Run wagie run

run wagie run
make sale
forget the sum
and when at last the work is done
don't sit down it is time to make another one

god I love pink floyd, dabbing on wage slaves since 60's

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Fuck you it's Friday.

based and NEETpilled

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There's something so hilarious about NEET's shitting on people who are actually trying to earn an honest living, as if leeching one's way through life is anything to desire


REMINDER you can not appreciate pink floyd if you're not a communist neet

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lol enjoy being exploited

Pink Floyd suck after Atom Heart anyways. I'm sorry you're a disappointment to your parents AND have bad music taste, user.

You realize that human beings, particularly men, have evolved for centuries to work and provide for a family? Do you realize that these things provide a sense of fulfillment because our brains have developed pleasure centres that reward this behaviour? Perhaps I am "being exploited" somewhat but I'm working to be self employed sometime soon. Having goals is fulfilling and women are attracted to men who can provide for them.

>have evolved for centuries to work and provide for a family
for family, not for your boss mr shekelberg, give me a piece of land, some chickens and seeds, and I wll gladly provide for my family

Providing for a family means making money that can pay for food and a house, dipshit. What money are you making?? Why don't you go get a piece of land and start farming it? Or better yet why don't you start a business?

>Providing for a family means making money that can pay for food and a house
In capitalism, but it doesn't have to be that way


As if working 40 hours a week doing a meaningless job is anything more noble.

At least I'm secure in my allocation of survival tickets, and can pass the
>So what do you do?
test at parties.


so this is why yall hate blacks on welfare, eh

>it doesn’t have to be that way

Yeah, but considering you more than likely live in the capitalist global north, then it IS that way, and there’s no way you’re ever going to change that, so you should probably find a way to succeed within it rather than wishing for some impossible alternative

I will always respect someone who takes responsibility and works to find a better future for themselves. I can’t respect those who don’t have the spine to do even try to succeed and will instead take the path of least resistance, leeching off the backs of disapointed parents who wish they never had you.

>user, want to go out for dinner?
>oh, yes, just let me ask mama and papa if they’ll give me some money to pay for dinner out :) it’ll be a little over my allowance but I’m sure they’ll be fine with it as long as I say pretty please!!

Don’t act like you are in any way as respectable as a person who is at least trying. I guarantee if your parents are supporting you through neet life they would have been happy to put you through at least a year of college. If you were actually willing to work hard maybe you could have achieved something by now. Maybe you could be a business owner, or at the least have a secure job that pays well and garners respect. You could have a home of your own, your own car, but no instead you are shit talking people who actually try to achieve something with their lives over mommy and daddys internet connection. You lazy fuckers should have been bred out of the gene pool ages ago. Thank god no one will ever want to reproduce with your pathetic asses. And then you’ll hop in other threads and “woe is me” about your depression, well jeez maybe it’s because you spend all day in bed eating the food you didn’t even pay for, with zero to be proud of in your life, living a hollow shell of the existence we are supposed to live as human beings. Kill yourself retard, or better yet, get a fucking job.

drugs and hookers are more fun than any of your wagie lies.

>paying for drugs and hookers with your allowance from mammy and pappy


least i dont work at some 9 to 5 like some gay normalfag..... LAME

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