Describe me based on the stuff I like

Describe me based on the stuff I like

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16 years old


3 weeks on Yea Forums

shit taste


Teeny bopper/ college basedboy

God you’re fucking trolling I hope lol


24 years old with good taste.. have to have been here for 2+ years or so id say !

dunning kruger

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>that 12yo zoomer who likes ITCOTCK because of kanye

white 16 year old trying really hard to get into hip-hop. probably watches fantano. you probably only listen to 21st century schizoid man and then turn itcotkc off after that. tame impala because dude weed and frank ocean for muh feels this is literally me. not many bad albums there but it's so obvious you are just starting to really get into music.

Do you listen to anything that isn’t literally the most mainstream shit

uhh yeah??? do you see tame impala there ?

this nigga got every bon iver album in his top 50

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Do you listen to anything that isn’t literally the most mainstream shit

my turn

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181 weeks on mu
16 years old

Idk what it is. I’ve listened to some frank zappa and I like him but I don’t think I could listen to when that much of it. He’s released too much shit

Well, he's not for everyone. And he has released alot. But i don't get thinking you can't listen to that much of it. i just can't stop.

Besides, are you even really trying? ive listened to a little less than half of his 62 official releases, those are just my top 10. those 10 are about 10 hours of listening.

If you smoked a phat blunt, put on those albums each day for 10 days straight and went on about an hour drive, thats would be that.

I don't know about you, but im trying to listen to as much music as i can before i die.

underage newfag wigger




are you fucking shitting me? Tame Impala is mainstream white girl faux-hippie trash.

just started browsing here might be around 16 to 17 but still has nice music choices. Will probably stick around once he finds even more stuff

Attached: topsters2 (4).jpg (2020x1470, 425K) turn

You're a hamster gangster. Tone deaf prankster. You turn to pixels when you hear the call of the Snerd.

bremen lausanne is so underrated

>bremen Lausanne
I agree. I'm not a huge fan of improvisation buts he is a huge expectation

Correct answer while being polite. I like it

eerily similar taste desu

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>what a time to be alive
>whatever people say i am
>because the internet

4channel is an 18+ website and this a music board

gets recs from spotify

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you don’t actually like a lot of that stuff you just say you do because you’ve convinced yourself that you should.

sick chart

based boyo :) my turn!

Attached: 2019 chart ;).png (2325x1400, 1.4M)

probably 16 or 17 years old, wears supreme but doesn't skate

the amount of projection in this thread is unreal

go back to r/music