right capitalist state

LOL you're so pathetic. So you're on Yea Forums. Does that make you one of the 90%?

ima commie but stop talking shit about my comrades

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Then I guess Michael Gira isn't a strong man, dumbshit.

Lol sure... transitioning into third world poverty perhaps.

>The USSR wasn't leftist, they just claimed to have leftist intentions. They functioned hardly any different than any right capitalist state
im done with shithole

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Not him, but it certainly doesn't.

Yeah it does.

>None of those sides have led to good times.
The world today, is literally the best time in history to have ever been born; you are typing to people in every country in the world, at nearly the speed of light, for free; and in front of you, is a device that a few decades ago would have been the most powerful thing in existence, computationally. You are literally the trust fund baby of centuries of progress; living one of the most comfortable lives anyone has ever had on this planet. You are wayyyyy less than the 1%, you might even be the 0.000001%.

tfw state capitalism is left wing apparently

>Gira is a limp wristed leftist just like me!

No one is buying this shit

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Maybe you like how it feels in your mouth or something, but it tastes disgusting.

yeah just like they made a feudalist shithole Russia into a fully industrialized 2nd world largest economy and super power

>it wasnt REAL communism

Always this argument after another communist attempt fails.. I guess Venezuela is not real communism either.

Communism always leads to failure.

>40 years of authoritarian left Communism
more like half-assed state capitalist dictatorship with revolutionary fetishism

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>never tasted healthy cum
I'm sorry you have never enjoyed the experience.

But according to the chart these are the bad times. Plus being technologically advanced doesn't mean people are living meaningful lives. Meaningfullness seems to be at an all time low

Indeed. Thanks to capitalism.

>it wasnt REAL communism
exactly the point here, no state can be really communist.

>So you're on Yea Forums. Does that make you one of the 90%?
Probably, that's not innately a bad thing though. Just don't go destroying the people who've made your life not shit, that's all that's really expected of you.

More current Western European countries are more socialist than the USSR ever was

nice fascist rhetoric.

it was not Communism
it was socialism

Sure there was some progress. But it pales in comparison to growth experienced by capitalist nations in the same timeframe. USSR just couldnt compete, thats why it ultimately failed.

Go ahead and look up what communism even means and then report back. You might be surprised that it's not what /pol/ describes it as

Oh, so you're talking about millionaires and billionaires, most of whom were born into that wealth and life and never really accomplished anything meaningful to society? So "strength" is whoever wins the lottery and comes out of the right snatch. Gotcha.

>Not pouring billions into an invasion

>some progress

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Peter Steele shit on lefties all the time

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Thats because your mythical "real communism" is impossible. Perhaps if we have human level AI and robots taking care of all the work, something like it could be accomplished. But we are a long time from that kind of tech.

>just like they made a feudalist shithole Russia into a fully industrialized 2nd world largest economy
this meme needs to die. not even a poltard, but it's a bad notion anyway. there were full-fledged capitalist relations by the end of the 19th century already.

>Thats because your mythical "real communism" is impossible
but not after robotic revolution

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>he thinks post-scarcity is far off
Lol bro you're in for a rude awakening when robots take your job in six years and you are no longer needed to add value to a capitalist's profit machine and the capitalist basically tells you his hands are tied when you ask what you shall do to preserve your livelihood.


Everyone has more opportunity to find a fulfilling, meaningful life when they're not having to worry about their base line. I would say that the fact that people have more time to follow their passions. If they're not for some reason, I don't think the answer is to create problems to give people a false sense of purpose.

>nice fascist rhetoric.
Hierarchy isn't the same thing as fascism.

>Thats because your mythical "real communism" is impossible
>Aristocrat in the 17th century: That's because your mythical "real capitalism" is impossible

Yeah, the progress was demonstrably inferior compared to what capitalist nations accomplished. Thats why people emigrated from USSR to western nations, and not the other way around. The difference in quality of life was simply undeniable, especially at the end.


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>Hierarchy isn't the same thing as fascism
except it usually is when it comes to state's and capital's hierarchy

>full fledged cap
what kind industry they had by then?

>most of whom were born into that wealth and life and never really accomplished anything meaningful to society

>except it usually is when it comes to state's and capital's hierarchy
So, to be clear, you're saying that free markets are fascism, because they lead to a hierarchy of capital?

>he thinks current deep learning AI hype will lead to large scale automation

Actual AI engineer here. Some jobs will get automated, but we are a long way off from anything even approaching human level when it comes to general intelligence. And the low hanging fruit in deep learning has been picked. A lot of jobs are safe.

Definitely all kinds of heavy industry. "Industrialization" was bolshevik propaganda that masked their badly implemented, delusional and ineffective centralization of industrial capital.

>Lol bro you're in for a rude awakening when robots take your job
Just like all the jobs destroyed by technology since the dawn of time have been declining. Humanity started at peak jobs, and each new invention has just whittling them away through the centuries. Since jobs can't be made, it's amazing that there's anything left for people to do at all.

>So, to be clear, you're saying that free markets are fascism, because they lead to a hierarchy of capital?
Capital can't have free markets. Consider the book.

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>Consider the book.

Without capitalism you would not even have free sites like Yea Forums to type your commie bullshit on. If there was anything like the internet in a socialist world (doubtful), it would be heavily regulated to only toe the Party line. Free thinkers would end up in a gulag.

Quit having religious fantasies. At least read something before imbuing it with supernatural evil or good. One can't even agree or disagree with anything at this point, because it would require some basic sanity at least.

Bullshit, underground networks of associates and friends are prevalent everywhere. Even Nazi Germany had them. Communist Russia did far less than America in the way of suppressing such currents. Do you not even know what COINTELPRO is?

Right. Because Free speech was never denied in America.

Communism is bullshit in all its incarnations. It cannot be non-authoritarian. You need a strong authoritarian state, or an equivalent of it, to ban private means of production.

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I don't consider it good or evil. I'm simply declining your recommendation because my time that would have been spent reading that is more valuable than that book would be to me. I followed Noam Chomsky's works closely in my youth, I know his premises. If you had had a point to make, or something to explain you should have made that point, instead of using the most scummy argument tactic, which is to deflect your argument without any rational or explanation, to the works of other people, who I am certain are significantly smarter than yourself.

>Communist Russia did far less than America in the way of suppressing such currents.

You are an idiot.

>Do you not even know what COINTELPRO is?

Nothing, compared to the extent and methods of USSR's dissent repression apparatus.

Sometimes. But definitely not to the extent of USSR or North Korea. Its just not comparable.

>If there was anything like the internet in a socialist world (doubtful)
It's not doubtful, we already have a living example in China and it makes your point for itself, beautifully.

Fishmans - Long Season (Live)
Right in the middle between blue and purple.

Now you're just making shit up.

That's a high school comeback. You need to be 18 to post here, little buddy.

>rEaL cOmMuNiSm HaSn'T beEN TriEd yET!!11

Stay mad.

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>it's another Americans REEE about communism thread

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That is true though, no matter how hard you try to meme it. If it makes your historically and philosophically illiterate brain any better, "real capitalism" (anarchist completely unregulated free market version) hasn't been tried yet either.

>ooooh pretty lights, force feed me more meaningless garbage, I live to consume things

Literally fake, they had an outage during the time that was taken.

>b-bUt ThIs TiMe It WilL sUrElY wOrK
>*dies of hunger*

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Not him, but China seems awfully bright as well in this. What's your point?

>I wish I had things to consume.
>American and Soviet citizens eat about the same amount of food each day but the Soviet diet may be more nutritious.

feel any better*
No, but seriously if you want to truly understand what communism is, you don’t need to look any further than watching a few episodes of Star Trek, where you have a post-scarcity society, where people work because they want to, not because they have to, and the means of production are public and easily accessible.
That is the supposed end goal of communist ideology. However, the middle steps are quite different, since post-scarcity has to come from somewhere. The USSR model of arriving to post-scarcity was, indeed, state capitalism and heavy industrialisation. They were, again, supposedly building communism, and that was actually one of the driving propaganda points in USSR: “By doing X, you are contributing to the bright communist tomorrow”, etc. Quite obviously, they didn’t arrive anywhere near communism before the whole state collapsed.
All in all, calling USSR communist is like calling United States republican, United Kingdom conservative, and Germany social-democratic just because those particular political parties happen to be in power at a certain point in time.

>they had an outage during the time that was taken

What an exceptional occurence in socialist nations!


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Good times.

China is state capitalist nowadays.
And they only started growing after they abandoned misguided attempts at instituting communism and mostly embraced capitalism.

And yet thousands still die every week because of starvation nowadays when we have our wonderful capitalist world. How can you explain that?
You're lucky that you live in the West, not in a capitalist instead of a "communist" society.

>mfw Americans try and explain their biased opinions on complex themes

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fuck you leftcom keep dreaming of catalonia or some other 2 month civil war time

Nigger countries dont count, they will always be shit, no matter the system.

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They all say the same things too. It's spooky. Imagine being one of the kids who grew up when anti-communist propaganda was played on TV and stuff, some Ludovico Technique social conditioning shit right there.

Racist and capitalist in one, never seen that one before!

World starvation is at an all time low, dude. There are in fact more obese than starving people nowadays. Its in a way an ironic testament to capitalism's success that there are more people dying because they cant stop gorging themselves than because they are hungry.

Only the weak dream of what already existed.

That chart is even more impressive when you consider that it's not even correction for population.

>what? all those famines? pfffft, those ones don't count, they happened in africa who cares about them lmao
great argument

>less than 10% of people actually build society
Without all the low level workers fixing your sewage, building your home, creating infrastructure, growing crops and driving trucks human society would not function.

Society literally can't function if everyone are inventors. someone need to do the dirty work

Impressive. That won't count when we obliterate the Earth this century though. And guess why: because of the rich not giving a shit about the rest of us. And guess who enables this: capitalism.

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A lot of those famines are in countries previously ravaged by socialist dictatorships though. The picture is misleading because it paints them all blue.

>implying socialism would not be even more damaging to the environment

Actually you would be surprised but Africa is a very conservative continent. also the most famine infested continent on earth.

And the socialist ones don't count when they were previously ravaged by monarchist wealth hoarding capitalists right?

>Society literally can't function if everyone are inventors. someone need to do the dirty work
This is true, but the point wasn't that the 90% are useless, it's that, if 10% of those 90% disappeared overnight (all other things equal), the world would still be able to function. If that top 10% disappeared, the world wouldn't; those people create value, they create the means that keep the other 90% alive and functioning.

I like that the first line of that graphic is "No one knows exactly what this world will look like...". Just because global warming is real doesn't mean it's the end of human existence, chicken little. It means less shoreline, which means relocation that would take place over the course of a century, with tundra becoming accessible. That is hardly a doomsday scenario.

Nigga I don't give a shit about socialism. I just hate capitalism because of the reasons provided in my previous post and I'll support whatever gives a shit about our planet, the arts and the sciences.


>feudalism isn't just proto-capitalism

>it's early capitalism because I say it is

And without the 90% who actually work in the dirty jobs no one else wants to do the "elite" 10% wouldn't survive either, until the majority of them decide to change and do the dirty job themselves.

The point is, someone doing the dirty job is a necessity of life. i think its really sickening that you bash them instead of thanking them for making your life better.

Socialism is still a greater threat than climate change.

With inventiveness and technologies enabled by capitalism, we can adapt to a warming world, and even colonize space if it becomes too warm.

But socialism in such a world will mean the end of mankind.

feudalism and capitalism are two different economic systems based on different stages of development of the productive forces. feudalism transformed into capitalism once the feudal lords hindered the economic development of the newly established bougeoisie in the cities and they revolted against them.

Alright, if socialism is such a serious threat and you believe in pure capitalism, let's stop having the socialist programs known as the police, justice system and military. lets give big corporations turn those institutions into businesses for profit.

Let's have a capitalist society where if someone murders another person, you must pay the cops yourself so that they arrest him, and if you don't have the money they let him stay free. how does that sound?

Oh wait, you changed your mind? you want capitalism but you want SOME programs like the police and military to be socialized? how interesting! now move one step further and realize healthcare and eduation need to be socialized as well and you are at the lefty position


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>It means less shoreline, which means relocation that would take place over the course of a century, with tundra becoming accessible. That is hardly a doomsday scenario.
You might wanna check how many people live near coasts. All those people will either die, or become refugees.

>socialist programs known as the police, justice system and military.

>socialism is when the government does things, and the more things it does, the more socialister it is

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In the modern political terminology which is used in this times, this is exactly what socialism means.

Alot of political terms can mean slightly different things depending on the times.

Medium quality b8. I am gonna say this for any potential underage lurkers: The vast majority of companies in Venezuela are private. It's not even close to socialism of any kind let alone communism

What happened? i thought that the free market is better for everything.

If that's the case, wouldn't the free market make the police, military and justice system better?

Well, i mean, we both know that it will make it worse, which is exactly the point the left is making: we don't want everything to be socialized, but we believe some programs such as the military, police, EDUCATION, and HEALTHCARE, are better when they are socialized and not left to the free market

Do you really think that there's a dearth of praise in this world for the lower classes. There's nothing wrong with dirty jobs, and the people who do them; those people serve a perfectly wonderful function in this world. But Bubba the plumber isn't having people casually talking about beheading him, or stealing 95% of his wealth to throw at whatever government boondoggle is fashionable this week. The people who actually make this world function, the CEOs, the high level people who have an understanding of the intricacy of building an infrastructure, and get paid for that. They're regularly called trustfund babies, their wealth is delegitimized, they're called robbers; you have open communists talking about overthrowing them, killing them. You have politicians who regularly use them as political pawns, waving their money over the heads of the teeming masses of people like a carrot on a stick, "oh vote for me and I'll take all his money and reinvest it in you, the people. These 10% are 90% of the reason you live comfortably; and they are the most hated. I'm defending those people, because they don't have defenders.

>All those people will either die, or become refugees.
They have an entire century to relocate.

If it weren't for Marx, you'd be digging up rocks 20 hours a day.

Monarchies already were eroded and subsumed by capitalist relations in the late 19th century. The backbone of monarchs, hereditary nobilities became moribund and disappeared, replaced by purchased titles of large proprietors. In the first decade before the WW1 monarchs existed as technical and legal ghosts decoupled from economical reality. And those who survived it became honorary tourist attractions.

not it doesnt mean that. it's literally just capitalism because any modern capitalism has and needs exactly those things to maintain. you are thinking of: social democracy or a social welfare state.
why did you tag me im a marxist


>Socialism is still a greater threat than climate change.
>With inventiveness and technologies enabled by capitalism, we can adapt to a warming world, and even colonize space if it becomes too warm.
>But socialism in such a world will mean the end of mankind.
Based absolutely batshit insane fucking retarded brainwashed American. See

>let's stop having the socialist programs known as the police, justice system and military
I'm 100000% with you on this.

based retarded ancap

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Ens Cogitans - All My Born Days
Chart is retarded and only a true brainlet believes in it.

I wish you could go live in ancient india, your ideology is basically their caste system. which ended up being terrible for indians and they are now moving away from it

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>They have an entire century to relocate
Didn't check how many people live near coastal areas, did you?

>I followed Noam Chomsky's works closely in my youth, I know his premises
this is a close analysis of so-called market policies of last 40 years, not Noam Chomsky's premises, whatever the fuck that mean - something you don't like?
>If you had had a point to make, or something to explain you should have made that point
Large capital doesn't need markets, period. Markets under large capital consist of market distortions almost entirely.
>instead of using the most scummy argument tactic
look who's talking jackass

>They have an entire century to relocate.

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>listening to Scott Walker - The World's Strongest Man
>land on Weak Men

What did I mean by this


>is called out on his absolute bullshit
Now back to your shitty board, little fella.


What percentage of humanity is a threat of relocation due to climate change?

I'm not saying rich people are evil. But greedy people are. The subprime mortgage crisis was a perfect example of what happens when a few people have the power to forever alter the lives of the average poor or middle class person.

hmmmm don't know about 40% of the world.

>The subprime mortgage crisis was a perfect example of what happens when a few people have the power to forever alter the lives of the average poor or middle class person.
Complete misrepresentation. Ask yourself, why on Earth any reasonable bank would consider it profitable to make loans to people who can't pay them back.

>I'm not saying rich people are evil. But greedy people are.
it's the other way around in reality - the construction is old, bad and is falling apart, regardless of its inhabitants

If it weren't for Marx, humanity would be colonizing Mars by now

>Jamiroquai - A funk odyssey - Love Foolosophy
>Good times
Obviously funk is like a bunch of the best positive feels music.

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They have though.

Because they make money doing so. The more houses they sell, the more money they make. They don't really care much about delinquencies.

It's not enough time. Do you really people haven't thought this through? Every bit of research indicates that this is an existential threat.

weak mean

deftones - U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,A,B,Select,Start

Nah it is overblown. Worst comes to worst, we just pump aerosols into the stratosphere to reduce insolation. It would cost a fraction of fossil fuel phaseout, and can be accomplished by a few wealthy actors, instead of requiring global cooperation.

>wants to use pseudoscience to combat global warming
LOL fascists literally believe in using alternative medicine on the earth


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Kerser-Don't Fuck With Kerser

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Nanocyborg Uberholocaust - Cloud Collapse
I am a strong man

this is so gay it hurts looking at

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Morbid Saint - Damien

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>humanity would be colonizing Mars by now
aren't your capitalists colonizing Mars?

Dumb moron


Best version

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One of the reasons I'm exceptionally optimistic about the future, is because of how utterly meaningless the opinions of impotent morons like you all are. There are much smarter people who will write your fashionable opinions for you and you won't ever have to think about it. You'll get to wear your manufactured shade of altruism for display around polite society. It is the highest blessing to everyone here that you all are kept from feeling the practical pains of your own retarded opinions.

from: butthurt ex-socialist bloc faggot

Please, complain more, it's genuinely a sweet reminder of how pointless you all are, and I'm enjoying every second of it.

Carpenter Brut - Sexkiller on the loose
Slap-bang in the middle between strong men and good times both vertically and horizontally

But I'm actually a weakling Doomer

Hahaha indeed my supreme gentlesir our mountain peak of enlightened intellect is truly unreachable for these gnats.

Nah, I'm sure my opinions are as pointless as you all. But I at least have the decency to be thankful. Which is all I'm doing, is giving praise to the people who are better than you, and me.

>But I at least have the decency to be thankful.
Thankful for what?

Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill
Left corner end of purple

>My opinions are pointless
Not on election day. That's why it's important to have political debates and arguments. So you don't vote for someone just because their face is on CNN 24/7.

Thankful to the people who have made all our lives comfortable; the corporations, businesses, entrepreneurs, capitalists, inventors, investors, etc. The people who are smarter than you or me, who work harder, who risked more. All the people in a functioning free market who build a world that not gives you comfort that would have been unfathomable, but cheaply. A comfort so pervasive, that it's beneficiaries can mock it, debase it, and try to destroy it without success. Like an cat that swipes at it's owners leg, maybe the cat sees itself as vicious, but I know that you all are just pointlessly playing, which is why I'm finding this entertaining in the same way I would find a playful cat entertaining.

This is true, there are dangerous fashions of opinion; but if intelligent debate and argument was what's needed to preserve a country, then I think this place would have collapsed within a decade of it's founding. It's far more important to change the minds of a few intelligent people who then write the fashionable opinions of everyone else. A handful of journalists, intellectuals, writers, media producers, etc. Luckily, I believe that CNN, and the corporate press in general is dying, as are the traditional intellectual scenes, like universities; dying in the sense of a loss of clout. If their hegemony falls, the writing of opinions will be capable of being granulated.

Shit like this thread is why im so pessimistic about the future. Hardly anyone here knows what they're talking about.
Hard times/good times are situational and dont just depend on "strong" or "weak" men. This human race is embarrasing

Pic unrelated

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suck my cock you hypocritical faggot

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yes cause all non centrist ideologies are extremist

>Thankful to the people who have made all our lives comfortable
Yeah, in 1/10 of the globe's population.
Eat shit and die in a ditch motherfucking bootlicker.

>Yeah, in 1/10 of the globe's population.
: ]

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Based and well put.

Everyone on Earth is better off. Poverty is at all time low and decreasing as we speak.

>Let’s dig in here. The underlying data that Bourguignon and Morrison use is listed online and available for free at Maddison (1995). There are two important things that stand out.
>First, coverage. The data on global North countries is rich and robust. Not so for the South. Only 7 pages of this appendix pertain to the three continents of the global South (pages 93 to 99, at the very end). For Asia and Latin America, data for prior to 1900 exists for only three countries each. For Africa there is no data at all prior to 1900, and data for prior to 1950 exists for only three countries.
>this is not an adequate empirical basis on which to draw conclusions about long-term global poverty during the period of colonization. The data just isn’t there. There’s no getting around this critique, yet Roser and Hasell have ignored it. Sure, one might speculate on long-term trends in a text intended for academics, while foregrounding the uncertainty and lack of data, as B/M have done. But to create a shiny graph for lay consumption on social media while mentioning none of the uncertainty whatsoever is irresponsible.
Let me repeat it: Eat shit and die in a ditch, motherfucking bootlickers.

I kissed a dude at work, on the lips, in front of multiple coworkers, just to prove how retarded homophobia is. Now they all think im gay, and my oneitis friendzoned me even harder.

>Thankful to the people who have made all our lives comfortable; the corporations, businesses, entrepreneurs, capitalists, inventors, investors, etc. The people who are smarter than you or me, who work harder, who risked more. All the people in a functioning free market who build a world that not gives you comfort that would have been unfathomable, but cheaply.
You know they depend on workers, right? And I agree that they had the guts to start a business. But it doesn't mean you worship them, let them do whatever they want, and keep all the money that they wouldn't have been able to make without their employees.

Like Nikola Tesla? The guy who died penniless in the society that you think rewards the intelligent?

Are you implying Africa was actually less poor before 1900? Thats ridiculous.

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fuck off hypocrite

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Who exactly are moderates hurting? Why do "radicals" get so butthurt about them and think you are dumb if you aren't passionate about politics (which is a very trivial thing itself)

Ain't readin' that shit

>Thankful to the people who have made all our lives comfortable; the corporations, businesses, entrepreneurs, capitalists, inventors, investors
Imagine being such a bootlicker lmao. If you think capitalism rewards the ones that work the hardest and are the most innovative, you're fucking delusional.

>Who exactly are moderates hurting?
They're hurting themselves by being milquetoast and hurting society by failing to contribute anything of value.

Moderate doesnt mean not caring

Generally it means just not wanting to rub anyone the wrong way, which is a cop out.

Surfing - Lifetime (Deep Fantasy album)

(left, right) / (authoritarian, libertarian)
center / center-leaning libertarian
basically I'm in between green and purple

read lenin and stop thinking within the intellectually lazy lens of “if it’s authoritarian then it can’t be socialist!”

and you don’t know what socialism is.
PROTIP: it has nothing to do with the welfare state or high taxes

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the dishonest thing about this statement is, you don't dislike moderates for being moderate, you dislike them for not agreeing with your particular ideology

No, I dislike them for taking a backseat. It's lazy and/or weak.

the USSR’s dissolution is a very complex topic that’s still being debated today, but i would argue that reactionary economic reform (see: gorbachev) had a huge negative impact.

that is, a socialist state ultimately becoming a capitalist one. look at what it did to cuba.

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This desu

>PROTIP: it has nothing to do with the welfare state or high taxes
it actually does have something to do with those things
that's not the whole picture, but how are those not part of the definition

>read lenin
Spoiler: Lenin dies in 1924

is it you again, fascist-posing-as-leftard? did you take your medications today?

>hurting society by failing to contribute anything of value.
How is not contributing or a lack of involvement necessarily bad for a society? If you pull your own weight and don't go out of your to steal, hurt people, pollute, etc. then I'd say your place in humanity is pretty negligible

>who I am certain are significantly smarter than yourself.
sorry it was bothering me

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Green square, probably somewhere in the top half.

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Because you hurt it by not applying your energy and mind toward bettering it.

you anarchist are biggest faggots who start diving the radical left even when we are dealing with fascists

what that user is saying is right
if you still think that ussr was capitalist then go choke on some dick

confirmed for brain-dead


so was hitler a socialist because of his large welfare programs?
was churchill a socialist because of high ass tax rate?

i’ve been a marxist-leninist since like january bro

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adam smith died in 1790
literally what’s your point

>socialism is when the government does stuff

expel the proud non-readers of political theory

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or are you going to tell me that hitler and churchill WERE socialists, especially hitler, you absolute fucking retard?

anarchists are the biggest fucking losers around
an ideology for children

Exmilitary - Death Grips
just barely in the purple, almost in the center

talking to yourself, I see? First of all - I am not inside your head, relax. Don't forget to take your medication, you're at it again.
>if you still think that ussr was capitalist
It was a horrid trashpile beyond redemption, that's elementary human sense, not some political idea, and since you're on medication, you have to listen to sane people in order to make sense at all, pal.

that’s not me user
gaslighting people out of leftfield isn’t an argument

in any case, these were real governments with real material conditions and everything. you come across as someone who stopped researching history with any honest depth after high school.

lmao cope
cnt fai didn't lasted 2 day without the support of ussr and yet you faggots have the audacity to talk shit about ussr
I can only imagine what hitler would have done with you anarkiddies

>in any case, these were real governments with real material conditions and everything.
Glad you can use leftist babble, good boy. Not.

In my last post I explained the concept of an individual who wouldn't be helping OR hurting society. Do you really think that there is no such thing as being "commensal"; that you can only be a benefit or detriment with no inbetween? I see most moderates as having that relationship to a society, but you clearly believe that being apathetic is inherently wrong, and that's very questionable

my point that you missed is that you don’t care about any of the conditions that led to the USSR’s collapse because you don’t actually know about any of them.

“a horrid trash pile beyond redemption” is inherently vague and unconstructive.

please read an in-depth analysis of the soviet union before you embarrass yourself again, you theoryless anti-intellectual.

Xiu Xiu - Girl with a basket of fruit
hard times

You worship ideal states, not
>real material conditions and everything.
It was the merit and bravery of real peoples whose labor and intelligence this rancid state apparatus fed off of. It's funny how you accuse anyone of "anarchism" when your own perversions become visible. Perhaps a strong state in certain "real material conditions" would work well for mankind, who knows? Unfortunately, your example of a state really existed as an abomination beyond redemption and died accordingly.

literally what the fuck are you talking about
i accuse you of being vague (and blatantly appealing to emotion) and instead of showing self-awareness you double the fuck down.

correct yourself, this rancid state apparatus that you’ve never read an in-depth analysis about in your life.

earth - land of some other order
far lib left

why not grow up and become a leninist

and that was an anarchist state
what the fuck is your point?


No, the west had a major depression in the interbellum while the soviets powered through like nothing was happening. Only when stalin died and retards like brezhnev got the reigns did the soviets start to decline

he has no fucking point. anti-communists have zero respect for nuance, they’re more interested in that tingling feeling you get when you think you win an argument.

sorry I like food

fucking cringe

we should call ourselves communists in public

hahahaha what fucking larper
im sure cnt-fai had plenty of it

you’re effectively a right-winger who doesn’t know anything about the history of M-L states

well user all leninists are communists but not all communists are leninists

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anarchists always create divide
it give right winger pieces of shit take so much advantage

yeah but "Communist" is what we truly are
we should not hesitate to use that word in public

when we're debating with each other yeah we should use words such as Leninist etc. to show our positions

>we should not hesitate to use that word in public
>when we're debating with each other yeah we should use words such as Leninist etc. to show our positions

alright that’s fair enough.
speaking as an ex-staunch right winger, they don’t believe in ANYTHING except winning arguments with perceived leftists. just look at this post and tell me he gives a shit about discussion and improving his knowledge.

Metgumbnerbone - A3 Recorded At Metgumbnerbone Temple July 1983

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why don't you commies get together and form a commune? no really, what' your excuse?

pic 100% related
every tinpot sailor itt

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what makes you think nobody here is a part of any trade union or communist party
you don’t know anything

Saor - Hearth
Green square equally between Good Times & hard Times

craft unions are not the iww and your tertiary political party is not relevant

the fact that you're all bitching and making retarded arguments instead of producing value for your commune, or at the very least using it as an example of communism working.


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Should have also linked this article:

I'm not an intellectual (I doubt you are, but whatever) and I'm not going to become one in the same manner you're not going to become an artist or a sportsman - there's nothing special about intellectuals if you're aware of "real material conditions" your fellow humans exist in, the world exterior to the bubble of web's unreason where thousands of theory monkeys punch the air and throw crap.
>you don’t care about any of the conditions that led to the USSR’s collapse
There's no epistemological necessity for me or you to bring up these large causal circuits every time when the word "dogshit" sums up the legacy of the soviet state with poetical precision. Why dabble in debate when it's a question of elementary moral discernment? Do you elaborate on the canine digestive tract when you step into dogshit? Their ideas were an anti-historical affront to man - both ussr and capitalist administrators agreed on the vision of historyless automated "development". And boy did they venture into ahistorical territory - namely into a trash can. What Marxism, where? They got what they deserved, these cunts.


this. the "muh strong men good times" loop is the absolute state of fascist delusions.

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Moonchild - King Crimson
Fascist probably. I think freedom works only for white people.

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Penderecki Symphony 7
somewhere blue

correct version