This album won a fucking pulitzer

>this album won a fucking pulitzer
Does anyone even listen to this shit today?

Attached: kendrick-lamar-damn.jpg (497x497, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:!wwURGSAa!BbLNLg1uc6jrcnOEpV6D2HJ4fjsd03oVNNp2lTdyCgg

so i was taking a walk the other day......

i forgot about this shitty nigger album the day after it came out

the leaked version is way better btw

what are the differences?

leaked version: ooga ooga
release version: ooga booga

Where do I find this version?

Some tracks just sound way different especially Love. The leaked version of Love is one of my favorite kendrick songs but the official version is ass.
Idk honestly. I can upload it if you're interested

Pulitzer gives out a mumble award?

kendrick is more forced than rape

Sure, I'm interested enough.

>Kendrick Lamar - DAMN (leak)!wwURGSAa!BbLNLg1uc6jrcnOEpV6D2HJ4fjsd03oVNNp2lTdyCgg

Attached: cover.jpg (1200x1200, 263K)

Interesting, it generally just sounds better mixed to me. Worse in parts though.

seemed like a sad attempt at making young people give a shit about pulitzer prizes

neat thanks

thank you

Lol, this

Awards are always given out a couple albums too late. Which sucks because it makes artists and records companies think that's their best stuff.
I fucking hate DAMN. It's so much worse than the albums before it.

ALL of these awards are simply ways of Jews to continue to subvert culture by literally giving a fake prestige to their own sycophants. They just award themselves over and over and normies take it seriously. It's a fucking joke.


No it's garbage.

i tried to listen to this album but it's just a normal rap album, that is to say a bunch of slow-paced, long-winded, unnecessary songs and a handful of hits

Love doesn't even sound different here


Isn't it just the intro part for LOVE that's different? The official version's got a different beat and the "Damn, love or lust. Damn, all of us" and "ANOTHER WORLD PREMIEEEEERE" bits, while the leaked version doesn't, and that's pretty much it, no?

I don’t know why it won a Pulitzer but I’ve liked it a lot from the day it came out, personally I think it’s his second best behind GKMC

thanks dude

probably would have gone to TPAB but too much time had passed

This, DAMN was awarded for the sole fact that TPAB wasnt given a grammy which is a bullshit trend that needs to end

The entire voicemail with his cousin talking about the black Israelites isn't on the leaked version

Kendrick might not deserve it but maybe he does but I just don’t like him, but of all his stuff why the actual fuck is it that the album that got it

it's like giving an oscar to someone for an average movie cause they didn't win when they deserved to. the album's not bad, but he really got the pullitzer for tpab

i do