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Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)15:00:46 No.86787980▶
Italian fash welcome.
Spanish fash not welcome.
Fashwave General
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Fuck the marxist antifa kikes that always invade these threads
Based and redpilled OP gregreat music
We will defeat the cultural marxist nigger rap propaganda with redpilled aesthetics
>Fuck the marxist antifa kikes that always invade these threads
Yes yes.
They feed off of right-wing energy.
Withhout a right wing, there cannot exist a left wing.
Imagine Trump, in WarHammer gear, dancing to fash.
>decades of great rac and nsbm
>hmm today i will listen to faggy synthwave with a purple backround xd
Dude its freaking sick music listen to Xurious
Kys cuck
Music adapts, get over it
We're not afraid to take shit from the SJWs and cultural marxist white genociders who try to demoralize white men and institute their globalist world order. We're the first generation of white men in decades to push back against the tide and stand up for ourselves instead of "progressing" into decadence.
>"progressing" into decadence.
They believe they can achieve decadence by force...and they can, but only temporarily... and they don't know the decadence that is possible...they don't have the same
Obviously this shit isn't real music. Lazy meme joke tracks about your idiot political system are not genuine music discussion, you are simply here to stir up shit with your controversial opinions. Take it to /pol/.
>folk music isn't communist
Guess you wouldn't notice, if you shield yourself from all other forms of music.
Epic bangers
Very industrial
Faggot tranny
fuck off nazis
Get the fuck out. Go to or .
I encourage other sensible users of Yea Forums to report this low-quality off-topic post that clearly has not created a hospitable board environment and type sage in the options field when you reply.
Why do lefties always look like they smell?
came here to post this
>post that clearly has not created a hospitable board environment
MFW mu admits that they're snowflakes.
Actual lefties welcome diversity. What's wrong with diversity in music?
Is this even a genre without the music videos?
kill yourselves
Commie cucks über triggered
he's saying it's not hospitable because this low effort trash creates a shit board somehow shittier
>Is this even a genre without the music videos?
Yes, but the video is like the benis.
funny how you guys always add purely political labels to a genre X and think it's a different genre somehow
>purely political labels
Yes, this is unique to fash-wave
Groovy tunes broseph goebbels
>music I dislike is trash
I hold the same for people- therefore I don't see fash in Yea Forums as littering.
Kill yourselves you nazis. Scum of the Earth
You're just trying to stir controversy. This is a good board without people like you.
I'm able to deal with those with whom I disagree. It's called being an adult. You should try it out.
Seething Jews
Is Yea Forums the most blue-pilled board?
Awoo doesn't mind fash- and she loves men who are.
Trolling outside of Yea Forums is against the rules.
They are scared they are losing the culture war.
We have secured right-wing European leaders- now we take over the music.
MU better save all their folk and indie, because both will cease to exist.
Musically what sets it apart?
mu is incapable of discussing this type of music without involving politics and racebaiting
even if OP's intent was genuine (which I highly doubt) there is no way the thread will follow suit
>those holding opposing opinions are trolling me
>everyone is like me
Open your eyes.
>Musically what sets fash-wave apart?
Fashwave has strong and consistent rhythm, combined with elegance.
>there is no way the thread will not react
I'll lead, others can choose whether they:
-participate contstructively
-go off-topic
I will not pander to those who refuse to help themselves.
Depeche Mode b sides with neon Hitler pics and statues?
You're close. The OP itself is politics and racebaiting. It's trolling. /pol/ would be the place to seriously post this thread.
No, it's music. Intolerant bigot.
Fash is like classical played with synth.
nope it's not, NSBM does exactly that
>don't discuss music on mu if its artists aren't left-wing
>Synthwave has strong and consistent rhythm, combined with elegance.
>nope it's not, NSBM does exactly that
Need I put /s where it's obvious?
yup, political ideas fundamentally are not equal
go whine about equality somewhere else faggot
do you people think we are so stupid as to believe that you genuinely see musical merit in this type of music when detached from it's nazi aesthetic?
fashwave is the revival of the European spirit in music form with modern day technologies
subversives who shill rap and urban pop feel compelled to attack pro white music ong sight
Dude its banger after banger. Grandiose, epic war anthems. Fuck you commie.
>European spirit
>replicable shitty synthwave with swastikas
>my politics is superior
Politics are tools, useful during certain times for certain peoples.
I'd never assume MU capable of thinking. Stick with feeling, it's what you're good at.
>subversives who shill rap and urban pop feel compelled to attack pro white music ong sight
Truth is they don't know WHY they hate it, they just know it makes them uncomfortable- they hate feeling that they have a responsbiility to the future.
Every thread some kike comes in and kvetches.
Part of what makes this, fashwave, different, is that it lingers on certain beats- it doesn't move so fast like a dubstep does.
Plus, really strong rhythm.
>rebranded ponycore
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Sig Heil!
politics are tools, ideas are not tools. Ideas are more or less adequate reflections of the current problem of human consciousness, which is always singular, real and necessary. Politics essentially are applied ideas consisting of thought - they follow the same general law of inequality ideas do. There are no my or your politics, there's only real or illusory politics, otherwise you'll fall for either scepticism or idealism, both being outdated folly of 19th century's mind philosophy.
have sex
Not even a nazi, but I am fucking fascinated by this subgenre.
People have ideologies- worldviews by which they judge, and ideas they support.
There are no correct politics- there is only certain politics of certain people, are certain times.
>Not even a nazi
Not yet.
And that's a good thing.
Back to your tranny discord.
So disappointing that there's a thread sharing shitty music like this and not a single thread about Rammstein - Deutschland.
I get that it triggered nazi larpers and so you guys aren't interested; I'm just venting at the board.
>There are no correct politics- there is only certain politics of certain people, are certain times.
There's always correct and necessary politics as long as you live in the physical world of Earth and experience it. Quit this relativist babble, it's too '95.
i'm a nazi larper and think this video is legendary.
>There's always correct and necessary politics as long as you live in the physical world of Earth and experience it.
I agree.
this guy seems alright
>posting a strong meme
>but wanting to fight said meme
Leftists can't meme!
>I agree.
>posts ideological icon
>reality is ideological
Whew lad
have sex
prove me wrong
>singular consciousness
A leftist denying the existence of individual experiences
You have a nice conversation with yourself. At some point, I believe, bots will be so advanced that web users won't even need another humans to affirm their fictional superiority.
I'm not a "leftist" and never was one. Sorry, I feel like you forgot how to converse with human beings long ago. Ciao.
>Ideas are more or less adequate reflections of the current problem of human consciousness, which is always singular, real and necessary.
I'm sorry for being an ass.
Do you care to explain this?
I'm sure you can come up with something more creative than that, user.
Pick one.
Fascism is cringe and gay
Why can't you faggots just ignore the thead entirely? isn't it better that they make a thread and contain this music rather than posting it in every thread it might slightly be relevant to?
I don't care what you believe. Music isn't automatically good/bad based on it's politics, you can choose whether or not to engage with it in that way.
Because no one is here for the music itself it's just thinly veiled /pol/ propaganda. Now get off this board you faggots.
I don't deny that it's baiting, but who gives a fuck? it's music related and that's the only qualifier for posting it on a music board.
blessed beter griffin poster
Fuck off Nazis
I don't see how this is different than Yea Forumsirgins posting vidya music threads and being told to fuck right back off to their board.
it isn't but I don't have a problem with those threads either. it's music.
wow the intolerance itt is staggering. we love you fashies
instant derailment love it
Y'all should just listen to Death in June and Harvest rain
This is actually good compared to the other shit.
even this music is shit though
stop being a total waste of space on this planet and at least post black metal or something if you gotta poison this place with your garbage ideology
>dude vaporwave but 8 years too late and 90x more cringey
the fact: the only artistically decent nazi-related music is neofolk
Even then they aren't even nazi, they just like the imagery.
>we love you fashies
Yeah that and maybe burzum debatably
The rest is crap
Even Burzum sucks
burzum wasn't nazi-related.
>le beter!!!
>le bad memes but only ironically bad!
How old were you when you figured out Yea Forums has been taken over by twitter/reddit and died, anons?
>taken over
The internet has been taken over by reddit-tier people.
This is the first post that actually made me laugh out loud in a while, oh no no no no