

Attached: meddle.jpg (220x220, 13K)

it's a nostril

Never listened to it, don't plan on it either.

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mediocre release by a mediocre band

that's the dog

Fearless > echoes

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Echoes is ok but everything else sucks


One of these days, I'm going to cut you to pieces.


Completely agree. I love Fearless.

Echoes is a masterpiece, the rest is ok

listened to this a while back when playing assassin creed 2, wasn't that enjoyable

Echoes >> One of These Days > San Tropez >> the rest

fag. it's PF's best album for sure.

second best floyd album

Echoes>One of These Days>Fearless>A Pillow of Winds>San Tropez>Seamus

Pillow of Winds is a low key masterpiece

Pink Floyd's most ambient album. Each song kind of does its own thing while having a real emphasis on sound.

Seamus is dogshit

One of Pink Floyd’s best albums for sure. Everything besides maybe Seamus is fucking awesome, especially that second half

Seamus is dog

Where was he?

sleepy times and i lie with my love by my side

green fields of cold rain is falling in a golden door

Its an ear my G

No shit because you were distracting yourself with a video game, try it again


hard agree