Music for this feel?

Music for this feel?

Attached: Struggles of the modern man.jpg (640x456, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

not this shit again

grow up

There's literally nothing wrong with any of those

>'omg, pizza is bae' and 'feed me and let me nap'

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Sorry OP, I like men.

bruh just don't be a shithead

>t. never actually met a feminist

I wish a girl had a gun to my head. I'd take a mentall ill, feminist, obese, Lana Del Rey fan if it meant she loved me.

what's your type?

hi :)

If your dating options are shit, that's because you're shit, too.

>t. never actually met a feminist

>t. never actually met a feminist

he means a girl without a penis

>t. never actually met a feminist

>t. never actually met a feminist

Romantic or body?

have sex

I think a girl that's really into zodiac signs could be fun

either or

Yeesh, someone's upset. I have met plenty of feminists, in fact I tried dating a few. They were extremely obnoxious and wouldn't shut the fuck for 2 seconds about their "cause".


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just go sleep with a hooker already

>t. never actually met a feminist

you ain't fooling anyone
we all know you don't leave your mother's basement

as if kissing imbued you with special powers

Romantically, they have to be a kind person and not be mean to me. Liking movies is good, liking horror, avant garde and surrealist cinema is great. Also they have to love sex all and be down to fuck basically whenever within reason. Bodywise, I like tan to lighter skin tones, anything less than very obese, kempt or no body hair, and being uncircumcised is a big plus.

No, if I had any intention of deceiving you I would call myself a male feminist

Get over yourself, you are just as bad if not worse

Was thinking this criteria was way too demanding for someone using this board until I hit 'uncircumised' and realised you were a gay

Eh my wife definitely considers herself a feminist and she's never been insufferable about it that I can think of. She's an older millennial though maybe it's a generational thing.

The pizza and nap girl is just every woman on her period desu.

Lol what the fuck were you expecting you fuckin idiot

What if my dating options are non-existent? Does that mean I don't exist?

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Didn't read the previous posts in the chain, and your post is actually completely gender neutral aside from the circumcision thing.

guys who get a lot of women never seem to complain about them. in fact they seem really happy. whereas virgins complain all day and night about "roasties"

wouldn't that suggest that women are actually fantastic and that any complaints about them come out of bitterness and resentment?

No because the only people who hate women more than incels is other women.

ok andrew

Not OP but how did you know that’s my name

Congratulations, you reached the point.

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where's the fun in that?

Older married men are often rather sexist

>tfw you grew up, had sex, and the woman you had sex with instantly stopped being a feminist and now tells her friends the wage gap is a myth and male genital mutilation should be the next thing to be outlawed

Holy shit I love white women

I didn't even have to "redpill" her, it's like the moment she was done looking for dates she decided to be a hotter ben shapiro.

Guys who get a lot of women are extremely sexist and their rampant sexism is exactly why they can be so happy as man-whores. Anything even remotely egalitarian that leaves their lips is a lie and they see women as sex objects in the end. Ignorance is bliss. Ignorance also gets you pussy and money.

Complaining about women on the "incel" level is actually recognizing that women are human beings and is one step away from realizing that everyone is terrible regardless of sex. Reality sucks and knowing so causes you to drop out of it. AKA becoming a failure.

how about you date someone who isn't all of the above

You are either completely out of touch with reality or lying.

They don't seem as bad as the faggot in the picture

Lol. Are you just describing dudes you've been with? How do you know what you want, so clearly?

t. feminist

Are you giving him a compliment?


Neither, but I wouldn't expect a feminist to have any semblance of self awareness.

>women has flaws
>This is an issue
I'm sure the guy posting this is the pinnacle of masculinity with a great personality.

Am I not allowed to have types I am not interested in?

So, the former? Got it.

You are, but you're most likely being unrealistic. You're telling me you seriously wouldn't date a girl because she likes napping or being fed? What kind of Disney Princess do you want user, and what do you bring to the table that makes you think you deserve that?

>being this smug
And you wonder why people dislike you so much

incels btfoooo

Because they are completely out of touch with reality?

>guy who is not actually dating at all but is angry at "zodiac girls" and feminists online
Fixed that my man


Incels lul

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you literally fucked her brains out

I don't like women, user, can't help you.

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So we're doing this again? Spamming low-quality, off-topic garbage is a bannable offense, not that you would know that because you're clearly an election tourist newfag who came over here a couple years ago after seeing an ebin screencap on r/Yea Forums. Please do humanity a favor and devote your energies to something useful and unrelated to Yea Forums.

If you willingly label yourself that and publicly advocate the whole blackpill ideology, irregardless of what your motivation is, you're inviting nothing but derision and mockery. All the guys who vouch for that crap on r9k are bitter, unstable brainlets who bring down the net quality of the entire board with their whinging. Frustrations over social interaction have been a tried-and-true element of r9k discussion for the near-decade I've been going on there but these faggots just come across as obnoxious, spiteful dipshits.

Opinion discarded

the absolute audacity of this kid. calling others newfags and thinking the rules have ever mattered on Yea Forums. wow

pardon me for sticking by a set of principles, not that you would know anything about that. Yea Forums has obviously never been perfect but it's important to at least try to focus on music and keep some level of decorum. Spamming was obnoxious when people were doing it with MBDTF in 2010 and it's still obnoxious now, only you're not even staying on-topic because the MBDTF spam was at least about music.

looks like both

cool power fantasy, brah