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Other urls found in this thread:

still not as ugly as sluggo

are all of the gay posters here like “i wanna fuck eggsoo in his bussy” or are there some who are like “i want eggsoo to fuck me in my bussy”?
and if so then who bullies who?

>You're outing yourselves as acne-covered, morbidly obese roastie sluts with gaping, splattered yeast-infested cuntcaverns. Why? This is a GAY GENERAL, and we prefer our men at BLOWJOB HEIGHT. It's time for you to get the fuck out so you stop disgracing this place with your harlotry and loose morals and lack of appreciation for Xiumin. You've been discovered, there's nothing you can hide behind now, disgusting fuckcows.

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i can't
i just... can't...

what the fuck does this even mean

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yeah we saw that falseflag already
need work


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wheein fancam

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why is he on the laptop when there’s a mac right there

really cute. thanks!


i would hold on to the tongue as long as possible

how, in the everloving FUCK, can someone be this fucking ugly

Attached: naky350.jpg (427x513, 52K)

you mean boyfriend jeans?

he didn't look soft and cute when he was skelly mode

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based yukichad

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haters gonna hate

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former, it's flexible

what's the correct name of cathy? huihyeon? or what?


All you can eat anons?

is that what you ask yourself every morning when you wake up and look in the mirror?

has he ever shown his forehead before? and ditch the down-turned puppy eyes, then he might look pretty sexy

Attached: 006AlKS7gy1fqeffkq59xj30k00zk43w.jpg (720x1280, 213K)

good photoshoot

Attached: D22rOibW0AI8r30.jpg (1200x800, 165K)

this was such cool styling

imagine how slippery it must be though

Attached: 105343695_BDBAC4B312.jpg (2000x3000, 451K)

not kpop

tickling d.o until he pees and then slapping him for making a mess

based moomoos, keep posting

i really like this chill moonbyul track

>v told a woman to give up her dreams and become a housewife already
how can one man be so based

my favorite bald bitch

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Having a mega crush on this gal

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hope she sees this bro

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belt'n'zippers is now cool again
fuck zoomers


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who is she

that's a good one but for me it's hwasa's be calm

plastic trannies

bored slut

he did a lot early on, like actually pushed back, now he sometimes has it split like this or down the middle, but it's mostly covered

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why are all suga posters dykes?

how the fuck am I supposed to know nugu groups like cherry bullet

fuck this quiz

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idk how i feel about his forehead

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no we aren't

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its bucci you fucking scrub


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because he looks like a lesbian
>taeyeon will never awkwardly say hi to you during her concert
feels bad

finally an attractive girl who loves her grandma

please don't stop

Attached: 1548662305131.webm (660x1068, 2.29M)

not very litty. i'll check back later

Attached: D22rO1EXcAUXBYq.jpg (877x1245, 142K)

Who is Pristin?

>misses half of twice
>gets 100% on gidle/pristin/dia

he should show it more, he usually has the standard kpop bowlcut which is boring
his recent perm sucks

Attached: D105VuLUgAEoxxn.jpg (1365x2048, 327K)

>not knowing all of OMG and LOONA, which are memed here every single day

huh... who are you?

one (You) for urkel

its way better and more sensible than what blackpink is trying to do in these new teasers

sluggie though...

i wish i had more wheein. that's like my one sexier one

Attached: w50.jpg (1000x1500, 171K)


She's obviously a psycho bitch. I could tell simply by looking at the first frame. Poor user, if you're this naive you're really going to end up with a fucked love life.

>obsessed with K-POP
Red flag.
>dyed hair
Red flag.
>heavy/glam makeup
Red flag.
>vocal fry
Red flag.

Is he going to hang himself

no, i'm going to do it

imagine only knowing sinb of gfriend
how can you be a kpop fan

Not every member gets memed though

i don't speak italian

Just some niggers.

damn never heard this before, I really liked Twit but this is so much more interesting

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fuck me that was way harder than expected. only got 62/161 on the boomer one. so many faces i could recall, but not put a name to. i couldn't even remember all the names of fucking snsd; somehow baasedoung and seohyun slipped my mind.

she's a peach. i actually started liking slug because of watching 'idol drama operation team' because moonbyul was on it, and then her collab with moon sealed it

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oh buddy

My mind didn't went blank this time, at least

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I like his perm, it's cute. But this is my fav hair on him.

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I love this song and the video too. I have a connection to sad songs with people walking alone in big cities, drinking in parks etc


who here /gets their groceries delivered and doesn't even answer the door for the driver after making them carry 20L of water up 2 flights of stairs/ lmao


Entertainment Weekly spoiled BTS new choreo

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im transgender :)

I mean, but Jiho was posted last thread, unless you were ignoring those posts. Binnie gets spammed all the time too.

the fuck is up with that word filter

based pcy

it's great isn't it? hwasa has such a nice and interesting voice. if you haven't heard it here's another one of her lesser known songs it's so good

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i did the quiz again and got 147 (130 last night) i should really learn the names of wjsn and gwsn. I listen to them quite a bit but don't even know more than 3 names. i absolutely refuse to learn the names of neon bullet and cherry punch i dont listen to them

>attached earlobe
looks kinda weird because I have detached earlobes

fuck yeah


Maybe it's best you stay off Taeyeon's radar

Attached: Taeyeon rifle.png (603x978, 307K)

i actually really like what there is of neonpunch and cherry bullet's music but i just can't get into every group so couldn't name the members either

oh no no no

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I give up, fuck nugus

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how's the mamamoo ep

i like how tatted up mamamoo are

remember that theory where jimin was a tranny? lmao

the lower your score the better
it means you have something of a life

it's all what you're used to

Attached: wl.png (564x846, 1.1M)

that's fucking terrible, go back to twitter

How kpg reacted when Kyungsoo shaved his hair I wasn't here back then

you missed more than just nugus lol

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Psycho bitches are kinda hot.
Relax user

its not that deep

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Lovelyz are so much better than the rest of this kpoop trash it's laughable.
im not even joking. you are all gay. i've dived deep into this shit you call kpop and lovelyz are absolutely without a doubt #1

isn't that a britcucks rifle?


word, lots of people agree monster baek was his best era so far

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i love my bf

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they started calling him egg

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no, soviet. You're thinking of a different one

the black was a better style but glad they did it again

Holy shit you pretty much had the same result I did
post your scores kpg you have no excuse not to get 170

for boomers

Attached: 113.jpg (1000x1503, 305K)

why are you even in this thread?

when did wheein become a sexmom

it was the best era for a lot of them

Attached: D2EW36hX0AAujHo.jpg (750x505, 49K)

he actually shaved his head twice before

1Piece shill...

I need to know who are the legitimately pure and celibate idols

what is a vocal fry anyway?

Jimin would absolute despise that bitch if he ever met her

Attached: 53.jpg (1200x1800, 251K)

oh i missed this one thanks for linking it

omo wish this was true

Holy shit, I've never noticed this.
Like, it's the very first time I've seen it on anybody.

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he got twice 100%, that's most of the posters here

gonna try the second one, let's see how it goes

snow white..

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for twice of course

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tzuyu has attached lobes too

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No one is afraid of God anymore.

i saw celibate as cellulite and got excited for a sec

it was lit

other groups besides twice definitely get posted though

>wishing your male bias had a digusting roast beef vagina instead of a cute little asian penis

based american

all i can look at now is her earlobes thanks a lot guys

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yeah she has a very soulful tone that I don't think is shared by any other idol in the industry. not full bodied like solar's or cute like wheein's, its unique

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he's not my husbando but it would be hilarious if he was a tranny


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she likes the groza?

any sharkman in

some based bitches

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I guess her earrings hide it well for me since they at least give some shape to it instead of having just a straight line.

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LOONA is ugly and has poor proportions
definitely NOT idols

Kings of mental illnesseses

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that could literally be anything lol

it would be even more hilarious if one of them turned out of be a mtf tranny and started transitioning on bts' peak

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any slugji bros in

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bout to vomit


they already have that commie manlet

isnt that a famas?
or i might be confusing it with another bullpup...

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it's proven once again the explanation for twiceshitters is they simply don't know anything else

keep posting wheein

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Loona is the best after lovelyz. RV 3rd

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wow, she's beautiful even in memecrops

are loona the biggest flop kpop has ever had?

Go Won is literally flawless

wow. she's ugly


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yeah their ink is pretty chill

Attached: e13e5da7ce64a67c628e964f604e4f00.jpg (680x453, 30K)

Remember when that random paparazzi randomly broke into BTS photoshoot with Vogue and they were just standing there the entire time? Kek

Check out @vantesage’s Tweet:

i came to wheein

Holy fuck, that girl that was supposed to be a mix of a tzuyu and naeun...
what happened

Stray Kids

this but hyunjin since she's the korean chewy except prettier and actually has a funny personality

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dogshit taste as expected from a brony

solar's the only one without tattoos right?

i don't blame you

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I really like it, not really a solid theme but I like the variety.

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>new steps with a choreographer

lmao, i remember that
funny shit

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what is the slugji combination? i hope she has slugs feet


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they really make it look so effortless

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Her face is too long and flat

>tfw your group is relevant because they have sjws and lgbt+ fans

too much bread

for me its moonbyul but I can appreciate the wheein posting

here is some solar to balance it out

Attached: 1549258787443.jpg (2731x4096, 859K)



are too much bread

i'm so used to mamamoo doing easier choreo so they can do their typical full live singing, it's pretty amazing they can perform at that level and still keep it up. they're so good honestly

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hahah holy fuck this made me laugh out loud

he's not "progressive" like RM or Suga so yeah probably

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I love loona


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same person

Reminder that Mamamoo won SMTM

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all groups popular with western fans...

wow, he's stupid


based. don't ever let anyone else's stupid opinions colour what you like

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inspirational tranny

that has to be the least attractive bodies i've seen in a group, jfc they're all fat midgets

Attached: IZ ONE CHU [1회] '흥이 차오른다, 가자!' 본격 장기자랑 타임★ 190321.webm (1920x1080, 2.69M)


don't worry I listen to the songs that get posted here, but they mostly sound so bad I don't bother learning more about the group


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what are some redpilled kpops

What's so funny is that BTS would send this mentally ill prostitute straight into the ovens. RM could probably make a sick beat out of samples of her Jewish screaming.

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thats what happens when you scout from instagram

Not this user but our boy Suggo often speaks about topics he shouldn't touch

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i still go back and binge watch their immortal songs performances. the're so good live

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word erase the nugus

loona has been around since 2016 and stray kids are already bigger

What happened to Elly from Weki Meki?


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gay kids

Attached: phone.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

who is this slut

the roasties eat this up
he aint wrong tho

this mamapoo faggot is cringy

if you dont wanna cum on arin's cellulite then youre actually gay

fyi trans is a mental illness and disproportionate suicide rate
also loona


Attached: idolsinyelllow-1111383037424472064-20190328_174219-img1.jpg (1365x2048, 283K)


this quiz is impossible because i only know these girls by names like "diajap," "frogfu," and "mommy milkies"



Park chaewon


i actually typed dubu a few times before remembering her actual name

my waifu for raifu

I really do feel like Ryujin could rape a man.

remember when some saesang walked in on BTS hotel room during hope's live and bighit played it off like it was a staff noona?

shit was freaky

If you don't like loona you are either below the age of full brain development or mentally retarded.

Attached: CFC43FDC-1219-4C48-81FC-75E561967CEB.jpg (1080x1080, 84K)

btw this is the performance that made wheein my #1

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I mean, I want to fuck Haseul but I don't listen to their music

she looks great with the short hair

loona is shit and for trannyniggers


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yeah for real, I've really gotten into them this year. I was casual for the last couple but with all these new loud but bland teenpop groups coming out I have begun to really appreciate Mamamoo as performers and of course personalities

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haseul mentioned

yuju looks different.
gfriend is the only purepop music i like

Why did AOA Mina delete all of her Instagram posts again

Spoken like a true retard

yeah she was mentioned right here

word. they were my first favorites for probably a lot of the same reasons you like them. i mostly post dreamcatcher now but i love mamamoo

Attached: w33.jpg (1136x756, 676K)

fucking haseul while she reading a bed time story to her members

how have i never seen this before

post her toecocks

shut the fuck up tranny

Attached: w31.jpg (1280x1920, 515K)

for genuine live performances no group can touch them

Attached: D2Z3nMTUgAASBQ7.jpg (1365x2048, 244K)

popularity LOL baaaahhhhh
me like what everyone else like


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moonsun is dead
moonslug for life

Attached: D2WYIdvUYAA4-jX.jpg (1133x1700, 188K)

want to feed her chocolates

there's like 4 or 5 of us, fuck off

moonsun is forever friend but word to moonslug too

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I am seething

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shut up roastie

Attached: Kyutiesgg-1046411847073705985-20180930_105000-img1.jpg (1062x1888, 294K)

>2 days
is bts dying?

Attached: D20JXUrUYAAftsD.jpg (720x900, 89K)

based and moonsun pilled

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wheein is the patrician's choice

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i did the boomer one, quite embarrassed about some of the qts i forgot

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it'sjust a trailer featuring the least popular member
we'll see when the real teaser/mv comes

Attached: mina-spots-you.webm (640x570, 532K)

No, it just further proves no one cares about Rap Retard.

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ksoo thread please

>its not real because its a flop

Attached: hf_dreamcatcher-1109440573348302848-20190323_090339-img1.jpg (1334x1776, 391K)

yep, stray kids > bts now

im a pleb
we have hwasa

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go back to your corner you cockroach

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seething, enjoy the downfall

hwasa's a shitty bitch no offense

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