Can someone please tell me the difference between Death and Black metal?

I promise no disrespect, I simply wish to understand.

Attached: Hahametalgetit.jpg (268x188, 4K)

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alpha music
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death metal vocals are grunty and black metal vocals are shrieky


Death metal is riff based, and odd time signatures, atonality / weird tonality, and fancy playing are utilized much more often. Vocals are generally "growls" - low and gutteral - subject matter is generally violence, anger, etc. Focus on "brutality".

Black metal is much more traditional music with a lot of diatonic harmony and sounds more like what most people would think of as a "song" most of the time. Tremelo picking. Not much fancy guitar stuff. High pitched screams instead of growls. Subject matter includes much more fantasy and religious elements.

death metal is fast and brutal while black metal is lo-fi


Death metal is usually focused on low pitches in the vocals and guitars. More technical rhythms. Shifting tempos and slow breakdowns sometimes.
Black metal is more focused on high pitches and can have a noisy atmosphere. Usually involves straight tremolo picking, straight blast beats, and shrieking to make a disorienting dark atmosphere.
Very different, I like both.

death metal is a heavy rain, black metal a blizzard

listen to a cannibal corpse song and than a burzum song and you'll hear the difference m8

Death Metal is more straightforward, and just wants to bring heavy, fast, chugging music to your ears. Vocals are typically lower, and tend to be guttural in nature. Standout bands include Obituary, Death, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Entombed.

Black metal is very much about atmosphere, and wants to create as dark, forlorn, and icy an atmosphere as possible. It's very dissonant, but at the same time, melodic, which comes out more in the symphonic part of BM. First Wave Black Metal is more in line with thrash or death metal, and will have riffs and vocals like its children. FWBM bands are those like Celtic Frost, Venom, (early) Slayer, and Mercyful Fate. Second Wave Black Metal has higher vocals, almost shrieking. Standout SWBM bands include Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Immortal.


Death Metal is low, and very fast and heavy it likes to go
FWBM is like lofi, proto-thrash or death
SWBM is high, dissonant, and atmospheric.

embarrassing post user


If the music is heavy (lot of bass and low-end) and chuggy, the production is decent, and the vocals are low growls or grunts ather than screams or shrieks, and the lyrics deal with gore and horror, you're listening to death metal. Death metal bands typically have long hair, wear regular jeans or cargo shorts, tennis shoes or boots, and metal band shirts.

Death Metal

If the music is cold, the album cover is in black and white, production is garbage, and the music is either really thin and brittle or atmospheric and drenched in reverb, the vocals are screamed or shrieked, and the lyrics deal with satanism, black magic, forests, and winter, you're listening to black metal. Black metal bands typically wear black and white corpse paint, lots of black leather and denim, and spikes or nails on their bracelets, jackets, boots, etc.

Black Metal

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Good posts, anons:)

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cute nagatoro user


death metal album colors have bright colors
black metal album covers are basically black white xeroxes of a picture of a nerd holding a sword in a forest and like the album is called "lost wisdom"

OK, I have an epic question. Why is there no DSDM?

good analogy

death metal: fuck ur mom
black metal: fuck jesus

Diodorusii Siculus Death Metal?

Depressive Suicidal Dlack Metal

death metal: fuck society (my mom)
black metal: fuck society (my mom)