This has to be one the worst I’ve seen, like what was he even going for with this?
Terrible Album Covers
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for a long time i thought he was cracking his knuckles
Is it even good? The cover has kept me from listening all these years
What was David Bowie thinking?
I just remember getting shuffled into this album and thought it was some shitty mixtape from like some nobody rapper. Only recently realized it was Danny Brown
Art Angles
These are comfy. Same with pic related.
it is good. don't be a faggot sheep that only listens to XXX and Atrocity Exhibition. one of the bonus tracks has a FF7 sample that goes stupid hard.
>one of the bonus tracks has a FF7 sample that goes stupid hard
Ew, incel music
I’m a sheep because I listen to two of his four albums, arguably his best two?
>I'm a sheep for only listening to his acclaimed works instead of taking in his whole discography and forming my own opinion from there.
Stop, leave this thread, board and website.
A classic.
Don’t attack incels in their home my son. They’ll eat you like the pussy they’ll never have.
Nigger I’ve listened to every album of his other than the hybrid (a whopping 3 of 4) so I don’t know what you want from me, I actually prefer old to AE so calm down you fucking autist. By the way, I’m listening to the Hybrid and it’s clearly his worst 2/3 of the way through, so that should shut you up
That just looks like a rip off of early 00s toon aesthetic
Never heard it but that's a great fucking album cover
Oh god, you just made me not want to listen to it.
step aside peasants
how do you do fellow kids
this is a good kinda shitty
Fuck you it fit the album PERFECTLY. Great cover too, I love it's style of abstract.
I like it, it's comfy and warm
Any prog metal
shit like this is so corny. 10 years ago when i learned photoshop as a kid i did exactly this kinda stuff because all the tutorials used to teach it.
>When your album art is cgi elemental men that look like they came straight out of a Playstation 1 game
wtf even is this beast
top 10 hip-hop album covers.
only one contains no blacks on the inside...choose wisely
number 1?
This dumb mother fucker
Legitimately one of his best songs
But you repeat yourself
This is shitty in a good way. It's charmingly ridiculous.
Nothing will beat this.
47 replies and no lift to experience. nice
looks like a loading screen in an old need for speed game
Knucklehead has been getting unusually beefy lately
oh and here's the deluxe edition
the album
cringe and redditpilled
fuck you this cover is great
daily reminder
It succeeds in unsettling me very much so I think it's good.
you say that likes it a bad thing
has some eh tracks, but honestly really good overall. i'd put it above old, and around the same as xxx
Great album, but the billboard theme makes it look like one of those Facebook profile photo edits that boomers use
You mean the BEST
music this guy prob listens to
it looks like the cover of a homoerotic novel
What if I told this a really cold and industrial sounding minimal techno album.
Would you believe me?
how the fuck did maiden go from their gorgeous album covers in the 80s to this
When one thinks of gamers, they stereotype them as unsuccessful, unkempt and immature. We are attacked by both left and right wing, yet our very hobby is based around self improvement of our instincts, reflexes and mental capacity.
The whole thing was supposed to look like the middle skeleton, but they DEMANDED to be this way.
even as discarding the finished piece.
Don't forget that the artist, David Patchett, thought this was such a monumentally stupid idea on the band's part that he requested his name be removed from the album's credits
A lot of UK artists are known for this
This man is rich as fuck and hangs out with all the big names in hip-hop yet this is the best album cover and "album trailer" he could possibly come up with.
He looks like he's wearing a hijab
surprised this one hasn't been posted yet
I see a perm like André
holy shit kek
This is so fucking cool ans based
this is cool
no but I like this album now
its been 3 years since fantano ripped this to shreads
where does the time go
almost all black metal album. they all follow the same theme of some cringy ass drawn mythical medieval shit
The terrible cropping makes it
my friend has this album and its fucking disgusting, never listened to it either but what the fuck even is that
great album, almost wanted to grab a copy of it on vinyl but then i remembered that the cover looked like this and I can't really stand having it on display.
Yea Forums outside of /meal/ trying to talk about metal is even worse than when reddit does it
The album art is perfect desu. The music is intentionally sleazy and uncomfortable and the art sums it up perfectly.
wtf are you stupid
this cover is great
especially for the kind of music it is
You couldn't possibly have a more fitting cover for a 80's/90's inspired house album wtf are you on about
Like said, perfect cover for a 80's inspired horror/cyberpunk themed album
it's tacky as shit. it'd look a little better without the girl.
yep youre retarded
BASED ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !
i'd gladly be retarded if it means that i have some kind of taste
This is based-tier
its an 80s themed synthwave album
the 80s were tacky
its supposed to be tacky
there are a lot of synthwave albums with good covers. this album by perturbator for instance is much better.
it follows the typical 80s synthwave vibe without being tacky.
sorry youre a no taste having retard
sure kiddo
glad you agree
monkey breathe
absolute garbage cover, 7/10 album.
juts beacuse its shitty doesnt mean its abstract lmao
It works desu
these pictures make me feel funny
He was playing alot of video games at the time and watching alot of cheesy anime at the time which inspired it
objectively wrong ,idiot
*agrrssively hand gestures at u*
I will cut you
This is a great cover though
I have no fucking idea how this was approved
This cover art will never stop pissing me off because they probably thought it was clever
That's not even the worst Creed cover
/meal/ doesn't know shit about metal, it's all 16 year old black metal and grind fans.
If your metal taste begins in the late 80s or 1990s, you don't know shit.
>tfw vampire skrillex steals your squid
i agree, they should've went with the gorgeous version without text
you can barely tell that it's a space fetus otherwise
/metal/ is just a bunch of boomer retards calling each other soiboys
RH covers always perfectly mimic the sound of their respective album. Stanley Donwood is a fantastic artist.
what the actual fuck i never knew this and ive seen the no text version before this is worse than realizing this is a fucking ear
>The whole thing was supposed to look like the middle skeleton, but they DEMANDED to be this way.
lmao another proof taht Metal is for tasteless cretins
more like brapwave, amirite
big twink energy
This is sick!
Looks like a singer-songwriter's CDR in a sleeve
Old mate Cave was never much good at cover art desu. Nocturama is a particularly bad example
The music nerd in me can appreciate the pet sounds font and old capitol records 45 label, but the rest of me hates this
You are all babies
Watch this
At least The Next Day and Blackstar's covers were pretty good
Is this a dickhead?
love this cover but I guess it depends on personal aesthetic
its done well
Its made by the same guy who does his other covers
I actually really enjoy how the colors were used in this one.
this one is just hard to look at
>implying this isn't a great cover
This monstrosity.