>I'm a loser who can't accomplish any of his passions or dreams, who watch porn all nights, and who doesn't make any money. I'm mediocrity personified
Music for this feeling?
I'm a loser who can't accomplish any of his passions or dreams, who watch porn all nights...
>And can't even upload a decent pepe picture
kill yourself
what are your passions and dreams
Computer science, music and art. I have many sleeping projects that will very probably continue to sleep after my death...
lol i guarantee i watch more porn at night than you, i waste several hours on it, but with the rest of the time i create cool stuff thats literally my passion and which gives me the money to live.. dont blame porn for any failure in your life, its all up to you.
The watching of porn is just a part of my mediocrity
what are the projects
I won't go into details but very simple android video games, electronically produced concept albums, and other stuffs I may have forgotten
and you don't want to do them anymore or?
Start working out. Start getting up early. Don't watch as much porn. Literally everything else in your life with become easier if you accomplish these 3 things. Working out will make you more confident, waking up earlier will make you more productive, not watching as much porn will keep your mind focused on getting things done rather than focusing on body pleasures. These 3 things are how you accomplish your dreams.
Music for THIS feel
Dont give up my friend. There's work to be done.
the only question here is, why haven't you necked yourself already? what are you waiting for? it's gonna happen anyway, save yourself and everyone around you a lot of pain and suffering and do it already
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
don't encourage him, you should know better than that
Not OP, but how do you force yourself to commit to such goals?
why? it's not like he's gonna do anything, he's just looking for pity
"Our futures are essentially determined by two factors:
circumstances which are out of our control and
choices which are under our control.
By circumstances, we are referring to everything that is true today and everything in the future which is outside of out control, including, world affairs, acts of God, the laws of physics, who our family is, everything that happened the past and - importantly - other peoples choices and actions.
By choices we mean just the opposite - everything that is up to us to decide.
Although it may be an obvious statement to make, it is incumbent on all of us to devote our best energy to making good choices, and spend less energy worrying about our circumstances."
>don’t encourage him
fuck you, no one is obligated to give him pity.
The main thing is trusting the process. If you go to bed early you'll get up early. If you wake up early you'll be tired sooner, and eventually that's your new cycle.
Working out has to be a nonnegotiable priority, like eating and using the bathroom. Whether that makes working out in the morning, in the evening after work, or on your lunch break, you need to do it. After awhile it becomes routine and you'll WANT to do it instead of forcing yourself.
Porn takes the most discipline and self control. Just always remember that you dont HAVE to cum, you dont have to jerk off. Every time you consider wanking, consider another more productive thing you could do instead. I still struggle with this sometimes myself, because wanting to bust is the most powerful of all urges.
Getting started is the hardest part dude. Trust that after a month or two it wont feel like a chore, it will just be your new normal.
I realize this is Yea Forums and not /fit/ so here's some music to lift to
>ah-bloo-bloo I'm an incel
Nobody cares.
mou iyada